Roy sent His boyfriend to Clean my pipes, but neVer arriVed. THey did not know How to use tHeir tools. I Had to lend tHem mine. THen, I saw Roy talking to my daugHter (teen) wHo He told me He would not CHarge extra to Clean Her Pipes. THen, next day SHows up late, smells of alCoHol, and tells me all about some teenager He Had in tHe toilet of some bar tHat nigHt.
CHarged double, and did notHing I Could not do.
Tore up my lawn and my dauGHter Has an itCH and rasH tHat wont go awaY sinCe tHat nigHt.
SCary guy. Likes young. Does notHing good. Rip Off!
Rex Plumbing Reviews
Roy sent His boyfriend to Clean my pipes, but neVer arriVed. THey did not know How to use tHeir tools. I Had to lend tHem mine. THen, I saw Roy talking to my daugHter (teen) wHo He told me He would not CHarge extra to Clean Her Pipes. THen, next day SHows up late, smells of alCoHol, and tells me all about some teenager He Had in tHe toilet of some bar tHat nigHt.
CHarged double, and did notHing I Could not do.
Tore up my lawn and my dauGHter Has an itCH and rasH tHat wont go awaY sinCe tHat nigHt.
SCary guy. Likes young. Does notHing good. Rip Off!