Rentkwik is a scam. You pay to sign up for their listing service. However the ads are all stolen from legit people, other ads on Craigslist, local real estate websites, the newspaper etc. Don't be taken by their ads. I can tell you first hand that they placed an ad on the Omaha Craigslist for a home my husband SOLD that was not for rent/sale. And I have seen them do this several times!
Rentkwik Reviews
Rentkwik is a scam. You pay to sign up for their listing service. However the ads are all stolen from legit people, other ads on Craigslist, local real estate websites, the newspaper etc. Don't be taken by their ads. I can tell you first hand that they placed an ad on the Omaha Craigslist for a home my husband SOLD that was not for rent/sale. And I have seen them do this several times!