In the summer of 2014 I responded to a craigslist job posting offering a position as an in-home sales representative. I responded by transmitting my resume and contact information to Renewal of Andersen Seattle. I was soon contacted by the company to schedule an interview with Matt Gonzalez, the co-owner of Renewal by Andersen Seattle.
The interview with Matt Gonzalez revealed that the job was 100% Commision with vechicle and fuel provided by me. I would be conducting in-home sales presentations to conclude in making window sales at $2300 per window, in the Spokane area for a new Renewal by Andersen Spokane branch.
After about a month I was warned by a present and a former employee that Matt Gonzalez was not all that he seemed. I was told he was sneaky and two-faced with a lack of integrity.
In early October 2014 I was offered a lucrative sales territory in a nearby state by a former employer. The offer was accepted since the money was better and the comapny had proven to treat their sales people with the upmost respect and honesty.
I contacted Matt Gonzalez to inform him of my decision. Within 15 minutes of doing so he and one of his goons showed up at my door to pick up his sales samples. I noticed I did not get my commision check that week. Even though Washington State RCW's require employers to pay a former commision sales employee in the usual manner untill all jobs are paid off. As I did not need my money at that time, I waited untill I found that all my jobs were finished.
In early December 2014 I contacted Renewal by Andersen Seattle to inquire about my commissions. To my dismay the employees there would provide no information. It was suggested that I speak with Matt Gonzalez. He would not answer or return phone calls.
Matt Gonzalez's actions or lack thereof suggest that he really is lacking in integrity, sneaky and two-faced. No return calls, no acounting, no nothing. My hope is that no other sales person falls for his greedy trap.
"Behold, the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, are crying out against you, and the crys of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts."
Renewal By Andersen Reviews
In the summer of 2014 I responded to a craigslist job posting offering a position as an in-home sales representative. I responded by transmitting my resume and contact information to Renewal of Andersen Seattle. I was soon contacted by the company to schedule an interview with Matt Gonzalez, the co-owner of Renewal by Andersen Seattle.
The interview with Matt Gonzalez revealed that the job was 100% Commision with vechicle and fuel provided by me. I would be conducting in-home sales presentations to conclude in making window sales at $2300 per window, in the Spokane area for a new Renewal by Andersen Spokane branch.
After about a month I was warned by a present and a former employee that Matt Gonzalez was not all that he seemed. I was told he was sneaky and two-faced with a lack of integrity.
In early October 2014 I was offered a lucrative sales territory in a nearby state by a former employer. The offer was accepted since the money was better and the comapny had proven to treat their sales people with the upmost respect and honesty.
I contacted Matt Gonzalez to inform him of my decision. Within 15 minutes of doing so he and one of his goons showed up at my door to pick up his sales samples. I noticed I did not get my commision check that week. Even though Washington State RCW's require employers to pay a former commision sales employee in the usual manner untill all jobs are paid off. As I did not need my money at that time, I waited untill I found that all my jobs were finished.
In early December 2014 I contacted Renewal by Andersen Seattle to inquire about my commissions. To my dismay the employees there would provide no information. It was suggested that I speak with Matt Gonzalez. He would not answer or return phone calls.
Matt Gonzalez's actions or lack thereof suggest that he really is lacking in integrity, sneaky and two-faced. No return calls, no acounting, no nothing. My hope is that no other sales person falls for his greedy trap.
"Behold, the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, are crying out against you, and the crys of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts."