Ravens trucking Is the worst company anybody could work for. The human resource department and management are the worst people at ravens trucking that anyone could have employed. Mark would cuss you out and talk behind your back so bad it wasn't even funny. Cary was just as bad along with lying to other people about you too. He gave people terrible references that deserved good references for new jobs. With ravens trucking being bought out, maybe it will go somewhere now and treat its employees decently. There are a few other people that need their head screwed on there as well. Whatever you do do not go work at ravens trucking or for any of the ravens!!!!!!!
Raven's Trucking Reviews
Ravens trucking Is the worst company anybody could work for. The human resource department and management are the worst people at ravens trucking that anyone could have employed. Mark would cuss you out and talk behind your back so bad it wasn't even funny. Cary was just as bad along with lying to other people about you too. He gave people terrible references that deserved good references for new jobs. With ravens trucking being bought out, maybe it will go somewhere now and treat its employees decently. There are a few other people that need their head screwed on there as well. Whatever you do do not go work at ravens trucking or for any of the ravens!!!!!!!