This landlord was advised by me on the second day that I moved into his basement suite that there was a rodent of some kind in the walls. It took at least 60 days to have the exterminators get rid of the rats there. I was barely able to sleep at all for those 60 days. I have all sorts of ugly experiences with them as well. At the end of the day he gave me only $100 off of my rent for this disaster. Now that I have moved out and asked politely if he would avoid me taking him to Rentalsman to get a judgement, he just said leave me alone and would do nothing to compensate me.
I don't want to take the hours it would take to drive quite a distance to file an arbitration hearing against him. So I thought I should try to warn people how he treated me in this matter in case it helps them in some dealings with him in the future. There were many, many rats for the first 2 months making a lot of noise day and night. I even had one run over my barefoot in the kitchen and had to kill one that got caught in a trap but was only hurt quite badly but still flopping around on the rat trap in massive pain I suspect.
Yes there were rodents - mice, NOT rats. I called the rodent removal guy who came, took care of the problem and life carried on. It wasn't just the tenant that was bothered, so was I. Steps were taken, the problem was resolved, and I offered some compensation to the tenant for the inconvenience. If this gentlemen was so distraught, why did he continue to live there for the next year?
I don't appreciate blackmailing type calls,from a previous tenant threatening to take me to some action if I don't give him another $100. Calen drop dead, but say hi to Thomas and give him a pat on the head before you do that. The dog was a much more pleasant tenant.
Randall St. Godard Reviews
This landlord was advised by me on the second day that I moved into his basement suite that there was a rodent of some kind in the walls. It took at least 60 days to have the exterminators get rid of the rats there. I was barely able to sleep at all for those 60 days. I have all sorts of ugly experiences with them as well. At the end of the day he gave me only $100 off of my rent for this disaster. Now that I have moved out and asked politely if he would avoid me taking him to Rentalsman to get a judgement, he just said leave me alone and would do nothing to compensate me.
I don't want to take the hours it would take to drive quite a distance to file an arbitration hearing against him. So I thought I should try to warn people how he treated me in this matter in case it helps them in some dealings with him in the future. There were many, many rats for the first 2 months making a lot of noise day and night. I even had one run over my barefoot in the kitchen and had to kill one that got caught in a trap but was only hurt quite badly but still flopping around on the rat trap in massive pain I suspect.
Bad tenants will say anything!
Yes there were rodents - mice, NOT rats. I called the rodent removal guy who came, took care of the problem and life carried on. It wasn't just the tenant that was bothered, so was I. Steps were taken, the problem was resolved, and I offered some compensation to the tenant for the inconvenience. If this gentlemen was so distraught, why did he continue to live there for the next year?
I don't appreciate blackmailing type calls,from a previous tenant threatening to take me to some action if I don't give him another $100. Calen drop dead, but say hi to Thomas and give him a pat on the head before you do that. The dog was a much more pleasant tenant.