This "non-profit" has no financial data and can not provide any informaiton on where donations are going. The founder brings in his girlfriends, sleeps with them, gives them a job and they leave quickly, the position is a revolving door. The founder also has a gofundme setup for medical payments for his dog, that is deceased (although he is still taking money). He failed to disclose that the dog in question was retired and he had another service dog. Surprise, he got a donation of a service dog to him, he never once told of his other service dog that had for over a year.
The organization has a great idea behind it, those running it are using it to boost their own egos and misapprorpiate donations and funds. They tell everyone they are a 501c3, they are not listed with the state or with the Federal Government. Requests to see the documentation is met with the IRS lost it. When questioned, the founder will railroad and make up false claims against people. He will go as far as to "represent" outside organizations and provide official looking documentation stating that you are banned from doing anything with them, talking or face getting sued.
Save your money, give to a real organization with some scruples.
Project Wounded Ego Reviews
This "non-profit" has no financial data and can not provide any informaiton on where donations are going. The founder brings in his girlfriends, sleeps with them, gives them a job and they leave quickly, the position is a revolving door. The founder also has a gofundme setup for medical payments for his dog, that is deceased (although he is still taking money). He failed to disclose that the dog in question was retired and he had another service dog. Surprise, he got a donation of a service dog to him, he never once told of his other service dog that had for over a year.
The organization has a great idea behind it, those running it are using it to boost their own egos and misapprorpiate donations and funds. They tell everyone they are a 501c3, they are not listed with the state or with the Federal Government. Requests to see the documentation is met with the IRS lost it. When questioned, the founder will railroad and make up false claims against people. He will go as far as to "represent" outside organizations and provide official looking documentation stating that you are banned from doing anything with them, talking or face getting sued.
Save your money, give to a real organization with some scruples.