Please stay away from This website lists the names and email addresses of so-called private money lenders, and the amounts they will lend in a particular area. When you contact a lender, you'll receive an email to ask for basic information, including how much you need.
The person may even send you a document to sign and send back. But when you call this person, or they call you, it's a foreign speaker (with an African, or Afro-Caribbean accent) and they'll ask for money upfront for fees or insurance, while promising you'll get the money funding.
Red Flags: They want you to wire the upfront money to them before they release the funds.
Please DO NOT do this. You will NEVER get funded and you will NEVER get your money refunded.
This happened to me, and I want to warn everyone to just stay away from
In particular, there is a so-called lender named "David R. Ashton" who is a partner in crime with These are scam artiists, con artists and out right liars, who will steal your money. Stay away from these creeps!! Reviews
Please stay away from This website lists the names and email addresses of so-called private money lenders, and the amounts they will lend in a particular area. When you contact a lender, you'll receive an email to ask for basic information, including how much you need.
The person may even send you a document to sign and send back. But when you call this person, or they call you, it's a foreign speaker (with an African, or Afro-Caribbean accent) and they'll ask for money upfront for fees or insurance, while promising you'll get the money funding.
Red Flags: They want you to wire the upfront money to them before they release the funds.
Please DO NOT do this. You will NEVER get funded and you will NEVER get your money refunded.
This happened to me, and I want to warn everyone to just stay away from
In particular, there is a so-called lender named "David R. Ashton" who is a partner in crime with These are scam artiists, con artists and out right liars, who will steal your money. Stay away from these creeps!!