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Print My ATM

Country United States
State Bangladesh
City Orlando
Address 100 W. Lucerne Circle Suite 200
Phone 1.407.272.8536
Website printmyuniversity.com/

Print My ATM Reviews

  • Nov 17, 2014
  • 1 2 3 4 5

William Saunders, the owner of Print My Atm (Print My University) is a con man. His trainings consist of margingale style slots trading. On youtube videos he shows him earining hundreds of thousands daily. You will not find one person stating that he his having the same success as him after all these months and we do not truly know if he using a demo account or real money. Charging $50 to $5000 + is his real money maker.

William was in the MCA (Motor Clubs of America) scam and decide to share the little knowledge that he accquired from previous binary and forex training. Others gain small success but he moved on to start Print My ATM to make money from his real source, "Training not Trading".

The site has been up for months with the same set of testimionials (his friends and close associates) http://printmyuniversity.com/student-testimonials/.

Months ago, I signed up for this training just to see if he had something to truly offer. I must admit, the site layout is nice and he had a lot of motivational video fluff to make you feel as if your money is well spent. But lets be honest, you are here for trading training, not Tony Robbins. Along with other unauthorized videos from other sources, Will speaks on strategies that have lost me and few others a good bit of money. He states to be a expert who earns millions but he is still new to Nadex. A lot of trainees where scammed by overseas brokers which you would think Will could of warned them if he is knowledgeable of the market. A lot of these scammers make money off brokers by being a affiliate earning on CPA.

There is no reason to pay for Expert level. When you move up its just more strategy crap and the training lacks so much compared to true trading training on the market. Your better of learning from a FB group, then this guy.

I personally know someone that Will has lost thousands of dollars by trading on their account.

Do not believe this SHAM.

People like this need to just state the truth, they are a marketer scammer.

If you do your research this, multi millionaire trader lives in a basic home. Yes, successful people tend to keep it low key but this guy boost on his facebook page with a nice shiny gold diamond rolex, sitting on top of mercedes. So William Saunders, is not frugal.

He is not who he wants you to believe.

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