I had an account with this company, and was contemplating making a purchase. 5 minutes later I get a noreply email from them saying that my order is complete. I never finalized a transaction, and once i called them up, they said that they would absolutely never refund my money, only 10 minutes after this unauthorized transaction took place. I called 3 different times, and only sales reps answer the phones to book sales.. there was no customer service, or anyway to get a refund since all sales reps were not interested in helping me.
Primesport.com Reviews
I had an account with this company, and was contemplating making a purchase. 5 minutes later I get a noreply email from them saying that my order is complete. I never finalized a transaction, and once i called them up, they said that they would absolutely never refund my money, only 10 minutes after this unauthorized transaction took place. I called 3 different times, and only sales reps answer the phones to book sales.. there was no customer service, or anyway to get a refund since all sales reps were not interested in helping me.
John-Paul - Farmingdale, NY