This company preteneds to provide around the clock support and proactive monitoring of your companys most sensitvie computer systems when all they really do is collect a check at the end of each month and do nothing to actually earn it. it is a bare bones operations consisting of one engineer and the owner that trys to pretend it is a much larger company that can meet any and all needs that a company might have which is the furthest thing from the truth, they are not trained or under trained in the areas they claim to be experts in and will willingly mislead you into thinking that you ar dealing with profesionals when all the owner is lookin gto do is fatten his wallet at your expense. their backup and disaster recovery systems fail consistently and the never tell the client that they are currently unprotected especially when it comes to their most critical of data. they bring a bad name to the legitimate manage service providers out their who work hard to bring a quality experience and product to market for the customer base. The owner of this company is interested in profits and only that and the customer is the one who suffers for it.
Premier One IT Solutions Reviews
This company preteneds to provide around the clock support and proactive monitoring of your companys most sensitvie computer systems when all they really do is collect a check at the end of each month and do nothing to actually earn it. it is a bare bones operations consisting of one engineer and the owner that trys to pretend it is a much larger company that can meet any and all needs that a company might have which is the furthest thing from the truth, they are not trained or under trained in the areas they claim to be experts in and will willingly mislead you into thinking that you ar dealing with profesionals when all the owner is lookin gto do is fatten his wallet at your expense. their backup and disaster recovery systems fail consistently and the never tell the client that they are currently unprotected especially when it comes to their most critical of data. they bring a bad name to the legitimate manage service providers out their who work hard to bring a quality experience and product to market for the customer base. The owner of this company is interested in profits and only that and the customer is the one who suffers for it.