This individual purchased hardware for computer use, and as he was unable to connect the unit to a computer running the appropriate software, he requested a refund, providing vicious & misinforming information, so that a business was deemed unsuitable to continue listings an on-line store website.
This individual is a thief who knowingly and fraudulently purchased an item, then alleges it is not functioning. It is obvious that he has no knowledge of the operating system required for vintage hardware, nor is he apparently sufficiently intelligent enough to read a manual to become educated as to its operation and/or use.
A review of his internet business supports the contention of fraud, misrepresentation & theft.
Pierr Zirians Reviews
This individual purchased hardware for computer use, and as he was unable to connect the unit to a computer running the appropriate software, he requested a refund, providing vicious & misinforming information, so that a business was deemed unsuitable to continue listings an on-line store website.
This individual is a thief who knowingly and fraudulently purchased an item, then alleges it is not functioning. It is obvious that he has no knowledge of the operating system required for vintage hardware, nor is he apparently sufficiently intelligent enough to read a manual to become educated as to its operation and/or use.
A review of his internet business supports the contention of fraud, misrepresentation & theft.