Do NOT nuy from this company if you ever want to buy replica (novelty) goods, including watches, sunglasses, shoes, etc. Their quality is embarrassing bad.
Although their website states ""100% Quality, 100% Service, 100% Guarantee"", as well as 30 day return policy. However, they refuse to provide an address to return the horrible product to.
Company rep refuses to provide the address for returns. Product is of such bad and inferior quality that nobody will be caught dead wearing the product.
There are many reputable companies out there selling high quality product, this company, ""picknikegoods"" or ""sellhonestshoes"" is NOT one of them. AVOID AT ALL COSTS!!! Reviews
Do NOT nuy from this company if you ever want to buy replica (novelty) goods, including watches, sunglasses, shoes, etc. Their quality is embarrassing bad.
Although their website states ""100% Quality, 100% Service, 100% Guarantee"", as well as 30 day return policy. However, they refuse to provide an address to return the horrible product to.
Company rep refuses to provide the address for returns. Product is of such bad and inferior quality that nobody will be caught dead wearing the product.
There are many reputable companies out there selling high quality product, this company, ""picknikegoods"" or ""sellhonestshoes"" is NOT one of them. AVOID AT ALL COSTS!!!