I went online to look for quick financial help, not knowing that these payday loans know that it is illegal to give loans in several states. These lenders are ruthless. They call up to 8:59 at night. I had to change my number ; they were blowing up my phone with their annoying phone calls. Are there any numbers to an official who can help me notifying these lenders of their practices, and get them off my back?
My wife has s open account with this company, tryed to pay it off in February and company said it was changing over to another easier way to pay, but failed to allow her to pay it off, then changed over to interest only payments without any notification what so ever, and she used my cell as her number and all of a sudden these guys start calling on my phone stating they are lawyers and my wife is going to jail, then proceed to call her work and harass her, along whild continuing to call my phone etc..
so now my wife has had her hours cut at work because of this! Sort of funny how they have all of her information and its exactly the same payday mobility has! Go figure I think this company should be shut down and forced to pay any customers back for this scam! Its also funny how payday mobility has Indian sounding accents and so did these guys that continue to call and harass our family! I hope there's a lawyer that wishes to contact me to sue these b******s for everything they have!
Payday Mobility Reviews
callled me about an illegal payday loan i took out 2 years ago
called me to collect debt saying that they had filed a case against me I checked and no such case is on a docket in the courts of Tucson, az
I went online to look for quick financial help, not knowing that these payday loans know that it is illegal to give loans in several states. These lenders are ruthless. They call up to 8:59 at night. I had to change my number ; they were blowing up my phone with their annoying phone calls. Are there any numbers to an official who can help me notifying these lenders of their practices, and get them off my back?
My wife has s open account with this company, tryed to pay it off in February and company said it was changing over to another easier way to pay, but failed to allow her to pay it off, then changed over to interest only payments without any notification what so ever, and she used my cell as her number and all of a sudden these guys start calling on my phone stating they are lawyers and my wife is going to jail, then proceed to call her work and harass her, along whild continuing to call my phone etc..
so now my wife has had her hours cut at work because of this! Sort of funny how they have all of her information and its exactly the same payday mobility has! Go figure I think this company should be shut down and forced to pay any customers back for this scam! Its also funny how payday mobility has Indian sounding accents and so did these guys that continue to call and harass our family! I hope there's a lawyer that wishes to contact me to sue these b******s for everything they have!