Be aware of cheaters from employment agencies who charge at least 2 weeks of earning for nothing! This information should help you faith with corrupted businesses who got involve in employment, etc. in order to make more money on naive people who will be fired soon. Make sure that you always contact Labor Dept. in order to make justice against jerks who are creating DEFAMATION about you and charged over 1000 people illegally!
The Good People LLC is not licensed as a ""private employment agent,"" in Wisconsin. Therefore, if they charged YOU a fee to place you, they are operating illegally. If you file a complaint against them for charging you a fee, we can seek return of the fee you were required to pay them. Use the complaint form found here: for each of these complaints. Use a separate form for each one you decide to file.
Jim Ch.
Assistant Division Administrator &
Director, Labor Standards Bureau
Equal Rights Division
Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development
PO Box 8928
Madison, WI 53708-8928
Who approved those contracts for employment agencies? Probably someone who graduate University of Baloney:-)
IRS - similar response ... "" The payer was an individual desiring personal care services in the home. The worker was engaged through an agency by the payer to perform such services. The employer reported the worker's remuneration on Form 1099-MISC. The worker provided his services according to employer instructions and his prior training. If problems or complaints occurred, the worker contacted the employer, referring agency, or nurses for resolution.
The worker performed round-the-clock care at the payer's home (facility). The worker was required to perform his services personally. Any additional assistence was provided by his partner. Employer (facility) provided the medical equipment or family members. The worker did not lease equipment on incur expenses in the performence of his services. They provided the supplies, material and property.The payer paid the worker at daily rate. The payer did not cover the worker under workers' compensation.
Paul Hyski - Reviews
Be aware of cheaters from employment agencies who charge at least 2 weeks of earning for nothing! This information should help you faith with corrupted businesses who got involve in employment, etc. in order to make more money on naive people who will be fired soon. Make sure that you always contact Labor Dept. in order to make justice against jerks who are creating DEFAMATION about you and charged over 1000 people illegally!
The Good People LLC is not licensed as a ""private employment agent,"" in Wisconsin. Therefore, if they charged YOU a fee to place you, they are operating illegally. If you file a complaint against them for charging you a fee, we can seek return of the fee you were required to pay them. Use the complaint form found here: for each of these complaints. Use a separate form for each one you decide to file.
Jim Ch.
Assistant Division Administrator &
Director, Labor Standards Bureau
Equal Rights Division
Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development
PO Box 8928
Madison, WI 53708-8928
Who approved those contracts for employment agencies? Probably someone who graduate University of Baloney:-)
IRS - similar response ... "" The payer was an individual desiring personal care services in the home. The worker was engaged through an agency by the payer to perform such services. The employer reported the worker's remuneration on Form 1099-MISC. The worker provided his services according to employer instructions and his prior training. If problems or complaints occurred, the worker contacted the employer, referring agency, or nurses for resolution.
The worker performed round-the-clock care at the payer's home (facility). The worker was required to perform his services personally. Any additional assistence was provided by his partner. Employer (facility) provided the medical equipment or family members. The worker did not lease equipment on incur expenses in the performence of his services. They provided the supplies, material and property.The payer paid the worker at daily rate. The payer did not cover the worker under workers' compensation.