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P K Management Reviews
Senior Chteau Located in Cincinnati, Ohio of East Price Hill on the Hill. Managed by PK Management.
Originally managed before they had it was Stern Hendy. This building has been rundown more sense then.
It's just horrible. The place is loaded with tons of bed bugs and roches not good enough exterminators for the job.
Picking out certain tenants like they know who brought them in and who didn't. Not just that but everytime there is
a property manager working in the building it's never a professional for the job. It just involves too much crookedness
in the building it's just getting too old it's the same crap everyday. There is too much going in here people getting evicted
for no reasons. They just want to find something to evict you over for there not looking for tenants who do drugs in the
building or starting trouble with other tenants things like that. But there are drugs in the building though like marijuana you
can basically smell that stuff almost all over around or outside of the building. But the property manager in the building
doesn't really care less. But just being lazy I guess you can say the managers get paid for doing nothing. But if you want
something done or report them to hud to get them to do there job. Then that's when a grudge sets in for just wanting
something fix. The building was exposed on fox 19 news. On the side of all that they are intending on evicting me and I'm
totally disabled. My mom is disabled too but she does pretty much everything for me. She is not totally disabled like me
though. But this is a real kicker. A year later into now the manager wants to focus on evicting my sense they think they got
me right where they want me which I only have within 6 months to being evicted. My mom had breast cancer and she has
other health problems and me I some health problems too. Such as a heart murmur and a stomach ulcer which I take
medicine for. But the property manager or the regional who doesn't work in the same building she comes from the pk
management but visit's the senior chateau management office though. The property manager who works in the building
name is (Regina Love) regional manager's (Penny Higgings) There not doing a good job the whole pk management is no
good to the building. The building is just so nasty and disgusting it just should be shut down. The pk management along
with the building should be out business. The management is like who's got control or who's got the power. And I'm the
manager I do what I want. That's what they all say when the new manager take's over in that position. I'm speaking for
those who are to afraid to speak out. But for me not just for me but for my mom too. I need help because if I don't I may
be dead within 6 months from a heart attack. Please help! I need immediate help soon as possible.