Leslie and David have been running a large shop for many years, gaining a huge following due to their product lines and their vendors products. Several people have been refused by the owners to be paid, and are reported as threatening vendors when they come in to ask about their payment. For at least 3 years they have consistently refused to pay people and then choose to spread ill reports to other people about these vendors. Leslie and David personally owe me 75-100 in sales, I know that they owe several other vendors money for their sales. They're constant excuse is health problems and other 'personal' reasons. But they continue to buy massive amounts of things at auctions and claim they are being constantly "wiped out" by people buying things from their store. They also have opened a 2nd store in hillyard. They continue to manipulate and not pay vendors, and it needs to be brought to light.
Orphaned Decor Reviews
Leslie and David have been running a large shop for many years, gaining a huge following due to their product lines and their vendors products. Several people have been refused by the owners to be paid, and are reported as threatening vendors when they come in to ask about their payment. For at least 3 years they have consistently refused to pay people and then choose to spread ill reports to other people about these vendors. Leslie and David personally owe me 75-100 in sales, I know that they owe several other vendors money for their sales. They're constant excuse is health problems and other 'personal' reasons. But they continue to buy massive amounts of things at auctions and claim they are being constantly "wiped out" by people buying things from their store. They also have opened a 2nd store in hillyard. They continue to manipulate and not pay vendors, and it needs to be brought to light.