I ordered two bags that was supposed to be a real MK and they weren't I submitted a payment onlien and sure enough the money was taken out and found out from other people that it wa fake. One month later I received the bags in two seperate packages days away and 2 different address from a compny name Onion online GS . The bags are total plastic with a MK logo and they came from the following addresses and my bank coldn't return the money because thhey said it was alegit address:
address 1: songyongqing - overseas china road 119 chengxiang Qu Putianshifujian 351100 China Phone: 21121212
I ordered two bags that was supposed to be a real MK and they weren't I submitted a payment onlien and sure enough the money was taken out and found out from other people that it wa fake. One month later I received the bags in two seperate packages days away and 2 different address from a compny name Onion online GS . The bags are total plastic with a MK logo and they came from the following addresses and my bank coldn't return the money because thhey said it was alegit address:
address 1: songyongqing - overseas china road 119 chengxiang Qu Putianshifujian 351100 China Phone: 21121212
address 2: huangchi hensung damingluli hanjiangqu putianshi fujian 35110 China Phone: 15684611610
They charged me $ 187.00 for trash