Not Just Makeovers

Country Canada
City Ottawa, Ontario
Address 113 dalhousie
Phone 613-800-5223

Not Just Makeovers Reviews

  • Mar 4, 2015

I just met shonn. we answered an add from kijiji for an appartment for rent, and wen we showed up it was not to be expected. there was a salon on the main floor and a quarter kitchen. the lease between my girlfriend and him was written in hand on a half scap computer paper.

wen all was sayd and done she handed him $1000 cash and he left almost imediately. atfer he left we descovered an atm inside a closet. and hundreds of dollars in cash threwout the drawers of a pullout cart. we were extremely suspisious of this so we left.

the next day i returned with my father who was helping us move in, when an old man from a cross the street inormed us of who 'Shonn' is. i did a bit of research and it turns out that Shonn is a con. shonns salon is registered at 160 chapel when in fact it is lovated on the fist floor of a house located at 113 dalhousie.

he rents this house for 750$ from an elderly couple who i have not met. it is rented to him for use as a salon yet still rented it out as an appartment for 50$ less

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