North Shore Gas/People's Gas is a monopoly. You cannot go to another source to provide natural gas. They say they have alternatives but when you try to swith, you must give them your North Shore Gas account because they work through them. If you try to go to another company, you will still get supplied through North Shore Gas. It is a monopoly that needs to be stopped. They can charge you whatever they want because they know you cannot get gas anywhere else. I have a petition. Please contact for more info.
North Shore Gas Reviews
North Shore Gas/People's Gas is a monopoly. You cannot go to another source to provide natural gas. They say they have alternatives but when you try to swith, you must give them your North Shore Gas account because they work through them. If you try to go to another company, you will still get supplied through North Shore Gas. It is a monopoly that needs to be stopped. They can charge you whatever they want because they know you cannot get gas anywhere else. I have a petition. Please contact for more info.