Country | United States |
State | Chile |
City | Harlem |
Address | 101 W133 ST |
Dear dirt bag creating this stupid accusation against Natalie. Your absolutely completely mental And need help. Stalking her for the last 5+ years got you know where but another conviction charge against you for cyber bullying her. And all the websites prove it. Your just mad someone that amazing wants nothing to do with a psychiatric loser stalker like you !!!!!
Good. Your the innocent person.. You have so much respect from others. It's amazing how great of a person you turned out to be.. Well you know how the story goes PAY BACK IS A BITCH.. Karma is really gonna fuck you up.. Who's the piece of shit now skitzophrenic girl. Do you need medication? O I feel so bad for you.. Your such a great person... After being told not to harass me online you did so just to cause me problems. Let's see what life has in store for a person like you.. Good luck
Dear Natalie
You need medication. Stop pretending someone is stalking you and stop making fake profiles misrepresenting yourself online. Obviously you are making fake profiles posting pretending to be fake people. You have major mental illness and that's why you have no friends. Not so amazing at all.. Just a POS mental case. Obviously looking for attention!
Natalie Becerra is an online predator. Steals pictures from other women pretending to be fake people on dating websites
beware of this no line catphish. She was contacting me with several names for several years as a dating or romance scammer
with me Natalie was working at the expense of declining health.
Natalie is or was in the US airforce she is a conartist and liar. Stealing pictures from Innocent women to decieve men on dating websites. User name NATALIEPB
originally from Fresno CA. Born on 08-16-1980
her Facebook account!/natalie.becerra.35?__user=100004999141510
Her profiles on other dating websites
pretends to be lesbian. just a prude f***ing with men's minds trying to get back at her ex boyfriend on online dating. And not in a cute way. Hundreds of stolen pictures and profiles. Must have to do with Natalie's major mental illness...
strangley enough she has had rr friends help we in calling me pretending to be fake people f****** with my mind
she's on a dating website tormenting haraassing other users
Lieing douchebag. You've been stalking her for years. Your upset she didn't want you & now your trying to make her out to be the bad guy. Who has the mental disorder now. You still live with mommy and daddy and are a grown .. Well not man. Men don't treat women like this. Grow up or commit yourself. You have bigger problems then her. Tell the voices in your head to take you to a psych ward. She doesn't want you... SO MOVE ALONG!!!
Natalie Perez Becerra born in Fresno CA on 08-16-80 is an NYC FBI RAT. Natalie is responsible for the bust of marijuana dealers. Natalie Becerra is an FBI RAT
Natalie Perez Becerra FBI RAT. People have gone to jail for selling marijuana and possession of drugs because of Natalie Becerra. One of the biggest busts in Long Island history was due to this scumbag liar.
FBI rat. Beware Natalie has had marijuana dealers put in jail. FBI RAT NATALIE PEREZ BECERRA
Yea that right. Why don't you make some more fake profiles online
Ur psycho
Lieing douchebag. You've been stalking her for years. Your upset she didn't want you & now your trying to make her out to be the bad guy. Who has the mental disorder now. You still live with mommy and daddy and are a grown .. Well not man. Men don't treat women like this. Grow up or commit yourself. You have bigger problems then her. Tell the voices in your head to take you to a psych ward. She doesn't want you... SO MOVE ALONG!!!