Namasta Invvestments & B & B Depository RUBIES Reviews
Jan 19, 2015
So this is the way the story goes;
A few months ago, I was a broker in the middle of transaction involving my client and gentlemen named Abdul Anani. I can go on and on about all the events but I will keep it short and sweet.
Abdul Anani came with stories of great reputations in his high position in the medical industry. He bragged on about is reputation which proved real, except for this story I am about to tell you;
The transaction was moving well, and valid documents were passed back and forth. My client and I build a good relationship up with Anani and were moving forward with this deal.
Anani showed documents that stated he was the owner of Namasta Investments and Namasta owns the stones. He showed an appraisal and document supporting the sale of 44 bags of rubies and sapphires that were in B & B depository in Paradise, California.
My client preformed on his end and brought forward his financial capability to purchase these stones. Everyone involved were excited to close this deal. Things started to change; Anani wanted a portion of the money upfront in his account before showing the stones. Anani couldn’t get us a confirmed time to send our appraiser to verify the quality of the stones. Anani couldn’t get us to the stones, every situation was impossible. But he wanted the money. As you can imagine, there was a lot of frustration, re-negotiations and indifferences going on. My client got so pissed he sent his team to Paradise, California to check out the B& B Depository.
They found out there is no such place as B & B Depository. We started digging around town, asking questions, to find out that the stones Anani is selling are stolen and belong to an older lady who inherited the stones from her late husband. The stones were stolen from her in 2009 and she has been trying to get them back ever since.
We also found out that there really are not 44 bags of stones, which is the amount in the appraisal they gave us. Stones have been sold over the years and some of the stones got returned to the lady who owned them when she had the Paradise Police Department raid home of Larry Beiglers and they found some in buckets on his property filled with stones. Funny story here ; found out Larry Biegler is the owner of this B & B Depository. WATCH OUT HE USES MANY NAMES AND ALL THE DOCUMENTS ARE MANUPULATED TO APPEAR REAL.
If you come across a deal like this for any amounts of stones that mentions any of these names or feel your situation doesn’t feel right, immediately call the head Sargent at Paradise Police Department in California and the Tulsa Oklahoma Police Department and they will verify my findings, share what they know and advise you of the legal ramifications involving your purchase of these stolen goods.
Namasta Invvestments & B & B Depository RUBIES Reviews
So this is the way the story goes;
A few months ago, I was a broker in the middle of transaction involving my client and gentlemen named Abdul Anani. I can go on and on about all the events but I will keep it short and sweet.
Abdul Anani came with stories of great reputations in his high position in the medical industry. He bragged on about is reputation which proved real, except for this story I am about to tell you;
The transaction was moving well, and valid documents were passed back and forth. My client and I build a good relationship up with Anani and were moving forward with this deal.
Anani showed documents that stated he was the owner of Namasta Investments and Namasta owns the stones. He showed an appraisal and document supporting the sale of 44 bags of rubies and sapphires that were in B & B depository in Paradise, California.
My client preformed on his end and brought forward his financial capability to purchase these stones. Everyone involved were excited to close this deal. Things started to change; Anani wanted a portion of the money upfront in his account before showing the stones. Anani couldn’t get us a confirmed time to send our appraiser to verify the quality of the stones. Anani couldn’t get us to the stones, every situation was impossible. But he wanted the money. As you can imagine, there was a lot of frustration, re-negotiations and indifferences going on. My client got so pissed he sent his team to Paradise, California to check out the B& B Depository.
They found out there is no such place as B & B Depository. We started digging around town, asking questions, to find out that the stones Anani is selling are stolen and belong to an older lady who inherited the stones from her late husband. The stones were stolen from her in 2009 and she has been trying to get them back ever since.
We also found out that there really are not 44 bags of stones, which is the amount in the appraisal they gave us. Stones have been sold over the years and some of the stones got returned to the lady who owned them when she had the Paradise Police Department raid home of Larry Beiglers and they found some in buckets on his property filled with stones. Funny story here ; found out Larry Biegler is the owner of this B & B Depository. WATCH OUT HE USES MANY NAMES AND ALL THE DOCUMENTS ARE MANUPULATED TO APPEAR REAL.
If you come across a deal like this for any amounts of stones that mentions any of these names or feel your situation doesn’t feel right, immediately call the head Sargent at Paradise Police Department in California and the Tulsa Oklahoma Police Department and they will verify my findings, share what they know and advise you of the legal ramifications involving your purchase of these stolen goods.