Music Xray

Country United States
State New York
City New York
Address 25 Broadway 9th Floor

Music Xray Reviews

  • Jun 18, 2015

I am a newcomer to Music Xray, but at least at this point I don't see it as a scam or ripoff. It is possible to charge money for a service that truly benefits people. Realistically the way the music industry operates, at least in this country, it is unrealistic and illogical to argue that innumerable musicians should have unfettered access to Music Industry Professionals. Nor can any system, or internet platform, be created that can spare a majority from rejection. till as Mike as admitted there may need to be some finetuning of this platform. This is needed not only to improve the service, but to diminish the frustration evident on this and other sites.

There are at least a few areas that might need some improvement. One is the rating system. One or two MIP rankings shouldn't be able drop the ranking of a song too markedly, especially after five or more professionals have given the song a good rank. This suggests that there is no shared standard of expertise, and too much of an allowance for subjective opinion.

Second MIPs should be tracked and those, who consistently over a long period of time do not respond to reasonable communications or follow up on songs they have selected or placed on hold, should be weeded out.

Third MIPs should also be tracked so that those who disproportionately, from the greater pool of professionals, reject submissions over a significant period of time, can be weeded out. Without such improvements over time Music Xray will remain especailly vulnerable to ripoff and scam accusations, or at the very least of offering poor service.

  • Apr 28, 2015

I have been using Music Xray for years. I recently started to review them again online because for the past 2 years that I have been paying them money to submit to different music professionals, they all give me the exact same answers as if that's what they are being paid to do! I had a problem like this from a similar company out of the same state ( NewYork) who was paying A&R's who weren't actually looking to sign anyone, just collect there check to give a quick review of the couple seconds that they actually listened to! I am beginning to think Music Xray is doing the exact same thing. If you pay attention when signing up, you can register as a Listener, Artist, and or Music Professional which means, you can pay to submit to Atlantic Records and really be paying your next door neighbor who set up a profile as a A&R from Atlantic Records because Music Xray doesn't care because the receive monies when you submit your songs... I am currently looking into a class action suit against Music Xray. My attorney's are currently contacting A&R's that have had profiles on Music Xray from as far back as 2006 before anything is labeled official. Do Not Give These People Your Money!

  • Mar 25, 2015

Good candidate but regretfully it doesn't make the final cut this is what they all say after they take you money beware xray a&r 's are a scam. don't fall for these fake major label so called workers. scamm take you money.

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