This company lied about everthing they promised, they took my money and never did one thing for a year. I called them every month about what was happening and they said these things take time just wait. They did not build the websites they promised, or promoted anything, but just kept saying that remember you have a money back guarantee for a full refund after 1 year. After that I could not reach anyone on the phone or internet, they disapeared. Remember that you can always backcharge your credit card for services that did not meet expectations or promises that the company promised.
Modern Marketing Systems Reviews
This company lied about everthing they promised, they took my money and never did one thing for a year. I called them every month about what was happening and they said these things take time just wait. They did not build the websites they promised, or promoted anything, but just kept saying that remember you have a money back guarantee for a full refund after 1 year. After that I could not reach anyone on the phone or internet, they disapeared. Remember that you can always backcharge your credit card for services that did not meet expectations or promises that the company promised.