I, Jacob Holloman received a bill Stating " Dear Jacob Holloman, JUST A FRIENDLY REMINDER Your Payment Is Being Billed Through Your Credit Card. However, your credit card, as of today, is in a decline status. We will continue to attempt to bill your card. However, to keep your account current, please send your payment along with the below form before your account falls further behind PLEASE DETACH THIS PORTION AND RETURN A.S.A.P _____________ Bill my credit card\checking account one time for past due amount of $19.90 _____________Bill my credit card\ checking account for the remaining balance of $338.30 _____________Enclose is my personal check\ money order for $______________ Sincerely, Account Manager I Refuse To Pay For Something I Never Bought!
Midwest Periodical Reviews
I, Jacob Holloman received a bill Stating " Dear Jacob Holloman, JUST A FRIENDLY REMINDER Your Payment Is Being Billed Through Your Credit Card. However, your credit card, as of today, is in a decline status. We will continue to attempt to bill your card. However, to keep your account current, please send your payment along with the below form before your account falls further behind PLEASE DETACH THIS PORTION AND RETURN A.S.A.P _____________ Bill my credit card\checking account one time for past due amount of $19.90 _____________Bill my credit card\ checking account for the remaining balance of $338.30 _____________Enclose is my personal check\ money order for $______________ Sincerely, Account Manager I Refuse To Pay For Something I Never Bought!