The Miami-Jacobs Career College's Massage Therapy program is ripping off its students and perpetrating fraud by falsifying student hours that it reports to the state medical board, encouraging cheating, routinely cutting classes short or rolling multiple classes into one, ripping off the students on the hours they are claiming to be instructing them, and violating the terms of its syllabi by promising that 12 massages will be given per student per clinic mod (these are not happening).
One professor was routinely late to class from 30 minutes to an hour (but this was fixed after I complained) but these were hours that were being certified as completed by the program director.
Program director Jennifer Lewis was involved in all of these things but it also appeared the school had no oversight or accountability measures in place. In three mods I was there, I never saw an observer from the administration in the classroom. They appear to be depending on people ratting themselves out in meetings, which is not going to happen. I think it is likely that Miami-Jacobs has no institutional interest in finding out about these issues or is turning a blind eye because their only interest is money and enrollment.
When I reported these issues to Campus Director Lynn Mizanin and registrar Kimberley Eckenrode, they didn't ask any follow-up questions that would've enabled them to actually verify any of my allegations. My guess is that their idea of investigating is asking her if she did any of those things and when she denies it, they'll consider their due dilgence to be complete.
In addition to what I consider to be violations of the law mentioned above, Lewis was also extremely unethical, unprofessional and profane. There were lots of insults, profanity, saying that she was going to punch me in the face, calling me a racist and a member of the KKK in front of the entire class. She would tell students to keep sexuality out of massage and then encourage them to make vision boards in a business law and ethics class incorporating sex and sexual imagery with the goal of "getting more sex." She would lecture us about ethical draping in massage and then have students work on her in just her bra and panties.
Lewis would also leave students unsupervised with make-up tests. I was in the room and I witnessed these students cheating with the assistance of other classmates. It was clear she didn't care if they cheated and some of the students perceived this as her approving of them cheating. The culture of cheating became brazen and some of the students would even brag about it right in front of the teachers without the teachers taking any disciplinary action.
I couldn't take it anymore and I had to withdraw. I have filed complaints with the state medical board and the FBI and I really hope someone does something because the state and the students are being defrauded.
Miami-Jacobs Career College Reviews
The Miami-Jacobs Career College's Massage Therapy program is ripping off its students and perpetrating fraud by falsifying student hours that it reports to the state medical board, encouraging cheating, routinely cutting classes short or rolling multiple classes into one, ripping off the students on the hours they are claiming to be instructing them, and violating the terms of its syllabi by promising that 12 massages will be given per student per clinic mod (these are not happening).
One professor was routinely late to class from 30 minutes to an hour (but this was fixed after I complained) but these were hours that were being certified as completed by the program director.
Program director Jennifer Lewis was involved in all of these things but it also appeared the school had no oversight or accountability measures in place. In three mods I was there, I never saw an observer from the administration in the classroom. They appear to be depending on people ratting themselves out in meetings, which is not going to happen. I think it is likely that Miami-Jacobs has no institutional interest in finding out about these issues or is turning a blind eye because their only interest is money and enrollment.
When I reported these issues to Campus Director Lynn Mizanin and registrar Kimberley Eckenrode, they didn't ask any follow-up questions that would've enabled them to actually verify any of my allegations. My guess is that their idea of investigating is asking her if she did any of those things and when she denies it, they'll consider their due dilgence to be complete.
In addition to what I consider to be violations of the law mentioned above, Lewis was also extremely unethical, unprofessional and profane. There were lots of insults, profanity, saying that she was going to punch me in the face, calling me a racist and a member of the KKK in front of the entire class. She would tell students to keep sexuality out of massage and then encourage them to make vision boards in a business law and ethics class incorporating sex and sexual imagery with the goal of "getting more sex." She would lecture us about ethical draping in massage and then have students work on her in just her bra and panties.
Lewis would also leave students unsupervised with make-up tests. I was in the room and I witnessed these students cheating with the assistance of other classmates. It was clear she didn't care if they cheated and some of the students perceived this as her approving of them cheating. The culture of cheating became brazen and some of the students would even brag about it right in front of the teachers without the teachers taking any disciplinary action.
I couldn't take it anymore and I had to withdraw. I have filed complaints with the state medical board and the FBI and I really hope someone does something because the state and the students are being defrauded.