Metroflex gym in Phoenix, at Rose Garden and 19th, operated by Josh Barnett is in violation of AZ consumer protection laws and is so without regard. In March 2015, I signed up and paid in advance (2) months for myself and my spouse. Per law, the agreement allows for a 3 day right to cancel with a full refund if done so within those three days. After careful thought, it was determined that a membership at this facility was not for me and cancellation notice was promptly provided (within the three days as required). After approximately 30 days, after still not having received our full refund, an email was sent to Josh Barnett (club owner). His only reply was why we chose to cancel, to which I referred him back to our cancellation letter which outlined this. After several more weeks and additional ignored emails regarding my refund, a complaint was recently filed with the AZ consumer law office regarding their violations. Prior to filing this complaint, a final email was sent to Josh requesting him to resolve the matter by providing our entitled refund. Again, he ignored this request. I doubt that I am the only victim of this practice. Of further note, after cancellation of the agreement, I would utilize the facilities on Saturdays for approximately 8 weeks in order to meet with one of their employees for one-on-one coaching. This practice is permitted so long as the consumer pays $5/day as a non member fee. John Barnett would literally chase me (and others) down the MOMENT they entered the facility to collect their $5. This further evidences the fact that he fully acknowledged I cancelled my membership, but yet refused to provide my reimbursement as required by law.
Metroflex Gym Reviews
Metroflex gym in Phoenix, at Rose Garden and 19th, operated by Josh Barnett is in violation of AZ consumer protection laws and is so without regard. In March 2015, I signed up and paid in advance (2) months for myself and my spouse. Per law, the agreement allows for a 3 day right to cancel with a full refund if done so within those three days. After careful thought, it was determined that a membership at this facility was not for me and cancellation notice was promptly provided (within the three days as required). After approximately 30 days, after still not having received our full refund, an email was sent to Josh Barnett (club owner). His only reply was why we chose to cancel, to which I referred him back to our cancellation letter which outlined this. After several more weeks and additional ignored emails regarding my refund, a complaint was recently filed with the AZ consumer law office regarding their violations. Prior to filing this complaint, a final email was sent to Josh requesting him to resolve the matter by providing our entitled refund. Again, he ignored this request. I doubt that I am the only victim of this practice. Of further note, after cancellation of the agreement, I would utilize the facilities on Saturdays for approximately 8 weeks in order to meet with one of their employees for one-on-one coaching. This practice is permitted so long as the consumer pays $5/day as a non member fee. John Barnett would literally chase me (and others) down the MOMENT they entered the facility to collect their $5. This further evidences the fact that he fully acknowledged I cancelled my membership, but yet refused to provide my reimbursement as required by law.