Lies that he will pay people back, never pays them back. Men and women. No way to count how much money he owes, and I gurantee peeple on his social network have bought him things, alcohol and given him cash. In jail for drinking in public as far as I know. Cons women with a con story to get them to pay for him and lies and cheats on them while they support him. Will go from friend to girlfriend to street looking for a place to live, will have to be thrown out legally or other because he won't leave that person's home. Used welfare food card illegallly to trade for alcohol and goods I was told by my close friend who he used. Uses Shredder777 handle on dating sites.
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Lies that he will pay people back, never pays them back. Men and women. No way to count how much money he owes, and I gurantee peeple on his social network have bought him things, alcohol and given him cash. In jail for drinking in public as far as I know. Cons women with a con story to get them to pay for him and lies and cheats on them while they support him. Will go from friend to girlfriend to street looking for a place to live, will have to be thrown out legally or other because he won't leave that person's home. Used welfare food card illegallly to trade for alcohol and goods I was told by my close friend who he used. Uses Shredder777 handle on dating sites.