Mack supports bulldog rescue is an organisation run by Ann Farley Hamilton.
MSBR masqerades as a 501c3 charity so Ann can collect money to finance her lifestyle
Ann/MSBR leaves a trail of unpaid vet bills and drained, betrayed supporters in every state she leaves
She convinces her new supporters that he old supporters are abuses so there is never any communication outside the current target group
Ann has such a bad reputation in ga she cannot even take him to a vet there so she goes elsewhere and pretends her animals illness is new and an emergency and someone else feels sorry for her and pays the vet
beware of this woman and her organisation, she is an accomplished liar and con artist
Ann HAMILTON is a scam artist moving from state to state to avoid prosecution. All of her pleads to Help the dogs are false. She has a long term disability check income but that's not enough to support her lifestyle so she defrauds people on the Internet of their hard earned money. Forges any documentation (poorly) to defend herself. 4 different vets in 3 states she owes in excess of $10,000 and just finds a new vet or people to con and moves on. She has over the years collected over $200,000 in her own pocket. She always plays a victim and finds new unsuspecting supporters. Do not be her next target. Wise up, run as far as you can away from her.
Ann Hamilton, (Mack) is a scam artist. The best. She has used people's generous donations for her own purposes instead of taking care of bulldogs as it was intended. She has used photos I have taken inside of my own home and said she took them. She's Scam artist. Do not trust her
The 'old couple' accused in previous reviews on this subject are victims and svapegoats for Ann Hamilton, by the time Biggie reached them he was beyond help and they sought medical attention for him and paid the bill
Ann Hamilton used them them lied about them and refused to tell the truth about their involvement
the 'old couple' mentioned in a previous post on this subject would not even know the foul language and behavior the are accused of displaying
Biggie is a 5 year old male bulldog whose owner could no longer care for him. Biggie’s owner gave him to me to find a new (complete with signed AKC paperwork) who thought she could find Biggie a loving, permanent h...ome. Sadly, through no fault of the owner or me, Biggie ended up in the hands of an unscrupulous rescue group, although the rescue group that took Biggie assured the surrendering party 1st owner(s) he was going to a “permanent home” where someone would care for any of his medical needs.
I have in my possession the signed AKC paperwork DID NOT sign the surrender form placing Biggie into rescue. I signed NOTHING and WOUND NOT
until she had approved Biggie was going to be in a Permanent home with either an elderly couple that MACK stated would care for him permanently or find another home that Elana would have to approve.
He was driven from NY to MD and at some point Biggie went into distress after the transport or so I was told.
I have since found out many false statements.
The Elderly Couple took Biggie to VCA Veterinary Referral Associates, located at 500 Perry Parkway. Gaithersburg, MD for his medical needs. The Elderly Couple who took him to the vet told me that they have no intention of paying for his "F**king Medical Bills". Flash forward to the infamous “Mack Supports Bulldog Rescue” group who is now holding an emergency auction for palate surgery for Biggie. However, NO ONE knows where Biggie is, the vet will not divulge any information to me or anyone. We don’t know if Biggie is at the vet or has been transported to another location. I, the LEGAL owner, have been DUPED and don't care what the vet bills are, I will find a way to pay for them. We just want Biggie Back. He will not be given to another rescue and will live with the LEGAL OWNER as our own dog. Mack Supports Bulldog Rescue had originally told me that I can have the dog but 1st would have to pay THE FEE! I said that I would pay the vet fee's to the vet. No response.... All communication with MACK Supports Bulldog Rescue and the Elderly woman who she had or has possession of BIGGIE have ceased. They have Hung up on
her, told the VET to not divulge any information to her.
PARTICIPATE in ANY Fund Raisers for BIGGIE or anything run by MSBR or Mack Supports Bulldog Rescue, they have faked a 501 c 3 certificate, they are registered as a non profit in New Hampshire but operate in maryland and Georgia.
He is not rightfully theirs and belongs to the Legal Owner me. The Original Owner of Biggie has given me Legal Ownership of Biggie and backs me 100%
To further ad insult I received a letter from the VET not on letterhead and unsigned. Stating that Biggie went into distress and was euthanized and cremated the same night. This nightmare started on August 11, when he was picked up from me in Brooklyn, and Sunday night supposedly on a facebook post they said he has passed. The Vet will not say anything, except a fake letter someone sent. Help me find Biggie, I know he is still alive.
Mack Supports Bulldog Rescue Reviews
msbr is a scam charity
Mack supports bulldog rescue is an organisation run by Ann Farley Hamilton.
MSBR masqerades as a 501c3 charity so Ann can collect money to finance her lifestyle
Ann/MSBR leaves a trail of unpaid vet bills and drained, betrayed supporters in every state she leaves
She convinces her new supporters that he old supporters are abuses so there is never any communication outside the current target group
Ann has such a bad reputation in ga she cannot even take him to a vet there so she goes elsewhere and pretends her animals illness is new and an emergency and someone else feels sorry for her and pays the vet
beware of this woman and her organisation, she is an accomplished liar and con artist
MACK MSBR is a scam
Ann HAMILTON is a scam artist moving from state to state to avoid prosecution. All of her pleads to Help the dogs are false. She has a long term disability check income but that's not enough to support her lifestyle so she defrauds people on the Internet of their hard earned money. Forges any documentation (poorly) to defend herself. 4 different vets in 3 states she owes in excess of $10,000 and just finds a new vet or people to con and moves on. She has over the years collected over $200,000 in her own pocket. She always plays a victim and finds new unsuspecting supporters. Do not be her next target. Wise up, run as far as you can away from her.
Ann Hamilton
Ann Hamilton, (Mack) is a scam artist. The best. She has used people's generous donations for her own purposes instead of taking care of bulldogs as it was intended. She has used photos I have taken inside of my own home and said she took them. She's Scam artist. Do not trust her
The 'old couple' accused in previous reviews on this subject are victims and svapegoats for Ann Hamilton, by the time Biggie reached them he was beyond help and they sought medical attention for him and paid the bill
Ann Hamilton used them them lied about them and refused to tell the truth about their involvement
the 'old couple' mentioned in a previous post on this subject would not even know the foul language and behavior the are accused of displaying
they are innocents in this as was Biggie
Where is Biggie??
Biggie is a 5 year old male bulldog whose owner could no longer care for him. Biggie’s owner gave him to me to find a new (complete with signed AKC paperwork) who thought she could find Biggie a loving, permanent h...ome. Sadly, through no fault of the owner or me, Biggie ended up in the hands of an unscrupulous rescue group, although the rescue group that took Biggie assured the surrendering party 1st owner(s) he was going to a “permanent home” where someone would care for any of his medical needs.
I have in my possession the signed AKC paperwork DID NOT sign the surrender form placing Biggie into rescue. I signed NOTHING and WOUND NOT
until she had approved Biggie was going to be in a Permanent home with either an elderly couple that MACK stated would care for him permanently or find another home that Elana would have to approve.
He was driven from NY to MD and at some point Biggie went into distress after the transport or so I was told.
I have since found out many false statements.
The Elderly Couple took Biggie to VCA Veterinary Referral Associates, located at 500 Perry Parkway. Gaithersburg, MD for his medical needs. The Elderly Couple who took him to the vet told me that they have no intention of paying for his "F**king Medical Bills". Flash forward to the infamous “Mack Supports Bulldog Rescue” group who is now holding an emergency auction for palate surgery for Biggie. However, NO ONE knows where Biggie is, the vet will not divulge any information to me or anyone. We don’t know if Biggie is at the vet or has been transported to another location. I, the LEGAL owner, have been DUPED and don't care what the vet bills are, I will find a way to pay for them. We just want Biggie Back. He will not be given to another rescue and will live with the LEGAL OWNER as our own dog. Mack Supports Bulldog Rescue had originally told me that I can have the dog but 1st would have to pay THE FEE! I said that I would pay the vet fee's to the vet. No response.... All communication with MACK Supports Bulldog Rescue and the Elderly woman who she had or has possession of BIGGIE have ceased. They have Hung up on
her, told the VET to not divulge any information to her.
PARTICIPATE in ANY Fund Raisers for BIGGIE or anything run by MSBR or Mack Supports Bulldog Rescue, they have faked a 501 c 3 certificate, they are registered as a non profit in New Hampshire but operate in maryland and Georgia.
He is not rightfully theirs and belongs to the Legal Owner me. The Original Owner of Biggie has given me Legal Ownership of Biggie and backs me 100%
To further ad insult I received a letter from the VET not on letterhead and unsigned. Stating that Biggie went into distress and was euthanized and cremated the same night. This nightmare started on August 11, when he was picked up from me in Brooklyn, and Sunday night supposedly on a facebook post they said he has passed. The Vet will not say anything, except a fake letter someone sent. Help me find Biggie, I know he is still alive.
the truth about biggie
Buggie was beyond help when he arrived in MD he was taken to the vet by a generous couple who paid to have him assessed then put to sleep.
everything else was a farce, a product of ann hamilon's lies to collect more spending money in the name of an animal that didnt exist