I currently placed a order online at LuxuryReplicas.com for several items. I never recieved said items, so i made a attempt to contact through email. This site has no physical address or phone number. I found this out after waiting several weeks for the goods i purchased. This site offers Replica watches, Jewelry, wallets, ect.. DO NOT attempt to purchas any items from this site, it is a total scam!!!!
Luxuryreplica.com Reviews
I currently placed a order online at LuxuryReplicas.com for several items. I never recieved said items, so i made a attempt to contact through email. This site has no physical address or phone number. I found this out after waiting several weeks for the goods i purchased. This site offers Replica watches, Jewelry, wallets, ect.. DO NOT attempt to purchas any items from this site, it is a total scam!!!!