Luxury Suites International is under federal and state investigation for defruading thousands of people. The hotel rates are higher than the actual property. For those that you that do not know the operation, Luxiry Suites International is an agent to the owner of the room in which hotel it is located at. Luxury Suites International do not wn these rooms. They rent them out to people at much higher rates than the regular hotel would charge. Also, they are double charging credit cards and he house keepers are stealing persoanl items.
This company is now under investigation from Federal and State authorites including the Attorey General and Federal Trade Comission.
Luxury Suites International Reviews
Luxury Suites International is under federal and state investigation for defruading thousands of people. The hotel rates are higher than the actual property. For those that you that do not know the operation, Luxiry Suites International is an agent to the owner of the room in which hotel it is located at. Luxury Suites International do not wn these rooms. They rent them out to people at much higher rates than the regular hotel would charge. Also, they are double charging credit cards and he house keepers are stealing persoanl items.
This company is now under investigation from Federal and State authorites including the Attorey General and Federal Trade Comission.