Luxury Replicas, Jeri, the telephone number listed, is all a scam. They sell defective items like watches. It will be guaranteed to be broken when it arrives. They say they will exchange the item. When you send it back, it's refused and mailed back to you. They say they will send you a refund, and that it takes 10-14 days, but you'll never receive it. They say they have been in business in the US for 5 years and the complaints go back that far. I recommend a class action suit to put this company out of business in the US.
Luxury Replica Store Reviews
Luxury Replicas, Jeri, the telephone number listed, is all a scam. They sell defective items like watches. It will be guaranteed to be broken when it arrives. They say they will exchange the item. When you send it back, it's refused and mailed back to you. They say they will send you a refund, and that it takes 10-14 days, but you'll never receive it. They say they have been in business in the US for 5 years and the complaints go back that far. I recommend a class action suit to put this company out of business in the US.