I thought I would try purchasing a replica watch. I've had some friends bring me the watches before when they had traveled overseas to Thailand and other places that sell replicas. I made a bad choice on the company I chose over the Internet ( LR Luxary watches) I never received the watch and after my first email back I no longer can access their website. I had to cancel my credit card and have another one issued. File a fraud report with my credit card company. Hopefully since my credit card company returned the fraudulent charge to me, being a big company they'll go after their money they get back! I chose to file this report hopefully to help anyone from doing business with LR LUXARY WATCHES be wise check the Internet first for scam reports before you buy anything I didn't, and I got stuck!!
LR Luxary watches Reviews
I thought I would try purchasing a replica watch. I've had some friends bring me the watches before when they had traveled overseas to Thailand and other places that sell replicas. I made a bad choice on the company I chose over the Internet ( LR Luxary watches) I never received the watch and after my first email back I no longer can access their website. I had to cancel my credit card and have another one issued. File a fraud report with my credit card company. Hopefully since my credit card company returned the fraudulent charge to me, being a big company they'll go after their money they get back! I chose to file this report hopefully to help anyone from doing business with LR LUXARY WATCHES be wise check the Internet first for scam reports before you buy anything I didn't, and I got stuck!!