Buyer beware. Lipo-g is sold as a trial for $4.99. What they do not tell you is the trial is for 14 days only and it starts on the day you purchase the product. For instance I purchased the trial size on 2/21/2015 and receive it on 3/2/2015. The trial ended on 3/6/2015 and I was charged $49.98 since I did not return the remaining pills.
Lipog Reviews
Buyer beware. Lipo-g is sold as a trial for $4.99. What they do not tell you is the trial is for 14 days only and it starts on the day you purchase the product. For instance I purchased the trial size on 2/21/2015 and receive it on 3/2/2015. The trial ended on 3/6/2015 and I was charged $49.98 since I did not return the remaining pills.