This local florist is copntracted with 1-800-Flowers and FTD. They were assigned an arraingment from said contractors. They failed to deliver on time, they were 4 days late. Not only did they fail punctual delivery, they sent an arraingment that was not the arraingment orderd nor was it representative of the dollar amount spent-for a "subsitute". The arraingment from 1-800-Flowers cost $79.99 plus after taxes and delivery fee, total cost was $93.00. When confronting LeGrues about the $20.00 arraingment they sent (with dead daises and already wilting roses), the owners became extremly hostile and demanded their flowers back. Legally, regardless of awful the service and flowers, the flowers and service were already paid for- and not refunded, making the flowers mine.
The owners sent out a driver to pick up my grossly over-paid arraingment at my place of employment anyway. Then they demanded to know where I live after discovering I had already gone home for the day. Not only did the owners of this company have hostile buisness ethics, they are ripping customers off with the high dollar spent on their products and the low quality and value they deliver. Makes me think they were going to try and re-use the flowers in my arraingment for someone else.
Other reviews from the past on-line indicate this is not the first time this family owned company has practiced poor buisness standards. Seems they have a history of delivering poor quality and value and taking beack arraingments after confronting them on their scam.
Le Grues Reviews
This local florist is copntracted with 1-800-Flowers and FTD. They were assigned an arraingment from said contractors. They failed to deliver on time, they were 4 days late. Not only did they fail punctual delivery, they sent an arraingment that was not the arraingment orderd nor was it representative of the dollar amount spent-for a "subsitute". The arraingment from 1-800-Flowers cost $79.99 plus after taxes and delivery fee, total cost was $93.00. When confronting LeGrues about the $20.00 arraingment they sent (with dead daises and already wilting roses), the owners became extremly hostile and demanded their flowers back. Legally, regardless of awful the service and flowers, the flowers and service were already paid for- and not refunded, making the flowers mine.
The owners sent out a driver to pick up my grossly over-paid arraingment at my place of employment anyway. Then they demanded to know where I live after discovering I had already gone home for the day. Not only did the owners of this company have hostile buisness ethics, they are ripping customers off with the high dollar spent on their products and the low quality and value they deliver. Makes me think they were going to try and re-use the flowers in my arraingment for someone else.
Other reviews from the past on-line indicate this is not the first time this family owned company has practiced poor buisness standards. Seems they have a history of delivering poor quality and value and taking beack arraingments after confronting them on their scam.
Stay away from this company. Far away.