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LawnMowingOnline.com LLC

Country United States
City O'Fallon, Missouri
Address 204 W Pitman St Ste A
Phone (636) 352-1978
Website www.lawnmowingonline.com

LawnMowingOnline.com LLC Reviews

  • Dec 18, 2014
  • 1 2 3 4 5

This company allows contractors to accept lawn mowing jobs online. Your not allowed any contact with the person wanting their lawn mowed. One complaint or problem reported by the customer and you aren't paid for services rendered and banned from accepting any other jobs.

My husband and I cut a yard at the address listed on the work order. When we submitted the photos the customer said we cut the wrong yard. Stated that it was the lot next to the address we cut. But that wasn't stated in the original work order. So now we didn't get paid and now have been banned from cutting any other yards. Beware of doing business with these people.

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