I was looking for concert tickets on Craigslist. Larry W Lam responded to me with an email with Sunshine Travel. He offered me 3 sets of tickets and I chose which seats I wanted. He sent me an invoice from Sunshine Time. It's from a company called invoiceASAP. When I entered my card info, it didn't work. He said that he had a Chase Account and requested my payment via Quick Pay so I thought that was legit. I sent him the funds and never heard from him again.
I was looking for concert tickets on Craigslist. Larry W Lam responded to me with an email with Sunshine Travel. He offered me 3 sets of tickets and I chose which seats I wanted. He sent me an invoice from Sunshine Time. It's from a company called invoiceASAP. When I entered my card info, it didn't work. He said that he had a Chase Account and requested my payment via Quick Pay so I thought that was legit. I sent him the funds and never heard from him again.