Kristen Moore is a SCAMMER! Beware! She posts craigslist ads and different ads scattered across the internet about tickets for concerts and tickets for trips, etc etc If you see her face, run! Or call the police! You will know you are dealing with Moore, if she asks you to meet her in the parking lot of Happys Flea Market. You will also know it is her right away, if you are contacted by her on a 310 area code phone number! She says shes originally from Maryland and uses 2 phone numbers! 310 497 9016 also the 540 phone number I posted with her email address!
Moore has ripped off me and also she ripped off a friend of mine! I cant believe shes ripping people off like this after being a graduate of University of Maryland, College park! She really gives her school a bad name! Shame on you, Kristen!!
Moore ripped me for $195 on Jason Aldean front-row tickets. Moore ripped my friend , in the same month, for $225 on tickets for Lil Wayne / Jay-z ! Shes a liar, plain and simple.
Moore is also a snippy little bitch, she told me if I post her information online, She will sue me. Bring it on! Everyone call her and send her an email, tell her hello!
Kristin M Moore Reviews
Kristen Moore is a SCAMMER! Beware! She posts craigslist ads and different ads scattered across the internet about tickets for concerts and tickets for trips, etc etc If you see her face, run! Or call the police! You will know you are dealing with Moore, if she asks you to meet her in the parking lot of Happys Flea Market. You will also know it is her right away, if you are contacted by her on a 310 area code phone number! She says shes originally from Maryland and uses 2 phone numbers! 310 497 9016 also the 540 phone number I posted with her email address!
Moore has ripped off me and also she ripped off a friend of mine! I cant believe shes ripping people off like this after being a graduate of University of Maryland, College park! She really gives her school a bad name! Shame on you, Kristen!!
Moore ripped me for $195 on Jason Aldean front-row tickets. Moore ripped my friend , in the same month, for $225 on tickets for Lil Wayne / Jay-z ! Shes a liar, plain and simple.
Moore is also a snippy little bitch, she told me if I post her information online, She will sue me. Bring it on! Everyone call her and send her an email, tell her hello!