Do not purchase anything from this company. They advertise that they have all types of Michael Kors Handbags for 60-70% off. But the handbags are horribly made. they are cheaply made. THey are the worst bags. I purchased a bag for $69.00 and when I finally received the bag, I was so disappointed in the structure and quality. I cant do nothing but throw it away. That is how badly constructed this handbag is.
Korspro is a SCAM! I recently placed an order with them for my mother and later received an email stating they changed their domain name. Their website has been taken down due to U.S. Federal court order (due to them selling counterfeits to people). You can request a refund and report them via Greer Burns & Crain Intellectual Property Law
Hello, my name is Irma I ordered a hand bag on the Internet, from the company name Korspro. It was on December 26, 2014 it says on the order that it will take 7 to 9 days, till this day I haven't received anything, I'll been sending emails, and no responded. I been trying to look for phone number, so I can talk to them, but I couldn't find anything, please contact me. Or they have to give me my money back.
I want to report that I think Iwas ripped off with Korspro inc. because I ordered a handbag with them and I never recieved my product. The ordered was place on December 26, 2014. They send me a conformition number but not my product after ten days for processing. I email them on January 12, 2015 and I still have not heard from them.
Korspro Online Shop Reviews
Do not purchase anything from this company. They advertise that they have all types of Michael Kors Handbags for 60-70% off. But the handbags are horribly made. they are cheaply made. THey are the worst bags. I purchased a bag for $69.00 and when I finally received the bag, I was so disappointed in the structure and quality. I cant do nothing but throw it away. That is how badly constructed this handbag is.
Beware of SCAM
Korspro is a SCAM! I recently placed an order with them for my mother and later received an email stating they changed their domain name. Their website has been taken down due to U.S. Federal court order (due to them selling counterfeits to people). You can request a refund and report them via Greer Burns & Crain Intellectual Property Law
I hope this helps someone.
Hello, my name is Irma I ordered a hand bag on the Internet, from the company name Korspro. It was on December 26, 2014 it says on the order that it will take 7 to 9 days, till this day I haven't received anything, I'll been sending emails, and no responded. I been trying to look for phone number, so I can talk to them, but I couldn't find anything, please contact me. Or they have to give me my money back.
I want to report that I think Iwas ripped off with Korspro inc. because I ordered a handbag with them and I never recieved my product. The ordered was place on December 26, 2014. They send me a conformition number but not my product after ten days for processing. I email them on January 12, 2015 and I still have not heard from them.