I tried purchasing a handbag from what I had believed to be an outlet store on-line. Immediately after submitting my order, I began to have a feeling that something was just off. Later that evening, I received an email from "Sarah" that read, "please reply to check your order for one bag. thank you" Not understanding what they were asking, I replied confirming my order and asking when the product would be shipping.
What really sent up the red flag was when I checked my bank statement and saw that they had charged my account more than what was authorized at checkout. Then I received the second email from "Sarah" that stated, "Thank you for the reply, and i am sorry the bag you ordered is out of stock right now, so please choose another one, or consider these ones: [6 handbags pictured] anyone you like, please email me, i will change it for you, thank you"
I told my husband that night that I was questioning the validity of this company. I emailed "Sarah" back and said, "I appreciate the offer, but I am not interested in the other bags. If you could please cancel my order and refund my account."
Her response was, "It will be ok for you to get the refund, just as the bank needs to verify the payment , so it will take about 60 work days to get the refund, it is a long time, so would you please just choose another one, if you like, i will apply a free gift for you, thank you"
Now I was getting angry. Not only did they not have the product I wanted and they charged my account more than what was authorized - before it shipped, but now they want me to just "please choose something else" or make me wait 60 days to have my money refunded. I called my bank immediately to find out what, if any, recourse I could take. I was told by my bank that I have to allow the "company" 15 days to give them time to rectify the issue, if by then I have not received a refund, the bank will open a claim.
I replied back to "Sarah" and said, "Again, I appreciate the offer, and even the offer of a free gift, but I am not interested in any other bag, nor am I interested in doing business with you. I am making a second request for you to cancel my order and refund my money. I have contacted my bank who advised me that I do not have to wait 60 days to be issued a refund. I was advised that I have to allow you 15 days to rectify this issue and refund my account. If the refund has not been issued by then, this will be reported as an unauthorized, disputed, and fraudulent charge."
This time it took her 2 days to reply with, "I have told you as the bank need to verify the payment, so it will take about 60 work days for the refund, so are you sure you like to wait so much time?"
Kors Factory Reviews
I tried purchasing a handbag from what I had believed to be an outlet store on-line. Immediately after submitting my order, I began to have a feeling that something was just off. Later that evening, I received an email from "Sarah" that read, "please reply to check your order for one bag. thank you" Not understanding what they were asking, I replied confirming my order and asking when the product would be shipping.
What really sent up the red flag was when I checked my bank statement and saw that they had charged my account more than what was authorized at checkout. Then I received the second email from "Sarah" that stated, "Thank you for the reply, and i am sorry the bag you ordered is out of stock right now, so please choose another one, or consider these ones: [6 handbags pictured] anyone you like, please email me, i will change it for you, thank you"
I told my husband that night that I was questioning the validity of this company. I emailed "Sarah" back and said, "I appreciate the offer, but I am not interested in the other bags. If you could please cancel my order and refund my account."
Her response was, "It will be ok for you to get the refund, just as the bank needs to verify the payment , so it will take about 60 work days to get the refund, it is a long time, so would you please just choose another one, if you like, i will apply a free gift for you, thank you"
Now I was getting angry. Not only did they not have the product I wanted and they charged my account more than what was authorized - before it shipped, but now they want me to just "please choose something else" or make me wait 60 days to have my money refunded. I called my bank immediately to find out what, if any, recourse I could take. I was told by my bank that I have to allow the "company" 15 days to give them time to rectify the issue, if by then I have not received a refund, the bank will open a claim.
I replied back to "Sarah" and said, "Again, I appreciate the offer, and even the offer of a free gift, but I am not interested in any other bag, nor am I interested in doing business with you. I am making a second request for you to cancel my order and refund my money. I have contacted my bank who advised me that I do not have to wait 60 days to be issued a refund. I was advised that I have to allow you 15 days to rectify this issue and refund my account. If the refund has not been issued by then, this will be reported as an unauthorized, disputed, and fraudulent charge."
This time it took her 2 days to reply with, "I have told you as the bank need to verify the payment, so it will take about 60 work days for the refund, so are you sure you like to wait so much time?"
I told her again, I would like the refund.