I had a scandaleous, deceptive "bait and switch" experience with Ariel Gelman (Kingdom Web Design).
1) Ariel posted an advertisment, stating that he will design websites, for $200.
That is completly False
2) There is No Pricing Guide, skhowing that there are "Extra Costs" --- that exceed $200. The $200 --- is to "bait" a new customer, into requesting an appointement.
3) I was corresponding with ariel over the format of my project, for approx. 1 1/2 weeks. We set an appointement, and he brought to my attention, that I must sign a "FULL RELEASE OF LIABILITY CONTRACT." This contract, did not have any legal provisions, for a customer, to insist that Ariel repair minor or major work, that he had performed. This means --- if my newly built website "crashed and burned," after it was up-and-running --- it would totallyy be my problem ------------ not his.
I called three (3) reputale website designers, and they stated that "No Contracts Are Required to Sign," by a customer
Once again -------- Deception (Fraud)
4) I was very very belled, that I did not give Arie ---- any money. He demands, that he must have 50% of his money up-front, before he does any work, on your new website building.
Kingdom Web Design Reviews
Beware --- Warning --- Beware
I had a scandaleous, deceptive "bait and switch" experience with Ariel Gelman (Kingdom Web Design).
1) Ariel posted an advertisment, stating that he will design websites, for $200.
That is completly False
2) There is No Pricing Guide, skhowing that there are "Extra Costs" --- that exceed $200. The $200 --- is to "bait" a new customer, into requesting an appointement.
3) I was corresponding with ariel over the format of my project, for approx. 1 1/2 weeks. We set an appointement, and he brought to my attention, that I must sign a "FULL RELEASE OF LIABILITY CONTRACT." This contract, did not have any legal provisions, for a customer, to insist that Ariel repair minor or major work, that he had performed. This means --- if my newly built website "crashed and burned," after it was up-and-running --- it would totallyy be my problem ------------ not his.
I called three (3) reputale website designers, and they stated that "No Contracts Are Required to Sign," by a customer
Once again -------- Deception (Fraud)
4) I was very very belled, that I did not give Arie ---- any money. He demands, that he must have 50% of his money up-front, before he does any work, on your new website building.