I saw an ad on Craigslist advertising a house for rent. Kimani Mercer found a house that was for sale, and posted an ad on Craigslist that it was for rent. I was told there was a house that was for rent and for sale, and not to talk to talk to the real estate agents/property managers because they would charge me more to rent it. It was not in fact for rent, rather Kimani Mercer claimed it was hers/his, when it was not. (I am not sure if Kimani Mercer is a woman or man.) Kimani Mercer even has a linked in profile to make it look like he or she is legitimate.
Kimani Mercer Reviews
I saw an ad on Craigslist advertising a house for rent. Kimani Mercer found a house that was for sale, and posted an ad on Craigslist that it was for rent. I was told there was a house that was for rent and for sale, and not to talk to talk to the real estate agents/property managers because they would charge me more to rent it. It was not in fact for rent, rather Kimani Mercer claimed it was hers/his, when it was not. (I am not sure if Kimani Mercer is a woman or man.) Kimani Mercer even has a linked in profile to make it look like he or she is legitimate.