Won an auction on The Gov.Deals website. Items were listed as Jewelry. Won the auction and was bid up very high by a possible schill on the website or possibly by the seller. Spent 11,666 dollars for what was supposed to be jewelry 1,024 pieces. Not JUNK that we received. We went to Maryland, myself and a witness. We attempted to find the address that was listed. We had driven and were standing (parked on the streeet) by the the building that we were supposed to go into but saw no address on the building. We later saw the address from google earth photo's and the address was stamped in the concrete and was not visible to us from the car window. it was way high up. We called our contact person and all he had to do was to tell us to come in the front door of the building that we were in front of, instead he lured us about a mile into a State Prison and lured us into a prison yard - RIGHT IN WITH THE INMATES. Our Car was searched for bombs and we were in the prison yard for an easy hour. Our ID's were taken from us and WE COULD NOT LEAVE. Finally the perpetrator brought our stuff down to us in a prison towel bin and all of the boxes were sealed up with packing tape. We asked him if it was all there and he told us that it was, and we had no place to look at the items moreover we were afraid for our lives and just wanted to get the F out of the prison with our lives. We took the boxes and drove 9 hrs home. When we got there we found that It WAS NOT ALL THERE and that we had been ripped off. We called we wrote letters and now have started a legal battle With The State of Maryland for a 9 count indictment. Since we filed this case in Anne Arundel County Md, The State of Maryland has DUCKED the service of the Summons to appear and had to be personally served by my attorney. They have failed to file a complete notice to defend this case and have not listed a defence on said notice; they unsuccessfully tried to have this case thrown out of court by an entity that was not even a named party to the case, and two trial dates have been continued. These people took our Liberty and think nothing of it. They were ordering us around in prison like we were criminals. We were not under arrest nor were we in the United States Military. We just went to Maryland to pick up what we thought was gold and silver Jewelry that we had won. We did not get an opportunity to view the items that we had won, nor did we get the opportunity to count the items to make sure that the items were all there. We got put in PRISON, had our LIBERTY AND ID TAKEN FROM US were told lies and given our get out of jail free cards our licenses back so we could leave. Moreover when we got home we found that we were ripped off. We called,and wrote letters, they are nasty lying crooked bastards. I have filed suit against The State of Maryland - if any person has been scammed like this on the GovDeals.com website or by any MD. agency in this manner please contact me at this website (((redacted))) Sincerely P.S. If you are planning on bidding on anything on the GovDeals.com website BUYER BEWARE - BUYER BEWARE- BUYER BEWARE- BUYER BEWARE- THE ABOVE HAPPENED TO US AND IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU - THIS IS NO BS AS I WILL BE TESTIFYING AGAINST THIS SOB CRIMINALS IN COURT THAT IS IF WE EVER GET TO COURT _ WHAT JUSTICE WHAT LIBERTY _ WHAT A COUNTRY.
Kevin J. Pantera Reviews
Won an auction on The Gov.Deals website. Items were listed as Jewelry. Won the auction and was bid up very high by a possible schill on the website or possibly by the seller. Spent 11,666 dollars for what was supposed to be jewelry 1,024 pieces. Not JUNK that we received. We went to Maryland, myself and a witness. We attempted to find the address that was listed. We had driven and were standing (parked on the streeet) by the the building that we were supposed to go into but saw no address on the building. We later saw the address from google earth photo's and the address was stamped in the concrete and was not visible to us from the car window. it was way high up. We called our contact person and all he had to do was to tell us to come in the front door of the building that we were in front of, instead he lured us about a mile into a State Prison and lured us into a prison yard - RIGHT IN WITH THE INMATES. Our Car was searched for bombs and we were in the prison yard for an easy hour. Our ID's were taken from us and WE COULD NOT LEAVE. Finally the perpetrator brought our stuff down to us in a prison towel bin and all of the boxes were sealed up with packing tape. We asked him if it was all there and he told us that it was, and we had no place to look at the items moreover we were afraid for our lives and just wanted to get the F out of the prison with our lives. We took the boxes and drove 9 hrs home. When we got there we found that It WAS NOT ALL THERE and that we had been ripped off. We called we wrote letters and now have started a legal battle With The State of Maryland for a 9 count indictment. Since we filed this case in Anne Arundel County Md, The State of Maryland has DUCKED the service of the Summons to appear and had to be personally served by my attorney. They have failed to file a complete notice to defend this case and have not listed a defence on said notice; they unsuccessfully tried to have this case thrown out of court by an entity that was not even a named party to the case, and two trial dates have been continued. These people took our Liberty and think nothing of it. They were ordering us around in prison like we were criminals. We were not under arrest nor were we in the United States Military. We just went to Maryland to pick up what we thought was gold and silver Jewelry that we had won. We did not get an opportunity to view the items that we had won, nor did we get the opportunity to count the items to make sure that the items were all there. We got put in PRISON, had our LIBERTY AND ID TAKEN FROM US were told lies and given our get out of jail free cards our licenses back so we could leave. Moreover when we got home we found that we were ripped off. We called,and wrote letters, they are nasty lying crooked bastards. I have filed suit against The State of Maryland - if any person has been scammed like this on the GovDeals.com website or by any MD. agency in this manner please contact me at this website (((redacted))) Sincerely P.S. If you are planning on bidding on anything on the GovDeals.com website BUYER BEWARE - BUYER BEWARE- BUYER BEWARE- BUYER BEWARE- THE ABOVE HAPPENED TO US AND IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU - THIS IS NO BS AS I WILL BE TESTIFYING AGAINST THIS SOB CRIMINALS IN COURT THAT IS IF WE EVER GET TO COURT _ WHAT JUSTICE WHAT LIBERTY _ WHAT A COUNTRY.