Kenny Rushing sold me on his self proclaim ""guru"" status, and how he's the number one real estate investor in Tampa, FL and rank top 3 nationwide. Well, after it was too late I did my due diligence and found that his claim couldn't be further than the truth. This person took thousands from me for properties that didn't have a chance of making a profit. He over spent (So he says) on rehabbing. When actually I'm sure he pocketed the money. He scams on both the front end and back end of projects that are funded by clients. This guy took my last, forced me into a homeless situation and when I appealed to him, he had no empathy whatsoever. He said to get more money and he'll help me out. I think not! Run from this guy as far as you can.
Kenny Rushing sold me on his self proclaim ""guru"" status, and how he's the number one real estate investor in Tampa, FL and rank top 3 nationwide. Well, after it was too late I did my due diligence and found that his claim couldn't be further than the truth. This person took thousands from me for properties that didn't have a chance of making a profit. He over spent (So he says) on rehabbing. When actually I'm sure he pocketed the money. He scams on both the front end and back end of projects that are funded by clients. This guy took my last, forced me into a homeless situation and when I appealed to him, he had no empathy whatsoever. He said to get more money and he'll help me out. I think not! Run from this guy as far as you can.