Country | United States |
State | Pennsylvania |
City | Pittsburgh |
Phone | 412-600-1305 |
I rather not get into specifics but encourage anybody looking for a labor law attorney in Pittsburgh to make sure they look at all options considering Kara Dempsey has only been practicing for a couple years and doesn't bring much experience nor a subject matter expert on labor law
Kara Dempsey has never really practiced law other than a brief stint at her mons firm which is well documented!
Kara isn't a real lawyer but rather hung out at moms firm Jackson Lewis for 3 years Chicago/Pittsburgh before managing partner showed her the door at both places.
Rather sit around and wait on inheritance instead of working or LOL move to Africa take care of inner city unfortunate minorities.
Check if out very true
How many years have you actually worked at mom's firm Jackson Lewis?
Jackson Lewis Kara Dempsey
How many years have you actually worked at mom's firm Jackson Lewis?