Jessica Buyers of 105 is a PAIN IN THE A*S neighboor. She rats people out to the office for NO GOOD reason and she blames them for things they aren't even doing wrong.
Her s*y old car leaks fluids all over the parking lot and leaves every parking spot soiled up in oil.
She sits out in the front of the unit smoking cigarettes and is a real nuisance. She is disprespectful and really dirty.
I am missing a Cell Phone that the Fedex guy left and have a feeling she is the one who stole it off my door step though I have no solid evidence.
She has tried to "railroad" me by ratting on me to the office. I wish she wasn't my neighboor, I really cannot stand the b*.
Jessica Buyers Reviews
Jessica Buyers of 105 is a PAIN IN THE A*S neighboor. She rats people out to the office for NO GOOD reason and she blames them for things they aren't even doing wrong.
Her s*y old car leaks fluids all over the parking lot and leaves every parking spot soiled up in oil.
She sits out in the front of the unit smoking cigarettes and is a real nuisance. She is disprespectful and really dirty.
I am missing a Cell Phone that the Fedex guy left and have a feeling she is the one who stole it off my door step though I have no solid evidence.
She has tried to "railroad" me by ratting on me to the office. I wish she wasn't my neighboor, I really cannot stand the b*.