James Price Placius--also known as James Price I has spread false rumors, attacts others unprovoked and generally spends his time writing things on sites like Ripoff.com for his fun and amusement. It states that he is in the US military, but it is doubtful that he adds up to much in his work as he cannot be trusted with anything. If this person comes into your life, protect yourself as he will make any attempt he can to ruin your life.
James Price Placius Reviews
James Price Placius--also known as James Price I has spread false rumors, attacts others unprovoked and generally spends his time writing things on sites like Ripoff.com for his fun and amusement. It states that he is in the US military, but it is doubtful that he adds up to much in his work as he cannot be trusted with anything. If this person comes into your life, protect yourself as he will make any attempt he can to ruin your life.