James Cole Traders

Country United States
State Afghanistan

James Cole Traders Reviews

  • May 15, 2014

james cole traders james cole commodity trading - told me i should get in commondity trading - he deals in financial instruments like bank guarantees, precious gems or metals, bonds - worth 10 million and up. / the scam is that he says that these instruments need an "insurance wrap" to insure them in case something goes wrong with the trade, the wrap costs between 120k and 300k and that is what I would have to pay to get involved, once the instrument is insured, he puts it (all lies) into a high trade short term trading platform that makes ten times the value of the instrument each week, and can pay out for 10 weeks and up to 42 weeks depending on the program. I raised and sent him 122k - he said he wrapped a bond instrument with it, that was worth 100 million dollars - it went into a short term trade and made me 200 million dollars - which was waiting for me in an account at SwissQuote bank in Switzerland in a 'sub' account w/ a number assigned to me as part of thousands of company accounts he keeps there. He invented a story that he sent it to me via a bank in London, Lloyds, and there were endless complications over two months, and the funds went back to him & then he invented another story that he ws sending it to my account at bank of america, again, endless problems, three months worth, funds are arriving any day, etc, etc, TOTAL AND COMPLETE CON ARTIST AND LIAR, he cited problems with bank of america re eiving the amount of money, - I flew to France,Nice to meet him and he never would meet me - excuse after excuse - said I should open an account in Monaco at a private bank, I met with a few private bankers, at banks in MOnaco told them the amount I was expecting, 200 million dollars and almost got kidnapped!! from a cafe in Monaco. -- I came home heart broken and empty handed, HE IS WITHOUT A DOUBT THE SLICKEST, MOST SAVVY, SILVER TONGUED SWINDLER TO CROSS THE PIKE, DO NOT BE FOOLED. CALL THE FBI AND REPORT HIM. HE WORKS WITH AN ex- BANKER FROM LONDON WHO USED TO WORK WITHT HE ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND, named Ross. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS. KEEP YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY. was in London, now Spain, offices in Zurich, SW Internet.

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