To start my credit card was stolen from the site after I was informed that they would charge my card additional fees. They proceeded to charge my card, however I never gave them my card info again. This is ilegal and I have reported them to Visa Mastercard for non compliance.
My package arrive one month later, their customer service was horrible. Worst experience I ever had. Rude and almost abusive. The commercial invoice showed a much lower price, no customs was collected, so they scammed me out of the customs payment, I have reported this to US Customs and excise as I have been informed that this is fraud.
This company is privately held by Saskia "Strick" Chiesa, her former husband Frank Strick who is a drug dealer and father of her son Izzy.
International Checkout, Inc. Reviews
To start my credit card was stolen from the site after I was informed that they would charge my card additional fees. They proceeded to charge my card, however I never gave them my card info again. This is ilegal and I have reported them to Visa Mastercard for non compliance.
My package arrive one month later, their customer service was horrible. Worst experience I ever had. Rude and almost abusive. The commercial invoice showed a much lower price, no customs was collected, so they scammed me out of the customs payment, I have reported this to US Customs and excise as I have been informed that this is fraud.
This company is privately held by Saskia "Strick" Chiesa, her former husband Frank Strick who is a drug dealer and father of her son Izzy.