Hoylande A.S.

Country Czech Republic
Address Plaská 622/3, 15 000 Praha 5
Phone (+420) 608 020 999
Website www.hoylande.com/
Most Useful Comment
  • Mar 25, 2015


Official Announcement

Dear customers and partners.

We inform you that over the past few months, the name of our company Hoylande has been abused on the Internet by people which we never had a business or any other relationship.

They intentionally spread false information and falsified documents and publish them on internet. These attackers have been harassing our shareholders and directors with malware infected emails and misusing our website. With their irresponsible behavior, perpetrators of these criminal acts desires deliberately to DAMAGE our good name, harass, spread lies and blackmail our company Hoylande and management.

Abusers were identified as:

Ulysses O. Prifti, MA, EA and Mr. Terry Moye, CPA

Market Accounting Corp.

Their common address is:

800 Roosevelt Rd., Bldg. C, Ste. 100

Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 USA

Because of the seriousness of the situation, the shareholders of JSC Hoylande held and emergency meeting on 03/ march /2015

They decided to take against all legal actions against these individuals:

Ulysses O. Prifti, MA, EA and Mr. Terry Moye, CPA

Our company will use all legal measures to initiate criminal proceedings with authorities of the Czech Republic and the USA.

For the implementation of this decision, Hoylande authorizes the attorney of our legal chancellor Dr. Veselý - Prague. The decision is irrevocable.

Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Mark as Useful [2 votes]

Hoylande A.S. Reviews

Most Useful Comment
  • Mar 25, 2015

Mr. Ulysses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye are big liar and fraudsters.

Mr. Ulysses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye are big liar and fraudsters.

Everything that write Mr. Ulysses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye, is a lie and deception, they’re lying, inventing, deceive people and their clients.

Mr. Ulysses Prifti, all lying is a forge , one day presents itself as Moya, after if a lawyer, and the bank is represented as …..This is sick man, who only sends anonymous letters and viruses over the internet.

Mr. Tery Moye is known and experienced con man, who cannot be troth. ...

Terry and Ulysses lie a varaju , because everyone knows that Feti Broqi never able to contact any bank in the United States because he does not speak English.

Such dirty crooks like Mr. Ulysses and Mr. Terry , long since I have not seen.

It is a shame, two dirty accountants attacking their clients.... G.

Mark as Useful [2 votes]
  • Apr 17, 2015

10 000 usd

From: Agim Molla

To: [email protected]

Jan 16, 2013

Odise une kam faje qe u futa ne kete pozicion.

Per Z.Broqi une gjithnje te kame dhene garanci maksimale qe eshte zotrues I mallit dhe serioz ne kete oprtunitet.

Eshte e vertete qe une te premtova ti paguajme bashke 10 000 usd per ottoman grup.

Por duke te konsideruar confident te prezantova pa asnje hezitim e korekte pozicionin tim familjare duke te derguar sakte veprimet bankare dhe depoziten ne favor te motres sime per nje problem qe ajo kishte.Nuk dija dhe te parashikoja kaq sakte se do te me duheshin 5 000 usd per aktivitetin tim me vone ne nje situate te tille.Ta dija nuk I dergoja por I mbaja kaq.

Nesje situate erdhi e paparshikuar nga une.Kam biseduar me motren dhe te kam thene para disa ditesh qe ajo ne emergjence ka aplikuar per nje kredi . Jemi ne pritje.Aktualishte ne Shqiperi ka problem likuiditeti ne strukturen bankare.Une dhe sote bisedova me te.

Nuk mund  te ve moralin tim une per kaq para,por kam menduar se jemi kuptuar ta dija keshtu nuk futesha ne te tilla mardhenie sido qe te ishte puna , te besova tek miqte e tu dhe tek procedura verberishte sepse ishje ti. Qe te jem korekte te thashe te dergoje nje cek ta kesh per tu siguruar por mu pergjigje keq.

Nejse kam nevoje per experience akoma ne jete.

Une te kam qendruar korekte dhe te kam hapur rrugen ne kofidence.

Megjitheate si ta kuptosh.

Une po kekoje per ti mare ato para dhe me fajde.Nuk di kohen.Megjithese jane te larta fajdet.

Une mendoje paralelishte qe kjo pune nuk zgjat me shume se ne fund te janarit dhe ata sipas fjales duhet ta bejne bakrin.

Si ta gjykosh.

Te fala.


  • Apr 17, 2015


THE Thief, FETI BROQI OF HOYLANDE IS yelling "Catch the thief"

Hoylande / Feti Broqi have decided to fool themselves so much that obviously this is their way of making a  living:

Hoylande/Feti Broqi had a mutual  agreement with Dustin Collins / Ottoman Group LLC / The Firm and not Market Group, Terry Moye or Ulysses Prifti. 

Neither Terry Moye nor Ulysses Prifti have any secret agreement with Ottoman Group LLC as Hoylande/ Feti Broqi has made public statements. We were supposed to get paid by profits of Hoylande / Feti Broqi.

FYI Mr. Feti Broqi, Market Group/ Terry Moye or Ulysses Prifti  do not double- deep for their services; however  you / our client Hoylande have used every CHEAP excuse in the books in order to AVOID paying for the accounting services  of Mr. Moye.

In addition as per today Nov 4, 2014  Hoylande / Feti Broqi / Agim Molla / Sid Banner / Ottoman Group / Dustin Collins have failed to return back the $ 10,000.00 security deposit that Feti Broqi  borrowed from Ulysses Prifti.

Ottoman Group / Sid Banner have accused you for refusing to  provide financial proofs capabilities of purchasing the assets that claimed to be yours. Not the least Ottoman Group accuses you, Feti Broqi for not willing to comply with Anti Money Laundering banking compliance. As result they withdraw your file even after the attempt that Sir. Collins  came to meet with you in person in Europe. Pointing the fingers on each other it helped only your cause. The truth is that instead of returning the $ 10,000 back  to Mr. Prifti, you, Mr. Feti Broqi/ Hoylande decided to  sent us a fraud invoice for 2.17 million after you failed to collect from Ottoman Group.

 LIE #2  from Hoylande A.S / Feti Broqi (Czech Republic) 


Hoylande Inc

Mediation of finance, money conversion, export – import

Prague, Plaska 622/3


Email: [email protected] 

Tel. 00420 608 020 999

December 10, 2012

Dear Sir. Collins:

After our pleasant conversation via Skype, We have made our commitments around the realization finance transactions.

As per our agreement all the documents (CIS, fees & Contract) have been submitted to your company since last Wednesday. 

Kindly provide us with an update and let me know on what is the next step.

I hope that our cooperation will be successful.

Warm Regards,

JUDr. Feti Broqi


LIE # 1  from Hoylande A.S / Feti Broqi (Czech Republic)



Request from  FETI BROQI  of HOYLANDE a.s for a loan of $ 10,000.00 from Ulysses Prifti on December 5, 2012 at 6:52 AM Central time.

Mister Odise , Good day, I am traveling for Germany-Austria.  For me the payment of  $ 10,000.00, is  a bit  complicated for few  reasons. Since this job is secret and I am managing outside the firm it might damage me from financial viewpoint. Bank  traces remain when I will send  the money, then  even if   Ottoman Group returns this money back to me.    Feti Broqi

Kerkesea e   Feti Broqi per $10,000.00  ne 5 Dhjetor 2012:

 [6:52 AM] Feti  Broqi nga Hoylande A.S.

 " Zoti Odise , miredita  jame ne rruge per Gjermani –Austri  ,Per mue pagesa e 10.000 USD , eshte nji qike  e komplikuar per disa arsye  , me qe kjo pune eshte sekrete  e une po e realizoj privatisht jashte firmes, mundet kjo me me damtue shume ne pikepamje financiare , ngelin gjurmet ne banke kur i dergoj leket, pastaj edhe nese mi kethen leket  Otomangroupi  ,  Feti Broqi…."


Feti Broqi has made few different claims and even him himself does not know which one is the trueth becuase of Inconsistencies with his statement.

Feti Broqi claimed the $ 10, 000 to be a gift to him 

Feti Broqi claimed he never asked for $ 10,000

Feti Broqi claimed that it was his power of attorney Mr. Molla made that promised not him (FYI, Mr. Broqi the  power of attorney is the same as being present yourself)

Feti Broqi claimed that $ 10,000 was in exchange for knowlege

In order to give light to the truth we might publish a lot of offical documents that will show the continues LIES of HOYLANDE and Mr. FETI BROQI.

We accept to loose money in business however we do not accept FRAUD. 

All our statements can be supported by collected documents and electronic communications.

  • Apr 23, 2015


FETI BROQI getting caught in his own LIES-part 3

AUTHOR: - ()

SUBMITTED: Wednesday, April 22, 2015

From: SBanner [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: 11/26/2012 1:58 PM

To: [email protected]

Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

Subject: FW: FW: $1B Copper Powder Contracts

Dr. Feti Broci,

Congratulations, you are approved by the Ottoman Group, LLC to go forward to a PPP trade. Ottoman Group is the Provider & Tradeding Company. Attached are the 3 contracts for your signatures. A one time Fee of 25K is to be wired directly to the Providers account at J P Morgan- Chase.

The Trade contract was revised because we added the following:

Funding within 60 days or a refund of Fees on page one of the proposal.

Please see the attached Ottoman Group marketing materials & visit the Ottoman & The Firm Website.

I’m a Consultant and Advisor to the Board of Directors of “ The Ottoman Group”. Dustin Collins, CEO, Brent Purin, Director in charge of all In ground or out of ground mining assets or me will be happy to answer any questions you may have. After you sign the contracts & wire the Fee, procedures will include Ottoman Group to attain a Line of Credit set up with one of the Ottoman Group Banks for the monetized amount of LTV set up for the trade. There is no additional costs out of pocket before closing. The asset of Copper Powder is not traded, the Bank Line 0f Credit is used for the Trade.


Thank You,

Sid Banner, Manager/Owner

Express Commercial Capital, LLC

LLC Doc # L03000023267, Florida, USA

Delray Beach, Florida

Office: 561-450-7655

Cell: 561-289-9178


CC: 218-862-1000, Code: 946562 #

E Mail: [email protected]

Website: expcomcap.com




DISCLAIMER: Sender is not a United States Securities Dealer, Broker or U. S. Investment Advisor. Furthermore, sender is not a licensed Realtor in any state. This electronic transmission and or attached documents, have not been verified or authenticated & are not to be considered a solicitation for any purpose in any form or content, nor an offer to sell and/or buy securities and or properties. The information contained in this e-mail message may be privlidged and/or confidential and subject to errors and omissions. It is for intended addressee(s) only. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, reproduction, distribution or other use of this communication is strictly prohibited and could in certain circumstances, be a criminal offense. If you have received this e mail in error, please notify the sender [email protected] by reply and delete this message without copying or disclosing it. Nothing in this mail relates to offers from the U. S. Securities Act of 1933.

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#2 REBUTTAL Owner of company

FETI BROQI getting caught in his own LIES-part 2

AUTHOR: - ()

SUBMITTED: Tuesday, April 21, 2015

From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: 11/29/2012 12:57 PM

(((email redacted)))

Subject: RE: Copper PPP/Broqi

Dear Sirs , Good Day, before a few days ,

I have sent you the signed document compliance, now,

I am sending you the following signed documents:




I look forward to cooperation with you.

With regards,

JUDr.F. Broči

Respond to this report! What's this?

#3 REBUTTAL Owner of company

FETI BROQI getting caught in his own LIES-part 1

AUTHOR: - ()

SUBMITTED: Friday, April 17, 2015

From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: 04/01/2013 8:56 PM

To: [email protected]

Cc: Ulysses Prifti; [email protected]

Subject: Dr. Broci-Final Request on Third Party Document to Validate some Financials of Principle

Importance: High

Dear Dr Broci:

I hope you enjoyed your holidays with you and your family.

Kindly note we can not keep this matter open now as it does not look good to our bank nor us as the request has been made and repeated. The Documents we need to close this deal are the only financials on some of your companies or bank statements. Even Tax returns or audits if done on the business can suffice.

The reason our banks and any other ask us for these is to verify the individual/entity is and has what it purports to. It is standard operating procedures especially for Anti Money Laundering compliance and Know your client laws the banks are forced to ask for same. This is very routine and they are not looking for financials in order to lend it is simply to say we saw independent documents that validate that the client is who they are and we know our clients (KYC). This is international banking law globally.

We also will not allow anyone else except us to interact with our banks as we cannot jeopardize those relations and this deal which we have expended a great deal of time and resources and now we are almost there?

We need this done in way we ask very quickly as the bank has asked over and over.

They have your two statements. We simply need some third party verifications from CPA, Taxes, or bank statements or records of businesses where you made your monies. Or land held etc?

Thank you.

Thank you.


Dustin James Collins, J.D.

Managing Partner

The Ottoman Group

Auckland Chancery

Plaza Level-41-Short Hand Street

Auckland, 1010

212.521.4137 (U.S. Switch Board)

Email: [email protected]

Web Site:www.ottomangroupllc.com


**Registered Separately: in Switzerland, Hong Kong, Costa Rica, New Zealand & United States of America.

  • May 3, 2015

FETI BROQI of Hoylande stop lying about the $10,000.00.


[6:52 AM] Dr. Broqi: " Zoti Odise , miredita jame ne rruge per Gjermani –Austri , Per mue pagesa e 10.000 USD , eshte nji qike e komplikuar per disa arsye , me qe kjo pune eshte sekrete e une po e realizoj privatisht jashte firmes, mundet kjo me me damtue shume ne pikepamje financiare , ngelin gjurmet ne banke kur i dergoj leket, pastaj edhe nese mi kethen leket Otomangroupi …."

Feti Broqi and his goons chose to lie and make various fake stories.

Justice system will put in place and hold responsible unresponsible people for charachter deformation and manipulation of truth.....

From: Wilhelm, Joslin [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: 12/05/2012 10:13 AM

To: [email protected]

Cc: [email protected]

Subject: Wire Transfer


The funds ($ 10,000.00) have left your account.

For confirmation of funds received you will have to discuss that with The Ottoman Group.

Joslin Wilhelm | Investment Representative

704 E Roosevelt Rd. | Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 | Mail Drop G11601

Phone 630.545.5501 | VM 630-534-6544 | Fax 630.545.5510 [email protected]

Fifth Third Securities is the trade name used by Fifth Third Securities, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC, a registered broker-dealer and registered investment advisor providing brokerage and investment advisory services. Securities and Investments:

Are Not FDIC Insured

Offer No Bank Guarantee

May Lose Value

Are Not Insured By Any Federal Government Agency

Are Not A Deposit

Insurance products made available through Fifth Third Insurance Agency, Inc.

Fifth Third Securities DOES NOT ACCEPT ORDERS AND OR INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING YOUR ACCOUNT BY EMAIL; and therefore will not be responsible for carrying out such orders and/or instructions. Transactional details do not supersede official trade statements and statements.

Request for $ 10,000.00 via SKYPE from Feti Broqi to Ulysses Odise Prifti on December 5, 2012 at 6:52 AM Chicago time:

[6:52 AM] Dr. Broqi: " Mister Odise, Good day, I am traveling for Germany-Austria. For me the payment of $ 10,000, is a bit complicated for few reasons. Since this job is secret and I am managing it privately, outside the firm, it might damage me from a financial viewpoint. Bank traces remain when I send the money, even if Ottoman Group returns this money back to me...."

Kerkesea ne SKYPE Ulysses Odise Prifti nga Feti Broqi per $10,000.00 ne 5 Dhjetor 2012 ne 6:52 AM me oren e Chicagos:

[6:52 AM] Dr. Broqi: " Zoti Odise , miredita jame ne rruge per Gjermani –Austri , Per mue pagesa e 10.000 USD , eshte nji qike e komplikuar per disa arsye , me qe kjo pune eshte sekrete e une po e realizoj privatisht jashte firmes, mundet kjo me me damtue shume ne pikepamje financiare , ngelin gjurmet ne banke kur i dergoj leket, pastaj edhe nese mi kethen leket Otomangroupi …."

From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: 11/29/2012 5:51 PM

To: [email protected]

Cc: 'SBanner'; [email protected]

Subject: RE: Copper PPP/Broqi- Executed contracts proper form

Dr Broci,

Enclosed are executed contracts in proper form. Please wire fees as per instructions in my last email.

I was able to get Mr. Collins to execute conracts promptly for you.


Brent Purin

Director of Business Development

The Ottoman Group

590 Madison Ave 21st Floor

New York, NY 10022

212-521-4137 (U.S. Switchboard)

email - [email protected]

website - www.ottomangroupllc.com

From: JUDr Fetti Broqi [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: 11/29/2012 12:57 PM

To: Ulysses O. Prifti

Cc: [email protected]; 'SBanner'; [email protected]

Subject: RE: Copper PPP/Broqi

Dear Sirs , Good Day, before a few days ,

I have sent you the signed document compliance, now,

I am sending you the following signed documents:




I look forward to cooperation with you.

With regards,

JUDr.F. Broči

Most Useful Comment
  • Mar 25, 2015


Official Announcement

Dear customers and partners.

We inform you that over the past few months, the name of our company Hoylande has been abused on the Internet by people which we never had a business or any other relationship.

They intentionally spread false information and falsified documents and publish them on internet. These attackers have been harassing our shareholders and directors with malware infected emails and misusing our website. With their irresponsible behavior, perpetrators of these criminal acts desires deliberately to DAMAGE our good name, harass, spread lies and blackmail our company Hoylande and management.

Abusers were identified as:

Ulysses O. Prifti, MA, EA and Mr. Terry Moye, CPA

Market Accounting Corp.

Their common address is:

800 Roosevelt Rd., Bldg. C, Ste. 100

Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 USA

Because of the seriousness of the situation, the shareholders of JSC Hoylande held and emergency meeting on 03/ march /2015

They decided to take against all legal actions against these individuals:

Ulysses O. Prifti, MA, EA and Mr. Terry Moye, CPA

Our company will use all legal measures to initiate criminal proceedings with authorities of the Czech Republic and the USA.

For the implementation of this decision, Hoylande authorizes the attorney of our legal chancellor Dr. Veselý - Prague. The decision is irrevocable.

Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Mark as Useful [2 votes]
Most Useful Comment
  • Mar 11, 2015

Mr. Ulysses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye are counterfeiters, and make fake documents

Mr. JUDr. feti Broqi is a good businessman and fair man.

Two dirty professional swindler Mr. Ulysses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye, they write and invent intentionally various dirty tricks.

Mr. Ulysses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye owe $ 217,000, they do not desire to pay his debt to the owner Mr. feti .

Therefore, Mr. Ulysses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye deliberately inventing a variety of lies deception and blackmail Mr. feti Broqi.

Mr. Ulysses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye are counterfeiters, and make fake documents,

abusing the internet.

Mark as Useful [2 votes]
  • Apr 15, 2015

You are right!!

Fraud that's all they are. They defraud people to invest with USA Government and stole all our money. Prifti forged our electronic signature send false documents to TransAct Future, Chicago.

  • Mar 11, 2015

Mr. Terry Moye and Mr. Ulysses Prifti are counterfeiters, and make fake documents

Mr. JUDr. feti Broqi is a good businessman and fair man.

Two dirty professional swindler Mr. Ulysses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye, they write and invent intentionally various dirty tricks.

Mr. Ulysses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye owe $ 217,000, they do not desire to pay his debt to the owner Mr. feti .

Therefore, Mr. Ulysses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye deliberately inventing a variety of lies deception and blackmail Mr. feti Broqi.

Mr. Ulysses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye are counterfeiters, and make fake documents,

abusing the internet.

Mark as Useful [1 vote]
  • Nov 24, 2014

Victim is JUDr. Feti Broqi .

Victim is JUDr. Feti Broqi .

The goal of anonymous letters and Falsehoods is to cover the traces.

Those who have evidence clearly say that evidence is.

With JUDr. Feti Broqi has signed a contract, one entity implementer.

After appearing four new implementers?

JUDr. Feti Broqi not knows any of them.

This is intentionally done to cover the tracks.

Fraud was organized by professionals.

The aim was not bank fraud.

The aim of deception was to steal the documents, the authorization of the owners of the SKR JUDr. Feti Broqi.

Victim is JUDr. Feti Broqi .

I say to you, if you have evidence, send us what we need, If the bank had given the money, please say clearly the name of the bank.

If you no have evidence, then please feel. And be patient.


Mark as Useful [1 vote]
  • Feb 19, 2015

To Mr Feti Broqi. The SCAM monetising the SKR. No intention of Trading just scamming the Bank..

Dear Sir.

Re SKR BBK1057018-2-1

feti Broqi

I refer to a telephone conversation with Hendrik Rutz and the scanned original SKR forwarded to me from Hendrik by way of confirmation.

We are presently in possession of court orders in the UK against some of the following defendants and are presently to issue Legal Proceedings in the U.S.A against Profusion Holdings Group and its ancillary Companies.

Court orders have been issued against Mr George Drysdale, Mr William David Moore, Further orders are being sought against Mr Wilson Baez , Mr Carlos Zarur . Miss Gisela Castro and a Mr Ronald L Spratt as to the veracity of the SKR and criminal misrepresentations made to myself and my business Partner. Referrals to the Securities Exchange Commission and INTERPOL, is also being prepared by our Lawyers in Houston , Texas , U.S.A .and the United Kingdom.

Further claims/court orders against your client Mr Feti Broqi are being prepared as per our contract/PSA we have in place.

We are instructed to write to you and your legal department to ask for some relevant information regarding this SKR to be included in our documents being prepared for SEC and INTERPOL .

Dear HOYLANDE A.S and Fetti/ Feti Broci/Broqi

It is unfortunate I have wasted so much time with you, Mr. Broci, as an individual and I continue to do so for the sole purpose of exposing you as the ‘Master-Crook’ who will do anything in his power to cover his dirty footsteps and point the finger at others. Your story is always a change in progress with fake characters who seem to appear from time to time, from EVA to PET, to JOHN and who knows what names you might use next!!!!!!!!!!. Obviously you don’t have the courage to expose your own identity.

Mr. Broci, we are honest people who earn a living by earning our money in an ethical way and not making it by cheating others. On the other end, you continue to prove that you will do anything in your power to deform our character. In a few words, you continue to refuse to pay my invoice of $4,900 and from what I am aware, you still have not returned the borrowed money to my associate Ulysses either. As a matter of fact, when I asked for my money you sent me a scam invoice for $2.17M accusing us for (and I am quoting your own words): “bad organization of work and organization of work without a license of PPP”. As you might be aware, in business it is the parties involved in the contract who take full responsibility of the risk they take to run the transaction. I was never part of that agreement. I did not sign any papers to take responsibility on your failed deals/transactions. The agreement was between you and Ottoman Group/Dustin Collins and from what I am aware, that deal failed because YOU failed to comply with Anti Money Laundering as per your partner (Ottoman Group) claims. I was simply hired by you to give my expertise on writing the review report and I did comply with that obligation. Four months later, you come back to us with a ‘revised’ invoice for $200K, voiding the first invoice claiming that there was a technical error. WOW Mr. Broci!!! Technical error!!! From $2.17M to $200K… You call that a ‘technical error’? And it takes you four months to realize you made a technical error with a difference of $1.97M after continuous threats and demands to scam us for $2.17M? Or were you trying to collect whatever you could? Is that how you earn your living Mr. Broci?

When we escalated the case and presented it to a collection agency ‘Roma, Krishbaum & Schmidt’ you claimed in writing that those were not your invoices and you denied all the documents with Ottoman Group and Dustin Collins to be false. Moreover, you denied your own agreement that was sent from your attorney to my attorney. You claim to be a man of dignity and character. Words are cheap – actions talk louder than words. I am getting tired of dealing with you but I won’t get tired to expose the true Mr. Broci. As we have mentioned to you before, there is not such a thing as a PPP license. Maybe that is something that exists in Europe but not in US. I never committed to organizing anything in your end, except than preparing a review report for Deutsche Bank/Mr. Marson upon your request and suggestions.

At one point you claimed that you never spoke to me. After I sent you the first draft of my review report, you requested in writing (via email) to make additional changes to the review letter. The final review was approved by you and it was submitted via email to you and John Marson/Deutsche Bank. After the submission you commented (and I quote): “… your report was toilet paper and did more harm than good”. I hope you realize Mr. Broci that once the review report has been submitted, you can’t just decide to whiteout or erase information from that document simply because it doesn’t interest you. That is called ‘a scam’ and you are a true scammer. You deny your signature; you deny your invoice; you deny your agreement with your attorney; you deny your SKR, you deny your Worldwide Income Statement signed by you. Moreover, you write a letter on my behalf to make a settlement offer for my outstanding invoice via your attorney, Peter Gjojcaj to my attorney, Mr. David Hernandez. The language of the settlement was never approved by me, so I refuse to sign a fraudulent settlement that I never agreed upon. If your invoice remained true in its content, why would you try to cut a deal for settlement with me?

In regards to the Line of Credit, you have accused us of using your SKR #BBK1057018/1/1 to get your LOC for our own benefits, when you know very well we could have not generated anything from a copy of the SKR. As you are aware, the SKR #BBK1057018/1/1 clearly states “Valid Only Original’. I thought you never had any type of contact with me, Mr. Broci! You claim that this was a private/individual agreement between you and me. However, the name of your company Hoylande AS was part of most documents that I reviewed for your requested report. Your “supposed” profits of millions came from HOYLANDE AS however when you are faced with reality you like to play it dumb and make false accusations that we falsified your documents in order to avoid paying my invoice for the work I did for you. We do not operate like that Mr. Broci. Maybe this is a practice you follow, and project it in others to do the same.

I truly am not concerned with what you think of me or what you post online. Your true colors are already exposed. I am not writing this for you but I owe it to my associate Mr. Ulysses Prifti with whom I have worked with for many years and I know him to be an honest business man with good character and substance. People like you come and go every so often, but it is our character that remains and the lessons we learn in life… And let me make myself clear, you have been a valuable lesson for us. I have absolutely no connection with you other than ‘just another unpaid client’ but I am glad we got to expose your true colors so no other honest business people like us fall into the same trap we fell. Your business conducts remind me of one of my prior clients, Mr. Frank Custable who is currently serving 23 years in Federal Penitentiary for fraudulent financial activity just as your case.

I wish you the best of luck. TM

Footnote: – I, Terry Moye, will make myself available to any government agency/individual worldwide who has been defrauded from HOYLANDE A.S / FETI BROCI or needs more details on our case with Mr. Feti/Fetti/Fethi/Broqi/Broci/ etc. etc.

I can be reached at both my emails:

[email protected]

[email protected]

+1 -630-366-2080 ext 1003
  • Nov 24, 2014

It is clear, JUDr. Feti Broqi is humane man and gentlemen.

It is clear, JUDr. Feti Broqi is humane man and gentlemen.

It is clear, JUDr. Feti Broqi is humane man and gentlemen.

Mr. Feti Broqi, is the victim, and his property is abused.

Company Hoylande is a very serious company that works successfully with its capital, and is active in five countries.

In big fraud usually involved more of the subject, but all will answer before the court.

Mark as Useful [1 vote]
  • May 15, 2015

Ulysses Odise Prifti you're not a pure man.

Ulysses Odise Prifti you're not a pure man.

Ulysses exudes Prifti see your self at Jimi Kimel

Tonight 10 fingers of shame to you.

You told us that the Jewish of Wall Street chairs our money .

Do you mind every Jew.

God will punish you.

Justice - (USA)


Ulysses Odise Prifti you're not a pure man.

Mr. Feti Broqi be reasonable,

Mr. Ulysses Prifti you attack because it has the task of hiding their tracks.

Deutsche Bank never analyzed your SKR. It was a trick.

Your SKR enjoyed for MTN purchase through a bank JP Morgan.

They fooled you. Fraud is made up of Ulysses Odise Prifti- Ottoman Group .

The whole case should immediately hand over to the police, because they have abused your capital.

  • May 13, 2015

In April 2013, I was hired by JUDr Feti Broci to provide an Audited Financial Report for Deutsche Bank/Ottoman Group LLC in New York.

I provided an audited report in compliance with GAAP of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants as per JUDr Feti Broci request. I spend many hours to complete the due diligence on all documents and contracts of JUDr Feti Broci.

In addition to the audited statement, I was interviewed by the private banker of Deutsche Bank regarding the report.

Not only JUDr Feti Broci has decided cheat me for my services but none the less JUDr Feti Broci has decided to ignore all my continues requests once he received the audit report.

I was also surprised to find out that JUDr Feti Broci cheated the referral contact that introduced Mr. Broci to me.

Mr. Broci cheated him with$ 10,000.00 that was deposited to Ottoman Group LLC and JUDr Feti Broqi being the beneficiary of the agreement.

I asked the referral individual for his permission to share his name, but at the moment I am not allowed to mention his name due to the advice of his attorney since a lawsuit is on process.

I have tried to resolve the issue with JUDr Feti Broci in a professional manner , however JUDr Feti Broci he is very irresponsible individual.

JUDr Feti Broci is simply a rip-off, a professional crook that uses others people's services or money for his own gain.

Should you have any questions regarding this complain, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Terry Moye, CPA

  • Apr 17, 2015

Mr. FETI BROQI is known and experienced con man

Mr. FETI BROQI of HOYLANDE A.S of Czech Republic and his power of Attorney Mr. AGIM MOLLA of Michigan US are thieves and fraudsters.

Mr. FETI BROQI and Mr. AGIM MOLLA are theives, big liars and fraudsters.

Everything that Mr. FETI BROQI and Mr. AGIM MOLLA, write under anonymous names, like G, Eve, Pat, etc...are invented on purpose to cover their dirty lies, deception and who know what else.

Mr. FETI BROQI is known and experienced con man, who cannot be trusted. ...

Mr. FETI BROQI, FATJON BROQI submitted a package to OTTOMAN GROUP LLC, NEW YORK . Mr. FETI BROQI authorized all communication with DB New York, however Mr. FETI BROQI is trying to deny those facts because FETI BROQI did not comply with ANTI MONEY LAUDNERING during the process as we were told.

FETI BROQI was required to provide financials however instead of providing Mr. BROQI did what he does best by attacking and accusing all parties involved that they had stole his assets and the irony is that his assets never left his control.

Among the other lies is that FETI BROQI has a power of attorney agent of his HOYLANDE AS company in Michigan, USA named Agim Molla and smart enough he uses him to cheat other people like they did with Mr. Prifti

Mr. AGIM MOLLA and FETI BROQI stole from MR. PRIFTI $ 10,000.00 and did not pay Mr. MOYE for his services. When we asked for the money back Mr. BROQI gave various versions of lies that I you had a deal with Mr. Agim Molla and not with me even though Agim Molla was his power of Attorney .. up to the point of trying to fraud us for $ 2,170.000

With few words, FETI BROQI is a small thief, a big time liar and an expert of manipulations.

Such dirty crooks like FETI BROQI and AGIM MOLLA , are very rare to find but believe it or not they exist .

FETI BROQI, is sick man, who only sends anonymous letters and viruses over the internet.

It is a shame, two dirty "business men" cheating their accountant for his services fees and their associate for $ 10,000...

  • Apr 5, 2015


From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: 11/29/2012 12:57 PM

[email protected]

Subject: RE: Copper PPP/Broqi

Dear Sirs , Good Day, before a few days ,

I have sent you the signed document compliance, now,

I am sending you the following signed documents:




I look forward to cooperation with you.

With regards,

JUDr.F. Broči

  • Apr 2, 2015

Everything describe and Mr. Ulysses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye is a scam

Everything describe and Mr. Ulysses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye is a scam

The first request from Mr. Prifti ULYSSES - sought money from Mr. Dustin

After he demanded money from Mr. Agim, ....

In fact they Ullysses and Moye - owe everyone.


From: Ulysses O. Prifti [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2013 9:58 AM

To: 'Sid Banner'

Cc: 'Ulysses O. Prifti'

Subject: Ottoman

Importance: High


The deal was promised to close within 60 days or full refund without delays.

Within 60 days not only the deal did not close, but Ottoman/you never send any update on progress/due diligence.

Also, Ottoman/The Firm completely failed to send official request for more time.

To be quite frank with you, After six month I don't have more hope on this deal and I feel that trust has been lost completely.

In addition, personally I am blown away with a lot of inconsistency from Ottoman group and our personal information leaking to third parties



From my side, I know what I am capable to accomplish.. I hope you understand and respond promptly to my concerns as well, because I know for sure is that the story has been changed many times from Ottoman side and the initial agreements have not been respected.

My goal is still to close this deal with Ottoman & Dr. Broqi. If I can become any help between parties talk to Dustin James Collins and let me know.

If you/Ottoman Group/The Firm/Dustin James Collins/Brent Purin decide not to answer and be transparent with Dr. Broqi requests/concerns / questions, than please refund immediately the $ 10,000.00 as promised and as mutually agreed because I don't see any further progress with this deal.

Bank info for REFUND is the same bank that the money was wired to your bank:

Market Etrade Inc.

800 Roosevelt Rd. Bldg C. Suite 100

Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

Account # 7238554542

Routing # 042000314 / (The routing # for incoming domestic wiring for 53rd bank ) :

P.S. I decided to write to you; because anytime I speak with you over the phone you have the habit to cut me off. This way you can read my email over and over and hopefully you understand my concerns and my point of view.


Sender Ulysses O. Prifti

Adresát 'Sid Banner' , [email protected]

Copy 'Agim Molla'

Date 19.06.2013 15:41

Sid Banner:

Unfortunately, you keep hiding behind your finger and can't tell one story twice the same even though we have signed a NCDA together .

For the records, it is not true that we stopped to listen to you, but inconsistency from your side and lack of professionalism caused for concerns and questions to be raised; which even until today you/Ottoman do not give us a straight answer.

Mr. Banner at the very first conversation of ours you presented Ottoman /The firms to me as a Commodity Pool (as they had advertised in their website at that time) and Ottoman/The Firm was controlled and regulated by NFA/CFTC / Securities of Exchange. In addition to relationships with affiliated banks, Ottoman had their own funds over a billion dollar to close transactions of this nature in time records within 30 days....

After I felt confident on your stories and my referral source for you, than I decided to introduce my client to you/Ottoman.



In conclusion, I am simply emphasizing some facts that took part during last 6+ months, especially since you/Ottoman have told us many versions of stories but never willing to cooperate with clients requests.

I am not the owner of the assets or the decision maker, however since I brought Dr. Broqi to you/Ottoman I feel very abused in this un-professional relationship. I honestly regret for introducing my client to you/Ottoman.

At the end of the day the principle Dr. Broqi has delivered his massages to Mr. Collins and they will solve the differences.

Now Kindly for the second time, I am referring to both of you:

Mr. Sid Banner & Mr. Dustin James Collins.

Please Refund the fees of $ 10,000.00 by avoiding further engagements.

The agreement states clearly 60 days delivery or full refund.

There was no delivery from Ottoman so act as agreed.

Banking info are as follows:

Market Etrade Inc.

800 Roosevelt Rd. Bldg C. Suite 100

Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

Account # 7238554542

Routing # 042000314 / (The routing # for incoming domestic wiring for 53rd bank ) :


Ulysses O. Prifti, MA, RTRP

Market Accounting Corp

Certified Public Accountants

800 Roosevelt Road Bld C Suite 100

Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

Tel: 630-366-2080 630-366-2080 ext 1002

Fax: 630-366-2081

Cell: 630-865-5999 630-865-5999



From: Ulysses O. Prifti [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: 07/11/2013 9:32 AM

To: [email protected]

Cc: 'Ulysses O. Prifti'

Subject: RE: Ottoman Responses to Broker UP on Feti File High Lighted -

Importance: High


It is not only Mr. Purin that is against you. I spoke to few other victims of yours. I will provide you with proofs when time will come.

Do you want me to believe that you are an angel !!!!!!!!! ????????

YOU Kept lying and changing the story many times on Dr. Broqi. zero proof / zero delivery on the first 60 days as agreed. No need to repeat...

Later on you not only you did not respect the contract/agreements but you changed the game...

On two conference calls you kept disappearing ... even at a point you went for smoke and Ian was lost because he did not have the answers...

That behavior is unacceptable in any professional business.

Business is done on proofs and trust. You did not proof and lost that trust ...

Unfortunately you lost his trust.

In the other side from your email, It seems to me that you are looking for new opportunity from Dr. Broqi..

Feel free to make an official request to Dr. Broqi yourself with your proposals and I am sure He might come to New York and visit you and the bank if you provide proofs not words this time..

I am 100% witness that my client has acted properly and he felt very abused on continues changes and stopped delivering you info after you failed to proof your status/Licenses/Credentials..

, however If you think my client has not respected the agreements and has caused financial damages to you, than you have the right to go against him for damages but not hold my money

So far , I know that your/Sid Banner story changes by days .

I invested my 10K, because Sid Banner/Ottoman guaranteed me that zero penny will be lost..

I have acted on good faith on everything so no reasons to steal my money.

With few words, stop the games with me and don't delay to return my money back...

Ulysses O. Prifti, MA, RTRP

Market Accounting Corp

Certified Public Accountants

800 Roosevelt Road Bld C Suite 100

Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

  • Mar 26, 2015

Agreement with Ottoman

From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: 03/02/2013 5:50 AM

To: [email protected]

Subject: Re: Respected,I am sending you a document with the completed correction document from the day 28.02.2013. This document is valid.

Importance: High

Dear Sir Collins:

Thank you ahead of time for the promise on closing the first asset package within the next three weeks.

For me it is not too important the maximum LTV that banks have already offered for this asset; however it is important that you/your company can successfully deliver the promises in our mutual agreement that we have signed three months ago.

In regard to future business please forward us the JV agreement for review. Once, we review and mutually finalize our JV agreement than I will dispose all assets, cash, financial instruments available to you/your company as I promised again last night and a lot more as we progress in our venture.

Looking forward on prosperous and mutual beneficial relationship.

Best Regards,

JUDr. Feti Broqi

  • Mar 23, 2015


Wednesday, 03/18/2015

You, Mr. Broci have chosen to create varies lies against me and Ulysses via internet campaign methods, however this will not stop us to exposure your Financial Scam

It is unfortunate I have wasted so much time with you, JUDr Feti Broci, as an individual and I continue to do so for the sole purpose of exposing you as the ‘Master-Crook’ who will do anything in his power to cover his dirty footsteps and point the finger at others.

Your story is always a change in progress with fake characters who seem to appear from time to time, from EVA to PET, to JOHN and who knows what names you might use next!!!!!!!!!!. Obviously you, JUDr Feti Broci, don’t have the courage to expose your own identity because in court of law you can be liable for character deformation.

You tried varies methods to keep me quite, but no success.

Mr. Broci, we are honest people who earn a living by earning our money in an ethical way and not making it by cheating others. On the other end, you continue to prove that you will do anything in your power to deform our character.

In a few words , in April 2013, I was hired by you, Mr. Broci to provide an Audited Financial Report for Deutsche Bank/Ottoman Group LLC in New York. I provided the audited report in compliance with GAAP as per your request. We agreed on $ 4900.00 for my work. Mr. Broci, you made a better offer than the $ 4,900. that I requested. Mr. Broci, you offered to pay me ten times more at closing however closing never took place because you Mr. Broci decided not to comply with the Anti Money Laundering compliance . As result you breached our oral agreement. Not only you, Mr. Broci decided to cheat me for my services but none the less you o continued your scam with various lies, fake invoices, manipulations and accusations.

As a matter of fact, when I asked for my money you sent me a scam invoice for $2.17M accusing us for (and I am quoting your own words): “bad organization of work and organization of work without a license of PPP”. As you might be aware, in business it is the parties involved in the contract who take full responsibility of the risk they take to run the transaction. I was never part of that agreement. I did not sign any papers to take responsibility on your failed deals/transactions. The agreement was between you and Ottoman Group/Dustin Collins and from what I am aware, that deal failed because YOU failed to comply with Anti Money Laundering as per your partner (Ottoman Group) claims. I was simply hired by you to give my expertise on writing the review report and I did comply with that obligation. Four months later, you come back to us with a ‘revised’ invoice for $200K, voiding the first invoice claiming that there was a technical error. WOW Mr. Broci!!! Technical error!!! From $2.17M to $200K… You call that a ‘technical error’? And it takes you four months to realize you made a technical error with a difference of $1.97M after continuous threats and demands to scam us for $2.17M? Or were you trying to collect whatever you could? Is that how you earn your living Mr. Broci?

When we escalated the case and presented it to a collection agency ‘Roma, Krishbaum & Schmidt’ you claimed in writing that those were not your invoices and you denied all the documents with Ottoman Group and Dustin Collins to be false. Moreover, you denied your own agreement that was sent from your attorney to my attorney. You claim to be a man of dignity and character. Words are cheap – actions talk louder than words. I am getting tired of dealing with you but I won’t get tired to expose the true Mr. Broci. As we have mentioned to you before, there is not such a thing as a PPP license. Maybe that is something that exists in Europe but not in US. I never committed to organizing anything in your end, except than preparing a review report for Deutsche Bank/Mr. Marson upon your request and suggestions.

At one point you claimed that you never spoke to me. After I sent you the first draft of my review report, you requested in writing (via email) to make additional changes to the review letter. The final review was approved by you and it was submitted via email to you and John Marson/Deutsche Bank. After the submission you commented (and I quote): “… your report was toilet paper and did more harm than good”. I hope you realize Mr. Broci that once the review report has been submitted, you can’t just decide to whiteout or erase information from that document simply because it doesn’t interest you. That is called ‘a scam’ and you are a true scammer. You deny your signature; you deny your invoice; you deny your agreement with your attorney; you deny your SKR, you deny your Worldwide Income Statement signed by you. Moreover, you write a letter on my behalf to make a settlement offer for my outstanding invoice via your attorney, Peter Gjojcaj to my attorney, Mr. David Hernandez. The language of the settlement was never approved by me, so I refuse to sign a fraudulent settlement that I never agreed upon. If your invoice remained true in its content, why would you try to cut a deal for settlement with me?

In regards to the Line of Credit, you have accused us of using your SKR #BBK1057018/1/1 to get your LOC for our own benefits, when you know very well we could have not generated anything from a copy of the SKR. As you are aware, the SKR #BBK1057018/1/1 clearly states “Valid Only Original’. I thought you never had any type of contact with me, Mr. Broci! You claim that this was a private/individual agreement between you and me. However, the name of your company Hoylande AS was part of most documents that I reviewed for your requested report. Your “supposed” profits of millions came from HOYLANDE AS however when you are faced with reality you like to play it dumb and make false accusations that we falsified your documents in order to avoid paying my invoice for the work I did for you. We do not operate like that Mr. Broci. Maybe this is a practice you follow, and project it in others to do the same.

I truly am not concerned with what you think of me or what you post online. Your true colors are already exposed. I am not writing this for you but I owe it to my associate Mr. Ulysses Prifti with whom I have worked with for many years and I know him to be an honest business man with good character and substance. People like you come and go every so often, but it is our character that remains and the lessons we learn in life… And let me make myself clear, you have been a valuable lesson for us. I have absolutely no connection with you other than ‘just another unpaid client’ but I am glad we got to expose your true colors so no other honest business people like us fall into the same trap we fell. Your business conducts remind me of one of my prior clients, Mr. Frank Custable who is currently serving 23 years in Federal Penitentiary for fraudulent financial activity just as your case.

I wish you the best of luck.

Terry Moye, CPA

Footnote: – I, Terry Moye, will make myself available to any government agency/individual worldwide who has been defrauded from HOYLANDE A.A / FETI BROCI or needs more details on our case with Mr. Feti/Fetti/Fethi/Broqi/Broci/ etc. etc.

I can be reached at both my emails:

[email protected]

[email protected]

+1 -630-366-2080 ext 1003

  • Mar 19, 2015

In April 2013, I was hired by JUDr Feti Broci to provide an Audited Financial Report for Deutsche Bank/Ottoman Group LLC in New York.

I provided an audited report in compliance with GAAP of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants as per JUDr Feti Broci request. I spend many hours to complete the due diligence on all documents and contracts of JUDr Feti Broci.

In addition to the audited statement, I was interviewed by the private banker of Deutsche Bank regarding the report.

Not only JUDr Feti Broci has decided cheat me for my services but none the less JUDr Feti Broci has decided to ignore all my continues requests once he received the audit report.

I was also surprised to find out that JUDr Feti Broci cheated the referral contact that introduced Mr. Broci to me.

Mr. Broci cheated him with$ 10,000.00 that was deposited to Ottoman Group LLC and JUDr Feti Broqi being the beneficiary of the agreement.

I asked the referral individual for his permission to share his name, but at the moment I am not allowed to mention his name due to the advice of his attorney since a lawsuit is on process.

I have tried to resolve the issue with JUDr Feti Broci in a professional manner , however JUDr Feti Broci he is very irresponsible individual.

JUDr Feti Broci is simply a rip-off, a professional crook that uses others people's services or money for his own gain.

Should you have any questions regarding this complain, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Terry Moye, CPA

  • Mar 15, 2015


In april 2013, i was hired by judr feti broci to provide an audited financial report for deutsche bank/ottoman group llc in new york.

I provided an audited report in compliance with gaap of the american institute of certified public accountants as per judr feti broci request. I spend many hours to complete the due diligence on all documents and contracts of judr feti broci.

In addition to the audited statement, i was interviewed by the private banker of deutsche bank regarding the report.

Not only judr feti broci has decided cheat me for my services but none the less judr feti broci has decided to ignore all my continues requests once he received the audit report.

I was also surprised to find out that judr feti broci cheated the referral contact that introduced mr. Broci to me.

Mr. Broci cheated him with$ 10,000.00 that was deposited to ottoman group llc and judr feti broqi being the beneficiary of the agreement.

I asked the referral individual for his permission to share his name, but at the moment i am not allowed to mention his name due to the advice of his attorney since a lawsuit is on process.

I have tried to resolve the issue with judr feti broci in a professional manner, however judr feti broci he is very irresponsible individual.

Judr feti broci is simply a rip-off, a professional crook that uses others people's services or money for his own gain.

Should you have any questions regarding this complain, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Terry moye, cpa

  • Mar 12, 2015

Breach of Contract and Inability to Provide a Document on Fetti File and KYC/AML

From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 10:40 AM

To: [email protected]

Cc: legal ottoman; [email protected]; [email protected]; Operations

Subject: Breach of Contract and Inability to Provide a Document on Fetti File and KYC/AML

Importance: High

Dear Mr. Broci:

Your file has now been closed. The breach of contract and inability to provide simpliest documents that would be required and have been requested from our banks, is the sole reason and inconceivable.

Banking Compliance and Anti money laundering laws and know your client laws preclude us from doing business with someone can not show by independent means how they came into possesion of an asset they want to pledge as collateral.

We or any bankers are not permitted to take a self serving letter attesting to your vast wealth and acquisition of a purported asset worth 1 billion dollars.

Moreover your repeated offensive and obnoxious behavior in our request for same and continued failure to provide a banks statement or financials. Has halted our ability to pass the file with our bank relations who have red flagged you.

On this issue if you and your accountant do not cease and desist from harrasment and contact with us or anyone we work with we will be forced to enforce the liquidated damages clause on the asset for 10 percent of the contracts you breached. Since January we have asked for and not gotten the documents we needed.

Thank you.


Dustin James Collins, J.D.

Managing Partner

The Ottoman Group

Auckland Chancery

Plaza Level-41-Short Hand Street

Auckland, 1010

212.521.4137 (U.S. Switch Board)

Email: [email protected]

Web Site:www.ottomangroupllc.com


**Registered Separately: in Switzerland, Hong Kong, Costa Rica, New Zealand & United States of America.

**Historical Trade Performance is not Indicative of Future Results.

  • Mar 12, 2015

I have been SCAMMED BY Feti Broqi I have the copy of SKR Copper

I have been SCAMMED BY Feti Broqi I have the copy of SKR Copper

I have all files emails and a copy of original SKR for 2.86 Billion fro Prosafe-online in germany. This SKR was used to obtain money from the Bank with no intention of going to trade..Anyone that would like further information. including copy of broqi passport and SKR place your contact details here and i will contact you. we have 4 lever arch files concerning Dr/Mr Broqi and his partners in crime.

Mr Broqi and his friends submitted false fillings / offering to SEC Form D using a collection of 8 different companies

We are presently preparing our files for IINTERPOL and have already submitted them to SEC & Action Fraud in the UK.

  • Nov 7, 2014

In April 2013, I was hired by JUDr Feti Broci to provide an Audited Financial Report for Deutsche Bank/Ottoman Group LLC in New York.

I provided an audited report in compliance with GAAP of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants as per JUDr Feti Broci request. I spend many hours to complete the due diligence on all documents and contracts of JUDr Feti Broci.

In addition to the audited statement, I was interviewed by the private banker of Deutsche Bank regarding the report.

Not only JUDr Feti Broci has decided cheat me for my services but none the less JUDr Feti Broci has decided to ignore all my continues requests once he received the audit report.

I was also surprised to find out that JUDr Feti Broci cheated the referral contact that introduced Mr. Broci to me.

Mr. Broci cheated him with$ 10,000.00 that was deposited to Ottoman Group LLC and JUDr Feti Broqi being the beneficiary of the agreement.

I asked the referral individual for his permission to share his name, but at the moment I am not allowed to mention his name due to the advice of his attorney since a lawsuit is on process.

I have tried to resolve the issue with JUDr Feti Broci in a professional manner , however JUDr Feti Broci he is very irresponsible individual.

JUDr Feti Broci is simply a rip-off, a professional crook that uses others people's services or money for his own gain.

Should you have any questions regarding this complain, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Terry Moye, CPA

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