Subject: Breach of Contract and Inability to Provide a Document on Fetti File and KYC/AML
Importance: High
Dear Mr. Broci:
Your file has now been closed. The breach of contract and inability to provide simpliest documents that would be required and have been requested from our banks, is the sole reason and inconceivable.
Banking Compliance and Anti money laundering laws and know your client laws preclude us from doing business with someone can not show by independent means how they came into possesion of an asset they want to pledge as collateral.
We or any bankers are not permitted to take a self serving letter attesting to your vast wealth and acquisition of a purported asset worth 1 billion dollars.
Moreover your repeated offensive and obnoxious behavior in our request for same and continued failure to provide a banks statement or financials. Has halted our ability to pass the file with our bank relations who have red flagged you.
On this issue if you and your accountant do not cease and desist from harrasment and contact with us or anyone we work with we will be forced to enforce the liquidated damages clause on the asset for 10 percent of the contracts you breached. Since January we have asked for and not gotten the documents we needed.
Cc: 'Ulysses Prifti'; Subject: FW: correction date
Tani nuk po kuptoj aspak fare levizjet e Z. Feti dhe nuk po kuptoj pse na perfshin dhe ne ne nje grup me Ottoman.
Ai po flet ne njejes per veten e tij dhe ne shumes ne te tjeret.
A jemi pjese e grupit te tij apo kam enderuar une gjithe kohen?
Nqs Z. Feti ka ndonje prove ose ndonje gje kundra nesh le ta bej te ditur por emiali i dyte i njejte pasi une e ngrita shqetesimin tim po me ofendon drejt per se drejti.
Une besoj qe ka ardhe ora qe te gjithe, une ti dhe Z. Feti te bejme nje konference dhe te jemi ne nje faqe sepse ben gati dy muaj qe as marim vesh se cbehet ose i marim te rejat vesh pas disa diteve. Ne qofte se nuk vazhdohet me tej te ndahemi si miq.
Gjithashtu, me premptevo qe Z. Feti do te jete korekte me ty ne lidhje me parate e vendosura ne maredhenie te punes. Shpresoj premtimi te shkoj ne vend.
Ne emailin qe kishe derguar dje vendosa re dy gabime.
E para ishte data ne fund te emailit - 01.02.2013
E dyta ne email te pakten nga kendeveshtrimi im dhe shpresoj qe une te jem gabim, kishe perfshire Agimin dhe mua. Emaili te le te nenkuptosh qe ne jemi pjese grupit te Otomanit, kur as une as Agimi nuk i takojme grupit te tyre. Ne prezantojme ju dhe mbrojme interesat e tuaja/tona me plote dinjitet.
Megjithate sic thash, mundet qe une ta lexoj gabim ne anglisht dhe shpresoj qe gjykimi im te jete i gabuar.
Le te bejme nje konference ne skype kete jave ne lidhje me proceduren e vazhdimit te komumikimit me Ottoman me qellim qe te jemi dhe ne ne nje faqe me ju per interes te perfundimit me sukses.
Gjithashtu, une kam vendosur 10,000 dollar qe nuk di si te veproj per ti mare, dhe nuk di si ti kerkoj pasi mareveshjet me kontrata jane ne emrin tuaj dhe sic kemi diskutur keto raporte i kemi lene per tu manaxhuar prej jush.
Te uroj nje te diel te kendshme dhe na keshillo se cfare duhet te bejme.
To Mr Feti Broqi. The SCAM monetising the SKR. No intention of Trading just scamming the Bank..
To Mr Feti Broqi. The SCAM monetising the SKR. No intention of Trading just scamming the Bank..
Dear Sir.
Re SKR BBK1057018-2-1
feti Broqi
I refer to a telephone conversation with Hendrik Rutz and the scanned original SKR forwarded to me from Hendrik by way of confirmation.
We are presently in possession of court orders in the UK against some of the following defendants and are presently to issue Legal Proceedings in the U.S.A against Profusion Holdings Group and its ancillary Companies.
Court orders have been issued against Mr George Drysdale, Mr William David Moore, Further orders are being sought against Mr Wilson Baez , Mr Carlos Zarur . Miss Gisela Castro and a Mr Ronald L Spratt as to the veracity of the SKR and criminal misrepresentations made to myself and my business Partner. Referrals to the Securities Exchange Commission and INTERPOL, is also being prepared by our Lawyers in Houston , Texas , U.S.A .and the United Kingdom.
Further claims/court orders against your client Mr Feti Broqi are being prepared as per our contract/PSA we have in place.
We are instructed to write to you and your legal department to ask for some relevant information regarding this SKR to be included in our documents being prepared for SEC and INTERPOL .
I have had the liberty to read the reports on Dustin Collins. I've had a client of mines ready to place a 1Billion Euro BG into trade. Of course Mr Collins couldn't perform period and did require upfront fees. My client made a swift MT799 in favor of the OTTOMAN Group. We found out after making the swift , that Dustin Collins and OGI did not have the capabilities to monetize the instrument period. My client requested his 120 thousand dollars back and to no avail did he receive any money. Everything from Dustin Collins is a lie and my client will be filing charges in N.Y this week.
Mr. Feti Broqi is the pure professional, which kept trade secrets and nobody insultsn, and held his word.
Mr. Feti Broqi is the pure professional, which kept trade secrets and nobody insults.
With responsibility, I Eva Pro. , say clearly to everyone:
I have all the information about SKR document.
I have on keeping all the letters, documents and information about SKR .
I know the truth; I know that you all join, with one aim, to steal property of JUDr. Feti Broqi.
In this fraud were involved four people, you have stolen original documents and SKR , made the expenses 200,000 EURO , you have damage over 2.000,000 SD.
You are conceited abused, property of JUDr. Feti Broqi.
JUDr. Feti Broqi was a big sacrifice.
You are all abused it, because you know that he does not know English well.
JUDr. Feti Broqi was a big sacrifice.
You all have made a lot of damage to Mr. Feti Broqi.
I have a moral obligation to help the gentleman Feti Broqi.
Please have a little patience; you will quickly see that justice in the end wins.
I told you, I've made a criminal complaint against the person who had abused their original documents who fraudulently took SKR documents and keep them unauthorized and systematically abused.
It's known that anonymous letters, write mentally ill person or a criminal
It's known that anonymous letters, write mentally ill person or a criminal.
And we know who that is......
All email, which are published, they are recorded.
And is knows the address of where they came ....
Interpol and other police no are naive ..... Not to fall for provocations from persons of unsound mind, who write anonymous letters in internet every days.
Mr. Feti Broqi is the pure professional, which kept trade secrets and nobody insults.
Mr. Feti Broqi is the pure professional, which kept trade secrets and nobody insults.
With responsibility, I Eva Pro. , say clearly to everyone:
I have all the information about SKR document.
I have on keeping all the letters, documents and information about SKR .
I know the truth; I know that you all join, with one aim, to steal property of JUDr. Feti Broqi.
In this fraud were involved four people, you have stolen original documents, made the expenses 200,000 EURO , you have damage over 2.000,000 SD.
You are conceited abused , property of JUDr. Feti Broqi.
You are all abused it , because you know that he does not know English well.
JUDr. Feti Broqi was a big sacrifice.
I have written all the letters and answers on the Internet to my name Eva P.
Also I say clearly: JUDr. Feti Broqi is a great gentleman.
Mr. Feti Broqi is the pure professional, which kept trade secrets and nobody insults.
Mr. Feti Broqi never not discussed with anyone.
I have a moral obligation to help the gentleman Feti Broqi.
I have prayed before, I pray and NOW JUDr. Feti Broqi to write the truth over the internet around situation of SKR documents, and that all of us clearly shows who are the people who are doing his fortune, documents and money.
You all have made a lot of damage to Mr. Feti Broqi.
I solemnly declare that I have launched legal proceedings against the four persons US citizens which are misused the documents SKR , authorization, have abuse and fraud.
I have information that two people (Americans), stole + 120 million of US dollars, this money were intended for JUDr. Feti Broqi.
These two people (Americans) have stolen property, and money intended for JUDr. Feti Broqi.
I have been SCAMMED BY Feti Broqi I have the copy of SKR Copper
I have all files emails and a copy of original SKR for 2.86 Billion fro Prosafe-online in germany. This SKR was used to obtain money from the Bank with no intention of going to trade..Anyone that would like further information. including copy of broqi passport and SKR place your contact details here and i will contact you. we have 4 lever arch files concerning Dr/Mr Broqi and his partners in crime.
Mr Broqi and his friends submitted false filllings / offering to SEC Form D using a collection of 8 different companies
We are presently preparing our files for IINTERPOL and have already submitted them to SEC & Action Fraud in the UK.
Mr. Feti Broqi is the pure professional, which kept trade secrets and nobody insults.
With responsibility, I Eva Pro. , say clearly to everyone:
I have all the information about SKR document.
I have on keeping all the letters, documents and information about SKR .
I know the truth; I know that you all join, with one aim, to steal property of JUDr. Feti Broqi.
In this fraud were involved four people, you have stolen original documents, made the expenses 200,000 EURO , you have damage over 2.000,000 SD.
You are conceited abused , property of JUDr. Feti Broqi.
You are all abused it , because you know that he does not know English well.
JUDr. Feti Broqi was a big sacrifice.
I have written all the letters and answers on the Internet to my name Eva P.
Also I say clearly: JUDr. Feti Broqi is a great gentleman.
Mr. Feti Broqi is the pure professional, which kept trade secrets and nobody insults.
Mr. Feti Broqi never not discussed with anyone.
I have a moral obligation to help the gentleman Feti Broqi.
I have prayed before, I pray and NOW JUDr. Feti Broqi to write the truth over the internet around situation of SKR documents, and that all of us clearly shows who are the people who are doing his fortune, documents and money.
You all have made a lot of damage to Mr. Feti Broqi.
I solemnly declare that I have launched legal proceedings against the four persons US citizens which are misused the documents SKR , authorization, have abuse and fraud.
I have information that two people (Americans), stole + 120 million of US dollars, this money were intended for JUDr. Feti Broqi.
These two people (Americans) have stolen property, and money intended for JUDr. Feti Broqi.
Mr. Feti Broqi is the pure professional, which kept trade secrets and nobody insults.
With responsibility, I Eva Pro. , say clearly to everyone:
I have all the information about SKR document.
I have on keeping all the letters, documents and information about SKR .
I know the truth; I know that you all have joined, in order to fraudulently steal property JUDr. Feti Broqi.
In this fraud were involved four people, you stole original documents stolen money over 200,000 EURO and you have created a cost over 2.000,000 SD.
You are conceited stolen property of JUDr. Feti Broqi.
You are all abused it , because you know that he does not know English well.
JUDr. Feti Broqi was a big sacrifice.
I have written all the letters and answers on the Internet to my name Eva P.
Also I say clearly: JUDr. Feti Broqi is a great gentleman.
Mr. Feti Broqi is the pure professional, which kept trade secrets and nobody insults.
Mr. Feti Broqi never not discussed with anyone.
I have a moral obligation to help the gentleman Feti Broqi.
I have prayed before, I pray and NOW JUDr. Feti Broqi to write the truth over the internet around situation of SKR documents, and that all of us clearly shows who are the people who are doing his fortune, documents and money.
You all have made a lot of damage to Mr. Feti Broqi.
I solemnly declare that I have launched legal proceedings against the four persons US citizens have misused documents, authorization, have abuse and fraud.
I have information that two people (Americans), stole 120 million of US dollars, this money were intended for JUDr. Feti Broqi.
These two people (Americans) have stolen property, and money intended for JUDr. Feti Broqi.
Recall you were served with notice already from The Firm, Inc Merchant bank.
Demand was made for documents never produced.
Please take notice Ottoman does not charge fees and solely handles lines and management of the proceeds. Your failure to provide The Firm, Inc Merchant Bank the documents they needed and we evidenced multiple times as such They will seek 10 percent of liquidated damages against the asset.
Moreover if you file false claims and tarnish our name you will be subjected to a slander lawsuit for same.
We have sent Mr. Fetti the demand and notice of breach. If you want we can ensure he is red-flagged at all our banks in the future for the Anti Money Laundering and KYC compliance as well.
We can forward your email but your client failed to provide evidence of how he came into and afforded a billion dollar asset. Our banks repeatedly requested and never were provided the documents which all of or emails and letters show same.
You filing false charges or slandering our firm Ottoman any further will result in the above and you will be subjected to damages that far exceed the costs associated with same which we have expended out of pocket over $500,000.00 in dd and legal fees only to be derailed by Mr. Fetti failure to provide one document which the banks required.
You filing same will also result in 20 affidavits from our banks who reviewed and approved the files but for a
LIE # 2 as per Broci's words "Company JSC Hoylande / Feti Broqi never contacted Deutsche Bank"
(Authorization for BROCI'S SKR to Ottoman Group, and not other parties. All other parties were intermediaries )
TO: JM Deutsche Bank New York
27.06.2013 00:51
Dear Sir John,
Wish you once again to tell you,
As a licensed professional financial expert Mr. James Dustin Collins , from Ottoman Group have given my on offer to participate I in finance program with my collateral SKR Copper Powder.
I'm signed three documents for participation PPP with the Ottoman Group .I .
Mr. James Dustin , sought to SKR documents enjoy as collateral. I gave him the authority to participate on the PPP.
I've asked you twice for whom saving line of credit. You have not answered.
I never asked for a credit line.
I never gave authorization Mr. James Collins to take me for a line of credit.
I do not need any credit line.
What it is , I do not understand.
But I say once more responsibly, the James Dustin has no right to me asking for a credit line, because it is a fraud.Please watch the internet, writes that Mr Dustin James, is known fraudster.
With regards,
JUDr. Feti Broqi
LIE # 2 (Here is proof of Broci's releasinng the information to Deuchte Bank. )
The workds of Broci ---"''Mr. Terry Moye is lying, manipulating the facts because the company JSC Hoylande has never had contact with him.
Company JSC Hoylande never contacted Deutsche Bank.""""
Read the email that Broqi was part of Communication with Deutsche Bank and services were provided only with his own request..
Mr. Ulyses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye, are liars, forgers, manipulators and extortionists.
Mr. Ulyses Prifti, is a liar, forger, manipulator and extortionists.
Mr. Ulysses Prifti all lying unstable, the whole day through the Internet sends viruses, insulting people, stealing documents False, lying, deceiving clients and blackmail.
Quickly if you see what is the law.
Mr. Ulyses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye, are liars, forgers, manipulators and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye and Mr. Ulysses Prifti
You are lying, you are manipulator..... You are scams,
You are lying to have of yours funds.
You lied to have a license for PPP
You are promised profits to 100 million essences to owner of funds JUDr. Feti Broqi.
You promised that you cover all the costs.
You've used all the frauds and lies of the world, with only one aim, to take on the
Management the wealth of Dr. Feti Broqi in billion values.
JUDr. FetiBroqi, are entrusted you and gave management in value of billion dollars.
You have misused the authorization of JUDr. Feti Broqi .
Mr. Ulysses Prifti stole documents and SCR, not authorized parts of documents to others.
You have manipulated..... You have abused documents.
You have done nothing....
You are scams, wanted to secretly take a line of credit from bank.
With your lies and deceit and non professional work, you have damaged 2 million
USD Mr. Feti Broqi.
Instead of paying compensation for the damage, you have caused tactically, you are trying to manipulate the facts by lying, cheating and blackmailin to threaten, JUDr. FetiBroqi and open campaign via phone, internet against him.
In these matters you are experienced people. Because the whole business is managed by experienced con artist and double agent Ulysses Prifti, who appeared in several rolls: sometime as Mr.Moye sometime as anattorney Hernandez.
You have sent your people to blackmail and to seek money from JUDr. Feti Broqi.
Your people promised that for a certain sum of money, you will to delete your lies from the internet..... This is blackmail.
Your criminal actions have no end.
Lies, deception, black mail is punishable everywhere in the world.
But do not forget you need to pay debt of two million, to pay invoice.
And do not forget, I will hunt you through the legal bodies of the American judicial
for your criminal activity, that you have made in the USA.
With your primitive threats, you can not scare me.
Mr. Terry Moye is lying, manipulating facts , JSC Hoylande never had contact with him.
Mr. Terry Moye is lying, manipulating facts , JSC Hoylande never had contact with him.
Mr. Terry Moye is lying, manipulating facts , JSC Hoylande never had contact with him.
With responsibility we claim:
Mr. Terry Moye is lying, manipulating the facts because the company JSC Hoylande has never had contact with him.
Company JSC Hoylande never contacted Deutsche Bank.
The company Hoylande never took the loan, and never asked for credit line.
The company Hoylande, operates with its financial resources.
The company Hoylande was never the owner of the SKR document.
The truth is this:
Mr. Ulysses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye, were presented as a single firm, which is licensed to deal with finance transactions. They have contacted Mr. Feti Broqi.
Mr. Ulysses Prifti has sent the copy of license number No. IL / 065.016336 and introduced himself as a company with ability to monetize SKR documents and accomplish PPP transactions.
Mr. Moye and Mr. Prifti have lured JUDr. Feti Broqi, have promised a big profit.
Mr.Prifti - Mr.Molla , have promised to cover all the costs together for realization of transaction, proof letter of 4 December 2012.
After this, Mr Prifti have presented his partner Ottoman Group as the implementer.
For realization of the transaction, you (Prifti-Moye) asked 10% of the profits, and also a 40% of profit for partner Ottoman Group.
Mr. Feti Broqi a private owner of SKR agreed with your bid.
He believed you, and gave the authorization in name of your partner Mr. Ulysses Prifti.
Everything you promised was a deception, just to get from JUDr. Feti Broqi his SKR document valued in billions.
After it was discovered, that you Mr. Moye and Mr.Prifti are not licensed for implementation of PPP transactions, and also your partner Ottoman Group has no license.
You are all a complete lie and fraudulent.
Later it was also discovered, that Mr. Ulysses Prifti as authorized representative of JUDr. Feti Broqi, has signed a separate secret agreement with the Ottoman Group, with double-sided commission.
Mr. Prifti lied, said the implementer has the funds, and SKR will be used only as collateral.
The entire time you have promised the realization of PPP transactions. But essentially you tried to use SKR document for obtaining a credit line without the permission of Mr. Feti Broqi.
Mr. Feti Broqi discovered the truth and sent a letter to the bank, and cancelled your line of credit. Letter sent on May .09.2013, you have the copy.
You said that you did not accomplish the job. I simply doubt this.....
You have made a great harm to JUDr. Feti Broqi, about 2 million USD .
He asked you that you participate in the payment of damages.
Mr. Moye and Mr. My Ullysses Prifti, as old experienced fraudsters, react after one year by sending fictitious invoice of $ 4,900.
And over the Internet spread their lies to the public that JUDr. Feti Broqi has not paid the invoice.
Mr. Moye and Mr. Ullyses Prifti are doing it intentionally in order to discredit and blackmail JUDr. Feti Broqi.
The question is, if Mr. Feti Broqi has owed you something, why did you not take legal actions against him.
The answer is simple, Mr. Moye and Mr. Prifti, you've had one goal you wanted to compromise and damaged JUDr. Feti Broqi, and Hoylande.
You have fabricated all this in order to pressure JUDr. Feti Broqi not to demand compensation from you. Mr. Moye and Mr. Prifti, you owe 2 million USD. You have to pay Mr. Feti Broqi, you have to pay for the damages you have caused.
Mr. Terry Moye, what you are doing with JUDr. Feti Broqi is blackmail, crime.
This should solve the American authorities.
Mr. Feti Broqi, is a decent man, he will not engage in debate with you.
But I'll file a lawsuit against you because of your lies, manipulations, because you
Mr. Moye, have damaged the good name of the company Hoylande and JUDr. Feti Broqi.
Below, i will be clarifying a few facts that I am aware regarding the situation.
Mr. Ulysses Prifti - lying has been presented to us, as a financial specialist and has a vast network of friends from which he can bring the proper collaborators going forward.
He has expressed that is an expert in this field and has proposed to include collateral in the PPP program. Ulysses Prifti has presented Ottoman Group and Mr.D. Collins as partners and has close family ties with them.
From the beginning the Ottoman Group and Mr.D. Collins have behaved in a nonprofessional manner. They presented shady documents regarding our collaboration and the entire process. Mr. Broqi pointed this out several times to both parties. Since Mr. Broqi was not well versed in the English language he authorized Mr.Ulysses Prifti to manage this program and work directly with his partners.
Mr. Ulysses Prifti , very often did not consult me and avoided my direct communication with his partners. Afterwards, Mr. Broqi stopped the process and took away the rights granted to Mr. Ulysses Prifti since he behaved in a nonprofessional throughout. Ulysses Prifti has leaded each procedure throughout the entire collaborative agreement taking for granted and believing everything that was being presented by the Ottoman Group. He even mentioned that "I earn my dollars from The Ottoman Group since they are my contacts". Based on all these events I have stopped collaboration and communication completely with him for quite a long time now.
Mr. Ulyses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye, are liars, forgers, manipulators and extortionists.
Mr. Ulyses Prifti, is a liar, forger, manipulator and extortionists.
Mr. Ulysses Prifti all lying unstable, the whole day through the Internet sends viruses, insulting people, stealing documents False, lying, deceiving clients and blackmail.
Quickly if you see what is the law.
Mr. Ulyses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye, are liars, forgers, manipulators and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye and Mr. Ulysses Prifti
You are lying, you are manipulator..... You are scams,
You are lying to have of yours funds.
You lied to have a license for PPP
You are promised profits to 100 million essences to owner of funds JUDr. Feti Broqi.
You promised that you cover all the costs.
You've used all the frauds and lies of the world, with only one aim, to take on the
Management the wealth of Dr. Feti Broqi in billion values.
JUDr. FetiBroqi, are entrusted you and gave management in value of billion dollars.
You have misused the authorization of JUDr. Feti Broqi .
Mr. Ulysses Prifti stole documents and SCR, not authorized parts of documents to others.
You have manipulated..... You have abused documents.
You have done nothing....
You are scams, wanted to secretly take a line of credit from bank.
With your lies and deceit and non professional work, you have damaged 2 million
USD Mr. Feti Broqi.
Instead of paying compensation for the damage, you have caused tactically, you are trying to manipulate the facts by lying, cheating and blackmailin to threaten, JUDr. FetiBroqi and open campaign via phone, internet against him.
In these matters you are experienced people. Because the whole business is managed by experienced con artist and double agent Ulysses Prifti, who appeared in several rolls: sometime as Mr.Moye sometime as anattorney Hernandez.
You have sent your people to blackmail and to seek money from JUDr. Feti Broqi.
Your people promised that for a certain sum of money, you will to delete your lies from the internet..... This is blackmail.
Your criminal actions have no end.
Lies, deception, black mail is punishable everywhere in the world.
But do not forget you need to pay debt of two million, to pay invoice.
And do not forget, I will hunt you through the legal bodies of the American judicial
for your criminal activity, that you have made in the USA.
With your primitive threats, you can not scare me.
Below, i will be clarifying a few facts that I am aware regarding the situation.
Mr. Ulysses Prifti - lying has been presented to us, as a financial specialist and has a vast network of friends from which he can bring the proper collaborators going forward.
He has expressed that is an expert in this field and has proposed to include collateral in the PPP program. Ulysses Prifti has presented Ottoman Group and Mr.D. Collins as partners and has close family ties with them.
From the beginning the Ottoman Group and Mr.D. Collins have behaved in a nonprofessional manner. They presented shady documents regarding our collaboration and the entire process. Mr. Broqi pointed this out several times to both parties. Since Mr. Broqi was not well versed in the English language he authorized Mr.Ulysses Prifti to manage this program and work directly with his partners.
Mr. Ulysses Prifti , very often did not consult me and avoided my direct communication with his partners. Afterwards, Mr. Broqi stopped the process and took away the rights granted to Mr. Ulysses Prifti since he behaved in a nonprofessional throughout. Ulysses Prifti has leaded each procedure throughout the entire collaborative agreement taking for granted and believing everything that was being presented by the Ottoman Group. He even mentioned that "I earn my dollars from The Ottoman Group since they are my contacts". Based on all these events I have stopped collaboration and communication completely with him for quite a long time now.
In April 2013, I, Terry Moye CPA, was hired by JUDr Feti Broci to provide an Audited Financial Report for Deutsche Bank/Ottoman Group LLC in New York.
I provided an audited report in compliance with GAAP of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants as per JUDr Feti Broci request. I spend many hours to complete the due diligence on all documents and contracts of JUDr Feti Broci.
In addition to the audited statement, I was interviewed by the private banker of Deutsche Bank regarding the report.
Not only JUDr Feti Broci has decided cheat me for my services but none the less JUDr Feti Broci has decided to ignore all my continues requests once he received the audit report.
I was also surprised to find out that JUDr Feti Broci cheated the referral contact that introduced Mr. Broci to me.
Mr. Broci cheated also Ulysses Prifti with $ 10,000.00 that was deposited to Ottoman Group LLC and JUDr Feti Broqi being the beneficiary of the agreement.
I have tried to resolve the issue with JUDr Feti Broci in a professional manner , however JUDr Feti Broci he is very irresponsible individual.
We even had our attorney Mr. Hernandez talking with his attorney however , however we did not agree the way he laid the agreement. Fetti Broci wanted us to sign a letter that we made everything up. This is one of his intrigues techniques that he has used many times in the past.
He made sure that he used Skype most of the times to transfer documents, however his emails proof the opposite of his accusations.
In conclusion Feti Broci is simply a rip-off, a professional crook that uses others people's services or money for his own gain.
Mr. Ulyses Prifti, is a liar, forger, manipulator and extortionists.
Mr. Ulysses Prifti all lying unstable, the whole day through the Internet sends viruses, insulting people, stealing documents False, lying, deceiving clients and blackmail.
Quickly if you see what is the law.
Mr. Ulyses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye, are liars, forgers, manipulators and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye and Mr. Ulysses Prifti
You are lying, you are manipulator..... You are scams,
You are lying to have of yours funds.
You lied to have a license for PPP
You are promised profits to 100 million essences to owner of funds JUDr. Feti Broqi.
You promised that you cover all the costs.
You've used all the frauds and lies of the world, with only one aim, to take on the
Management the wealth of Dr. Feti Broqi in billion values.
JUDr. FetiBroqi, are entrusted you and gave management in value of billion dollars.
You have misused the authorization of JUDr. Feti Broqi .
Mr. Ulysses Prifti stole documents and SCR, not authorized parts of documents to others.
You have manipulated..... You have abused documents.
You have done nothing....
You are scams, wanted to secretly take a line of credit from bank.
With your lies and deceit and non professional work, you have damaged 2 million
USD Mr. Feti Broqi.
Instead of paying compensation for the damage, you have caused tactically, you are trying to manipulate the facts by lying, cheating and blackmailin to threaten, JUDr. FetiBroqi and open campaign via phone, internet against him.
In these matters you are experienced people. Because the whole business is managed by experienced con artist and double agent Ulysses Prifti, who appeared in several rolls: sometime as Mr.Moye sometime as anattorney Hernandez.
You have sent your people to blackmail and to seek money from JUDr. Feti Broqi.
Your people promised that for a certain sum of money, you will to delete your lies from the internet..... This is blackmail.
Your criminal actions have no end.
Lies, deception, black mail is punishable everywhere in the world.
But do not forget you need to pay debt of two million, to pay invoice.
And do not forget, I will hunt you through the legal bodies of the American judicial
for your criminal activity, that you have made in the USA.
With your primitive threats, you can not scare me.
I have been SCAMMED BY Feti Broqi I have the copy of SKR Coppe
I have been SCAMMED BY Feti Broqi I have the copy of SKR Copper
I have all files emails and a copy of original SKR for 2.86 Billion fro Prosafe-online in germany. This SKR was used to obtain money from the Bank with no intention of going to trade..Anyone that would like further information. including copy of broqi passport and SKR place your contact details here and i will contact you. we have 4 lever arch files concerning Dr/Mr Broqi and his partners in crime.
Mr Broqi and his friends submitted false filllings / offering to SEC Form D using a collection of 8 different companies
We are presently preparing our files for IINTERPOL and have already submitted them to SEC & Action Fraud in the UK.
Feti Broqi keeps creating new Characters ( This time the New Name if FETI Broqi is "ROMAN"
"ROMAN" - who are you?... We do not know any ROMAN
Obviously "ROMAN" is Feti Broqi
Broqi being fair main is not TRUE STATEMENT. M-
Feti Broqi, Hoylande Representative in US Agim Molla, Sid Banner & Dustin James Collins of Ottoman cheated Mr. Prifti for $ 10,000.
Mr. Feti Broqi never paid Mr. Terry Moye for his authorized accounting services.
Not at least Broqi;s internet attacks makes our case stronger because the Truth delays but always prevails.
The loan Request from FETI BROQI on December 5, 2012.
[6:52 AM] Feti Broqi from Hoylande A.S.
Mister PRIFTI , Good day, I am traveling for Germany-Austria. For me the payment of $ 10,000.00, is a bit complicated for few reasons. Since this job is secret and I am managing outside the firm it might damage me from financial viewpoint. Bank traces remain when I will send the money, then even if Ottoman Group returns this money back to me. Feti Broqi
we will only provide facts and not accusations like HOYLANDE / Feti Broqi & the power of Attorney Agim Molla for Broqi have chosen too..
JUDr. Feti Broqi is a very professional and fair gentleman
JUDr. Feti Broqi is a very professional and fair gentleman
Company Hoylande a.s. Prague is a very good company, the fair, which performs very serious scientific confidential transactions. It is a company in which you are entrusted.
JUDr. Feti Broqi is a very professional man and fair gentleman who have extensive experience in the international Square.
With Mr Feti you can arrange anything, if you behave correctly.
All you have tricked Mr. Feti, you have made his charges, stealing documents and steal his time.
With Mr. Feti you can arrange everything, if you behave correctly, he did not interfere in your dirty game ...
Mr. Tery Moye and Mr. Prifti Ulyses you are chosen dirty method.
You'll injuries to yourself, your clients when they read what you enjoy dirty methods, lies, manipulation, everyone will flee from you .... Roman
Mr. Ulyses Prifti, is a liar, forger, manipulator and extortionists.
Mr. Ulyses Prifti, is a liar, forger, manipulator and extortionists.
Mr. Ulysses Prifti all lying and each document is False.
Mr. Ulyses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye, are liars, forgers, manipulators and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye, is a liar, forger, manipulator and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye and Ulysses Prifti are liars, fraudsters, manipulators and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye and Mr. Ulysses Prifti
You are lying, you are manipulator..... You are scams,
You are lying to have of yours funds.
You lied to have a license for PPP
You are promised profits to 100 million essences to owner of funds JUDr. Feti Broqi.
You promised that you cover all the costs.
You've used all the frauds and lies of the world, with only one aim, to take on the
Management the wealth of Dr. Feti Broqi in billion values.
JUDr. FetiBroqi, are entrusted you and gave management in value of billion dollars.
You have misused the authorization of JUDr. Feti Broqi .
Mr. Ulysses Prifti stole documents and SCR, not authorized parts of documents to others.
You have manipulated..... You have abused documents.
You have done nothing....
You are scams, wanted to secretly take a line of credit from bank.
With your lies and deceit and non professional work, you have damaged 2 million
USD Mr. Feti Broqi.
Instead of paying compensation for the damage, you have caused tactically, you are trying to manipulate the facts by lying, cheating and blackmailin to threaten, JUDr. FetiBroqi and open campaign via phone, internet against him.
In these matters you are experienced people. Because the whole business is managed by experienced con artist and double agent Ulysses Prifti, who appeared in several rolls: sometime as Mr.Moye sometime as anattorney Hernandez.
You have sent your people to blackmail and to seek money from JUDr. Feti Broqi.
Your people promised that for a certain sum of money, you will to delete your lies from the internet..... This is blackmail.
Your criminal actions have no end.
Lies, deception, black mail is punishable everywhere in the world.
But do not forget you need to pay debt of two million, to pay invoice.
And do not forget, I will hunt you through the legal bodies of the American judicial
for your criminal activity, that you have made in the USA.
With your primitive threats, you can not scare me.
AGIM MOLLA PROMISE TO PAY- as per today Nov 6, 2014 he has found every excuse not to pay. As result they keep fabricating the events. Molla & Broqi obviously are BROKE.
Per Z.Broqi une gjithnje te kame dhene garanci maksimale qe eshte zotrues I mallit dhe serioz ne kete oprtunitet.
Eshte e vertete qe une te premtova ti paguajme bashke 10 000 usd per ottoman grup.
Por duke te konsideruar confident te prezantova pa asnje hezitim e korekte pozicionin tim familjare duke te derguar sakte veprimet bankare dhe depoziten ne favor te motres sime per nje problem qe ajo kishte.Nuk dija dhe te parashikoja kaq sakte se do te me duheshin 5 000 usd per aktivitetin tim me vone ne nje situate te tille.Ta dija nuk I dergoja por I mbaja kaq.
Nesje situate erdhi e paparshikuar nga une.Kam biseduar me motren dhe te kam thene para disa ditesh qe ajo ne emergjence ka aplikuar per nje kredi . Jemi ne pritje.Aktualishte ne Shqiperi ka problem likuiditeti ne strukturen bankare.Une dhe sote bisedova me te.
Nuk mund te ve moralin tim une per kaq para,por kam menduar se jemi kuptuar ta dija keshtu nuk futesha ne te tilla mardhenie sido qe te ishte puna , te besova tek miqte e tu dhe tek procedura verberishte sepse ishje ti. Qe te jem korekte te thashe te dergoje nje cek ta kesh per tu siguruar por mu pergjigje keq.
Nejse kam nevoje per experience akoma ne jete.
Une te kam qendruar korekte dhe te kam hapur rrugen ne kofidence.
Megjitheate si ta kuptosh.
Une po kekoje per ti mare ato para dhe me fajde.Nuk di kohen.Megjithese jane te larta fajdet.
Une mendoje paralelishte qe kjo pune nuk zgjat me shume se ne fund te janarit dhe ata sipas fjales duhet ta bejne bakrin.
October 10, 2012- FETI BROQI - the facts based on facts.. Market Group never solicited Mr. Broqi or Mr. Molla
We are not left with many choises after all fraud and manipulated attaches to publish everything and you choose to do business with FETI BROQI / Hoylande or His Representative Mr. Agim Molla.
AGIM MOLLA THE REPRESENTATIVE FOR FETI BROQI IS GETTING also desperate because the truth about those crooks is getting out...
Mr. Molla guaranted that $ 10,000 was going to be returned by FETI BROQI and in the worst case scenario he was going to cover the $ 5000.00 . As per today, Not Mr. AGIM MOLLA, nor FETI Broqi have ruturned the funds back...
Thief's are yelling "Catch the thief"
This is proof of Broqi's LOW Character that only documents obtained by our firm will allow to shed light on the truth and show the true colors of Feti Broqi and the companies that he represents, HOYLANDE A.S. and FMV GROUP s.r.o
THis massage has been approved by Market Group / Ulysses Prifti & Terry Moye
Below, i will be clarifying a few facts that I am aware regarding the situation.
Mr. Ulysses Prifti - lying has been presented to us, as a financial specialist and has a vast network of friends from which he can bring the proper collaborators going forward.
He has expressed that is an expert in this field and has proposed to include collateral in the PPP program. Ulysses Prifti has presented Ottoman Group and Mr.D. Collins as partners and has close family ties with them.
From the beginning the Ottoman Group and Mr.D. Collins have behaved in a nonprofessional manner. They presented shady documents regarding our collaboration and the entire process. Mr. Broqi pointed this out several times to both parties. Since Mr. Broqi was not well versed in the English language he authorized Mr.Ulysses Prifti to manage this program and work directly with his partners.
Mr. Ulysses Prifti , very often did not consult me and avoided my direct communication with his partners. Afterwards, Mr. Broqi stopped the process and took away the rights granted to Mr. Ulysses Prifti since he behaved in a nonprofessional throughout. Ulysses Prifti has leaded each procedure throughout the entire collaborative agreement taking for granted and believing everything that was being presented by the Ottoman Group. He even mentioned that "I earn my dollars from The Ottoman Group since they are my contacts". Based on all these events I have stopped collaboration and communication completely with him for quite a long time now.
Mr. Ulyses Prifti, is a liar, forger, manipulator and extortionists.
Mr. Ulyses Prifti, is a liar, forger, manipulator and extortionists.
Mr. Ulyses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye, are liars, forgers, manipulators and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye, is a liar, forger, manipulator and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye and Ulysses Prifti are liars, fraudsters, manipulators and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye and Mr. Ulysses Prifti
You are lying, you are manipulator..... You are scams,
You are lying to have of yours funds.
You lied to have a license for PPP
You are promised profits to 100 million essences to owner of funds JUDr. Feti Broqi.
You promised that you cover all the costs.
You've used all the frauds and lies of the world, with only one aim, to take on the
management the wealth of Dr. Feti Broqi in billion values.
JUDr. FetiBroqi, are entrusted you and gave management in value of billion dollars.
You have misused the authorization of JUDr. Feti Broqi .
You have manipulated..... You have abused documents.
You have done nothing....
You are scams, wanted to secretly take a line of credit from bank.
With your lies and deceit and non professional work, you have damaged 2 million
USD Mr. Feti Broqi.
Instead of paying compensation for the damage, you have caused tactically, you are trying to manipulate the facts by lying, cheating and blackmailin to threaten, JUDr. FetiBroqi and open campaign via phone, internet against him.
In these matters you are experienced people. Because the whole business is managed by experienced con artist and double agent Ulysses Prifti, who appeared in several rolls: sometime as Mr.Moye sometime as anattorney Hernandez.
You have sent your people to blackmail and to seek money from JUDr. Feti Broqi.
Your people promised that for a certain sum of money, you will to delete your lies from the internet..... This is blackmail.
Your criminal actions have no end.
Lies, deception, black mail is punishable everywhere in the world.
But do not forget you need to pay debt of two million, to pay invoice.
And do not forget, I will hunt you through the legal bodies of the American judicial
for your criminal activity, that you have made in the USA.
With your primitive threats, you can not scare me.
WHO ARE YOU, Eva Procházková that supposedly know Ulysses Prifti & Terry Moye ?
WHO ARE YOU,Roman Svoboda that supposedly know Ulysses Prifti & Terry Moye?
WHO ARE YOU, John that supposedly know Terry Moye in person?
Obviously, our client FETI BROQI has decided to convert his name to Eva Procházková, Roman Svoboda , John,
Mr. Broqi, the more you LIE the more you make make fool of yourself
Accusing someone publicly and defrauding the truth is a criminal activity. FETI BROQI has proven himself to be an immoral individual architecting false and immoral business conducts. He has created fake identities and people who don't exist in reality and through these " characters" he is cyber bulling honest business individuals as well as prestigious US firms.
This is proof of Broqi's LOW Character that only documents obtained by our firm will allow to shed light on the truth and show the true colors of Feti Broqi and the companies that he represents, HOYLANDE A.S. and FMV GROUP s.r.o
THis massage has been approved by Market Group / Ulysses Prifti & Terry Moye
Mr. Ulyses Prifti , is a liar, forger, manipulator and extortionists.
Mr. Ulyses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye, are liars, forgers, manipulators and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye, is a liar, forger, manipulator and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye and Ulysses Prifti are liars, fraudsters, manipulators and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye and Mr. Ulysses Prifti
You are lying, you are manipulator..... You are scams,
You are lying to have of yours funds.
You lied to have a license for PPP
You are promised profits to 100 million essences to owner of funds JUDr. Feti Broqi.
You promised that you cover all the costs.
You've used all the frauds and lies of the world, with only one aim, to take on the management the wealth of Dr. Feti Broqi in billion values.
JUDr. FetiBroqi, are entrusted you and gave management in value of billion dollars.
You have misused the authorization of JUDr. Feti Broqi .
You have manipulated..... You have abused documents.
You have done nothing....
You are scams, wanted to secretly take a line of credit from bank.
With your lies and deceit and non professional work, you have damaged 2 million USD Mr. Feti Broqi.
Instead of paying compensation for the damage, you have caused tactically, you are trying to manipulate the facts by lying, cheating and blackmailin to threaten, JUDr. FetiBroqi and open campaign via phone , internet against him.
In these matters you are experienced people. Because the whole business is managed by experienced con artist and double agent Ulysses Prifti, who appeared in several rolls: sometime as Mr.Moye sometime as anattorney Hernandez.
You have sent your people to blackmail and to seek money from JUDr. Feti Broqi.
Your people promised that for a certain sum of money, you will to delete your lies from the internet..... This is blackmail.
Your criminal actions have no end.
Lies, deception, black mail is punishable everywhere in the world.
But do not forget you need to pay debt of two million, to pay invoice.
And do not forget, I will hunt you through the legal bodies of the American judicial system,
for your criminal activity, that you have made in the USA.
With your primitive threats, you can not scare me.
GEORGE DRYSDALE SCAMMER AND FATHER OF AMY DRYSDALE FLYBE EXETER, Everyone please read the letter of entrapment from George Drysdale into FETI BROQI'S SKR scam on the BANK...
If we could find an investor to put US$ 43,000 into GCRS now we could provide the investor with security to his investment and a substantial return plus fully fund GCRS. Any thoughts?
I have just been informed that our funder can no longer suport the C.U. business as he has had to use available funds for medical fees for his family.
The Hedge Fund still needs just a touchover the $43,000 to complete the monetization requirements. Ron has put $20,000 into the fee pot. I would have matched him but with my office and daughters moving "Daddy's Bank" has been cleaned out for the moment... At least the H.F. has commited to refunding all charges if the deal does not complete so there is no risk!!!
We have agreed that the funder who assists will share 0.25% of the trade profits....quite an amazing potential return for a $43,000 loan"...
This should have been a move for GCRS to entertain as it would more than cover our set up costs and all four of us a bit of financial "relief". I am disappointed we do not have some workable funds. That said obviously we need to get the bank account set up - hopefully Keith will assist with that tomorrow......
The C.U. deal could be worth several M to GCRS if we can do something.
I am still on standby for the gates to open on the Heritage Bonds...various sources are suggesting "go" from next Monday to the end of the year...I hope to God it is sooner than later...
To Mr Feti Broqi. The SCAM monetising the SKR. No intention of Trading just scamming the Bank..
To Mr Feti Broqi. The SCAM monetising the SKR. No intention of Trading just scamming the Bank..
Dear Sir.
Re SKR BBK1057018-2-1
feti Broqi
I refer to a telephone conversation with Hendrik Rutz and the scanned original SKR forwarded to me from Hendrik by way of confirmation.
We are presently in possession of court orders in the UK against some of the following defendants and are presently to issue Legal Proceedings in the U.S.A against Profusion Holdings Group and its ancillary Companies.
Court orders have been issued against Mr George Drysdale, Mr William David Moore, Further orders are being sought against Mr Wilson Baez , Mr Carlos Zarur . Miss Gisela Castro and a Mr Ronald L Spratt as to the veracity of the SKR and criminal misrepresentations made to myself and my business Partner. Referrals to the Securities Exchange Commission and INTERPOL, is also being prepared by our Lawyers in Houston , Texas , U.S.A .and the United Kingdom.
Further claims/court orders against your client Mr Feti Broqi are being prepared as per our contract/PSA we have in place.
We are instructed to write to you and your legal department to ask for some relevant information regarding this SKR to be included in our documents being prepared for SEC and INTERPOL .
Obviously MR. Feti Broqi tried to pull the same SCAM with Deutsche Bank in New York via Ottoman Group. Feti Broqi failed to comply with Anti Money Laundering. Not only Feti Broqi failed, however he started to accuse all the Intermediaries that they had stolen his SKR and all of them had taken line of credits for their own interest. Feti Broqi is an architect of FRAUD.
We have reported Mr. Broqi's fraud activities and false accusations to authorities by backing up the truth with all documents, agreements.
Hopefully justice will play it's role for the pain that Feti Broqi has caused to honest business people.
As wrap up, we only have these words to say: - Be careful because Feti Broqi is a snake that he will try to poison in every opportunity he will get.
To Mr Feti Broqi. The SCAM monetising the SKR. No intention of Trading just scamming the Bank..
Dear Sir.
Re SKR BBK1057018-2-1
feti Broqi
I refer to a telephone conversation with Hendrik Rutz and the scanned original SKR forwarded to me from Hendrik by way of confirmation.
We are presently in possession of court orders in the UK against some of the following defendants and are presently to issue Legal Proceedings in the U.S.A against Profusion Holdings Group and its ancillary Companies.
Court orders have been issued against Mr George Drysdale, Mr William David Moore, Further orders are being sought against Mr Wilson Baez , Mr Carlos Zarur . Miss Gisela Castro and a Mr Ronald L Spratt as to the veracity of the SKR and criminal misrepresentations made to myself and my business Partner. Referrals to the Securities Exchange Commission and INTERPOL, is also being prepared by our Lawyers in Houston , Texas , U.S.A .and the United Kingdom.
Further claims/court orders against your client Mr Feti Broqi are being prepared as per our contract/PSA we have in place.
We are instructed to write to you and your legal department to ask for some relevant information regarding this SKR to be included in our documents being prepared for SEC and INTERPOL .
I have been SCAMMED BY Feti Broqi I have the copy of SKR Copper
I have all files emails and a copy of original SKR for 2.86 Billion fro Prosafe-online in germany. This SKR was used to obtain money from the Bank with no intention of going to trade..Anyone that would like further information. including copy of broqi passport and SKR place your contact details here and i will contact you. we have 4 lever arch files concerning Dr/Mr Broqi and his partners in crime.
Mr Broqi and his friends submitted false filllings / offering to SEC Form D using a collection of 8 different companies
We are presently preparing our files for IINTERPOL and have already submitted them to SEC & Action Fraud in the UK.
HOYLANDE AS. / FETI BROQI : A Thief yelling "Catch the thief" PART 2
A Thief yelling "Catch the thief" PART 2
Hoylande / Feti Broqi have decided to fool themselves so much that obviously this is their way of making a living:
Hoylande/Feti Broqi had a mutual agreement with Dustin Collins / Ottoman Group LLC / The Firm and not Market Group, Terry Moye or Ulysses Prifti.
Neither Terry Moye nor Ulysses Prifti have any secret agreement with Ottoman Group LLC as Hoylande/ Feti Broqi has made public statements. We were supposed to get paid by profits of Hoylande / Feti Broqi.
FYI Mr. Feti Broqi, Market Group/ Terry Moye or Ulysses Prifti do not double- deep for their services; however you / our client Hoylande have used every CHEAP excuse in the books in order to AVOID paying for the accounting services of Mr. Moye.
In addition as per today Nov 4, 2014 Hoylande / Feti Broqi / Agim Molla / Sid Banner / Ottoman Group / Dustin Collins have failed to return back the $ 10,000.00 security deposit that Feti Broqi borrowed from Ulysses Prifti.
Ottoman Group / Sid Banner have accused you for refusing to provide financial proofs capabilities of purchasing the assets that claimed to be yours. Not the least Ottoman Group accuses you, Feti Broqi for not willing to comply with Anti Money Laundering banking compliance. As result they withdraw your file even after the attempt that Sir. Collins came to meet with you in person in Europe. Pointing the fingers on each other it helped only your cause. The truth is that instead of returning the $ 10,000 back to Mr. Prifti, you, Mr. Feti Broqi/ Hoylande decided to sent us a fraud invoice for 2.17 million after you failed to collect from Ottoman Group.
LIE #2 from Hoylande A.S / Feti Broqi (Czech Republic)
Hoylande Inc
Mediation of finance, money conversion, export – import
• Request from FETI BROQI of HOYLANDE a.s for a loan of $ 10,000.00 from Ulysses Prifti on December 5, 2012 at 6:52 AM Central time.
Mister Odise , Good day, I am traveling for Germany-Austria. For me the payment of $ 10,000.00, is a bit complicated for few reasons. Since this job is secret and I am managing outside the firm it might damage me from financial viewpoint. Bank traces remain when I will send the money, then even if Ottoman Group returns this money back to me. Feti Broqi
Kerkesea e Feti Broqi per $10,000.00 ne 5 Dhjetor 2012:
[6:52 AM] Feti Broqi nga Hoylande A.S.
" Zoti Odise , miredita jame ne rruge per Gjermani –Austri ,Per mue pagesa e 10.000 USD , eshte nji qike e komplikuar per disa arsye , me qe kjo pune eshte sekrete e une po e realizoj privatisht jashte firmes, mundet kjo me me damtue shume ne pikepamje financiare , ngelin gjurmet ne banke kur i dergoj leket, pastaj edhe nese mi kethen leket Otomangroupi , Feti Broqi…."
• Feti Broqi has made few different claims and even him himself does not know which one is the trueth becuase of Inconsistencies with his statement.
• Feti Broqi claimed the $ 10, 000 to be a gift to him
• Feti Broqi claimed he never asked for $ 10,000
• Feti Broqi claimed that it was his power of attorney Mr. Molla made that promised not him (FYI, Mr. Broqi the power of attorney is the same as being present yourself)
• Feti Broqi claimed that $ 10,000 was in exchange for knowlege
In order to give light to the truth we might publish a lot of offical documents that will show the continues LIES of HOYLANDE and Mr. FETI BROQI.
We accept to loose money in business however we do not accept FRAUD.
All our statements can be supported by collected documents and electronic communications.
Chronology and Work History with Hoylande AS./Feti Broqi
• September 2012 - Feti Broqi / Hoylande A.S was introduced to us by Agim Molla ( Hoylande A.S / Feti Broqi's Power of Attorney and Representative in USA) via a mutual acquaintance, Koci Kocibeli. Hoylande was interested on exporting raw commodities such as Oil Products/ D2/JP54, Copper, Zink, Gold, etc., and expanding in the US market.
Opportunity #1
• October 2012 - Hoylande AS./ Feti Broqi was introduced by Ulysses Prifti to two US prestigious companies (USPH LLC & JAGT LLC) with whom Ulysses had prior business relationship. These companies agreed to buy oil products and also to introduce Hoylande AS. to other potential buyers for other raw commodities, such gold and copper.
On October 23, 2012 a Joint Venture was signed between the parties above. Three deals were introduced by Hoylande. On the first deal (Copper powder) Hoylande miss-represented the price of the assets from Billions of dollars to Millions of dollars. Hoylande’s CEO, Feti Broqi justified this as “lost in translation" . The other two oil offers that Hoylande / Feti Broqi had initiated, were never delivered by Hoylande. On December 7, 2017 USPH LLC & JAGT LLC terminated the Joint Venture agreement due to failure of non-performance from Hoylande and Feti Broqi. As a result, Market Group / Ulysses Prifti and Koci Kocibeli lost millions of dollars on commissions.
Opportunity #2
November 2012- Mr. Broqi requested us to find a potential buyer for a new oil offer which was going to be made available beginning of December 2012. On December 4th, 2012 , FETI BROQI brought an offer claiming that it was coming from Rosneft and he claimed to be a mandate for ROSNEFT. Within 2 days, on December 6, 2012 , Market Group, via their associates Savenok Group, delivered to Mr. Feti Broqi an Irrevocable Corporate Purchase Order from a prestigious US company, Eastern Energy & Mines Limited to buy the products that Hoylande / Feti Broqi offered for sale. Not only Hoylande / Feti Broqi failed to perform again, but Hoylande/Feti Broqi did not have the corporate ethics to follow up with the client that we introduced to him. Again, as result Market Group / Ulysses Prifti and Associates lost millions of dollars on commission.
Opportunity #3
• On November 2012 Market Group / Ulysses Prifti introduced Hoylande AS / Feti Broqi to Ottoman Group LLC/Dustin Collins / Brent Purin & Sid Banner via an acquaintance/friend Paul Majeski. After several communication and exchange of information between Ottoman Group and Feti Broqi, Mr. Broqi gained confidence with Ottoman Group and decided to proceed in a business transaction with Ottoman Group. On November 29, 2012, both parties signed three mutual agreements for completion of private transaction .(Agreements code: N/A001/29012FB ; N/A002/29012FB and N/A003/29012FB)
Neither Terry Moye nor Ulysses Prifti had any power or say on those three agreements. Ulysses Prifti as well as Hoylande's representative Agim Molla were promised to get paid 10% of the profit, each once the deal would close.
The agreements between two parties (Ottoman Group and Hoylande / Feti Broqi) had a rough start, due to Ottoman Group not performing on a timely manner as well as accusations raised by Mr. Feti Broqi that Ottoman Group had benefited financially from his documents.
Feti Broqi failed to provide any proof of those accusations. Ottoman Group in the other side claims that Feti Broqi / Hoylande A.S did not comply with ANTI MONEY LAUNDERING international banking laws and caused Ottoman Group to lose confidence in collaborating further with Hoylande. Due to Hoylande's continuous failure complying with bank requirements Ottoman Group decided on June 19, 2013 to close the file and not work with Hoylande any longer.
At first, Market Group believed HOYLANDE/Feti Broqi's claim to be true. However Hoylande / Feti Broqi failed to provide to anyone any type of proof that would support his claim and accusations towards Ottoman Group despite multiple request on our end.
Our Client, Hoylande / Feti Broqi's poor business conduct has created doubts on us to mistrust our client HOYLANDE AS and FETTI BROCI. Furthermore, HOYLANDE / FETI BROQI has defrauded the truth and failed to pay Mr. Terry Moye for his accounting services. Nonetheless the fact that FETI BROQI never returned the $ 10,000.00 loan back to Ulysses Prifti as agreed, leaves a lot to be questioned about his morals !!!
Not the least after Hoylande accusations Feti Broqi sent us a false invoice for 2.17 Million dollars containing fraudulent accusations attempting to ruin our individual names and our Firm. It seems that after HOYLANDE AS/ FETTI BROCI. failed to collect from Ottoman Group, HOYLANDE AS/ FETTI BROCI decided to collect from Market Group.
As of today November 4th, 2014 neither, HOYLANDE , JUDr Feti Broqi Broci (Czech Republic), Agim Molla ( Michigan USA), Sid Banner (Florida, USA) and Dustin James Collins of Ottoman Group LLC / The Firm (New York, USA) have returned the secure deposit of $ 10,000.00 to Ulysses Prifti.
Neither Terry Moye nor Ulysses Prifti have any "secret" agreement with Ottoman Group LLC as Hoylande/ Feti Broqi has made in public statements. We, Market Group, do not double- dip for our services. Our client HOYLANDE AS/ FETTI BROCI has used every CHEAP excuse in order to AVOID paying the invoice for the accounting services of Mr. Moye and return back the $ 10,000.00 that HOYLANDE AS/ FETTI BROCI borrowed from Mr. Prifti.
Again a as result, Market Group / Ulysses Prifti / Terry Moye not only have lost for services , but they lost millions of dollars due to HOYLANDE AS / FETTI BROCI non-compliance.
The above opportunities were not the only referrals to Hoylande. Various offers were presented by Hoylande but were never carried through.
Conclusion - In reply to Mr. Broqi's accusation, we are not left with too many choices but only to publish all the official documents of Mr. Broqi since we see it as the only way of getting the truth out.
Mr. Broqi continuously harasses us and our firm with lawsuits . We would welcome any lawsuit from Hoylande / Feti Broqi because this would allow us to file our countersuit in order for us to collect our service fees, loan and possibly all our unpaid commissions.
Our patience in this matter is proving that Hoylande / Fetti Broqi is not capable to pay for our accounting services and it allows one to assume that Hoylande is not a reputable company. Feti Broqi faked the documents of World Wide Income that they provided to us, allowing HOYLANDE AS / FETTI BROCI to financially gain in an unethical and despicable manner.
Accusing someone publicly and defrauding the truth is a criminal activity. FETI BROQI has proven himself to be an immoral individual architecting false and immoral business conducts. He has created fake identities and people who don't exist in reality and through these " characters" he is cyber bulling honest business individuals as well as prestigious US firms.
This is proof of Broqi's LOW Character that only documents obtained by our firm will allow to shed light on the truth and show the true colors of Feti Broqi and the companies that he represents, HOYLANDE A.S. and FMV GROUP s.r.o
Again, all above statements can be supported by documents. We will continue to publish supportive documents in order to bring light to the truth if/ when necessary.
Mr. Terry Moye, is a liar, forger, manipulator and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye, is a liar, forger, manipulator and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye and Ulysses Prifti are liars, fraudsters, manipulators and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye and Mr. Ulysses Prifti
You are lying, you are manipulator..... You are scams,
You are lying to have of yours funds.
You lied to have a license for PPP
You are promised profits to 100 million essences to owner of funds JUDr. Feti Broqi.
You promised that you cover all the costs.
You've used all the frauds and lies of the world, with only one aim, to take on the management the wealth of Dr. Feti Broqi in billion values.
JUDr. FetiBroqi, are entrusted you and gave management in value of billion dollars.
You have misused the authorization of JUDr. Feti Broqi .
You have manipulated..... You have abused documents.
You have done nothing....
You are scams, wanted to secretly take a line of credit from bank.
With your lies and deceit and non professional work, you have damaged 2 million USD Mr. Feti Broqi.
Instead of paying compensation for the damage, you have caused tactically, you are trying to manipulate the facts by lying, cheating and blackmailin to threaten, JUDr. FetiBroqi and open campaign via phone , internet against him.
In these matters you are experienced people. Because the whole business is managed by experienced con artist and double agent Ulysses Prifti, who appeared in several rolls: sometime as Mr.Moye sometime as anattorney Hernandez.
You have sent your people to blackmail and to seek money from JUDr. Feti Broqi.
Your people promised that for a certain sum of money, you will to delete your lies from the internet..... This is blackmail.
Your criminal actions have no end.
Lies, deception, black mail is punishable everywhere in the world.
But do not forget you need to pay debt of two million, to pay invoice.
And do not forget, I will hunt you through the legal bodies of the American judicial system,
for your criminal activity, that you have made in the USA.
With your primitive threats, you can not scare me.
Mr. Terry Moye and Ulysses Prifti are liars, fraudsters, manipulators and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye and Ulysses Prifti are liars, fraudsters, manipulators and extortionists.
Mr. Terry and Mr. My Ulysses Prifti
You are lying, you are manipulator..... You are scams,
You are lied to have funds.
You lied to have a license for PPP
You are promised profits to 100 million essences to owner of fund JUDr. Feti Broqi.
You've enjoyed all the fraud and lies of the world, with only one aim, to take on the management the wealth of Dr. Feti Broqi in billion values.
JUDr. Feti Broqi, are entrusted you and gave management in value of billion dollars.
You have misused the authorization of JUDr. Feti Broqi .
You are manipulated..... You are abusing documents.
You have done nothing.
You are scams, wanted to secretly take a line of credit from bank.
With your lies and deceit and not professional work, you have damaged 2 million USD Mr. Feti Broqi.
Instead of paying compensation to which you are provoked, tactically you enjoy your most beautiful weapon: Lie, cheat, manipulation, threats and blackmail, and open campaign against JUDr. Feti Broqi.
In these matters you are experienced people. Because the whole business is managed by experienced con artist and double agent Ulysses Prifti, who appeared in several rolls: some time as Mr. Moya some time as an attorney Hernandez .
You have sent your people to blackmail and to seek money from JUDr. Feti Broqi.
Your people promise that for a certain sum of money, you will to delete your lies from the internet..... This is blackmail.
Your criminal actions have no end.
Lies, deception, blackmail is punishable everywhere in the world.
But do not forget you need to pay debt of two million, to pay invoice.
And do not forget, I will hunt you through the legal bodies of the American judicial system,
for your criminal activity, that you have made in the USA .
Mr. Terry Moye is lying, manipulating facts , JSC Hoylande never had contact with him.
Mr. Terry Moye is lying, manipulating facts , JSC Hoylande never had contact with him.
With responsibility we claim:
Mr. Terry Moye is lying, manipulating the facts because the company JSC Hoylande has never had contact with him.
Company JSC Hoylande never contacted Deutsche Bank.
The company Hoylande never took the loan, and never asked for credit line.
The company Hoylande, operates with its financial resources.
The company Hoylande was never the owner of the SKR document.
The truth is this:
Mr. Ulysses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye, were presented as a single firm, which is licensed to deal with finance transactions. They have contacted Mr. Feti Broqi.
Mr. Ulysses Prifti has sent the copy of license number No. IL / 065.016336 and introduced himself as a company with ability to monetize SKR documents and accomplish PPP transactions.
Mr. Moye and Mr. Prifti have lured JUDr. Feti Broqi, have promised a big profit.
Mr.Prifti - Mr.Molla , have promised to cover all the costs together for realization of transaction, proof letter of 4 December 2012.
After this, Mr Prifti have presented his partner Ottoman Group as the implementer.
For realization of the transaction, you (Prifti-Moye) asked 10% of the profits, and also a 40% of profit for partner Ottoman Group.
Mr. Feti Broqi a private owner of SKR agreed with your bid.
He believed you, and gave the authorization in name of your partner Mr. Ulysses Prifti.
Everything you promised was a deception, just to get from JUDr. Feti Broqi his SKR document valued in billions.
After it was discovered, that you Mr. Moye and Mr.Prifti are not licensed for implementation of PPP transactions, and also your partner Ottoman Group has no license.
You are all a complete lie and fraudulent.
Later it was also discovered, that Mr. Ulysses Prifti as authorized representative of JUDr. Feti Broqi, has signed a separate secret agreement with the Ottoman Group, with double-sided commission.
Mr. Prifti lied, said the implementer has the funds, and SKR will be used only as collateral.
The entire time you have promised the realization of PPP transactions. But essentially you tried to use SKR document for obtaining a credit line without the permission of Mr. Feti Broqi.
Mr. Feti Broqi discovered the truth and sent a letter to the bank, and cancelled your line of credit. Letter sent on May .09.2013, you have the copy.
You said that you did not accomplish the job. I simply doubt this.....
You have made a great harm to JUDr. Feti Broqi, about 2 million USD .
He asked you that you participate in the payment of damages.
Mr. Moye and Mr. My Ullysses Prifti, as old experienced fraudsters, react after one year by sending fictitious invoice of $ 4,900.
And over the Internet spread their lies to the public that JUDr. Feti Broqi has not paid the invoice.
Mr. Moye and Mr. Ullyses Prifti are doing it intentionally in order to discredit and blackmail JUDr. Feti Broqi.
The question is, if Mr. Feti Broqi has owed you something, why did you not take legal actions against him.
The answer is simple, Mr. Moye and Mr. Prifti, you've had one goal you wanted to compromise and damaged JUDr. Feti Broqi, and Hoylande.
You have fabricated all this in order to pressure JUDr. Feti Broqi not to demand compensation from you. Mr. Moye and Mr. Prifti, you owe 2 million USD. You have to pay Mr. Feti Broqi, you have to pay for the damages you have caused.
Mr. Terry Moye, what you are doing with JUDr. Feti Broqi is blackmail, crime.
This should solve the American authorities.
Mr. Feti Broqi, is a decent man, he will not engage in debate with you.
But I'll file a lawsuit against you because of your lies, manipulations, because you
Mr. Moye, have damaged the good name of the company Hoylande and JUDr. Feti Broqi.
Hoylande a.s. Prague is a very good company, the fair,
I, very responsibly say, with JUDr. Feti Broqi, Hoylande everyone can agree .
Mr. Terry Moye, not telling the truth, it is manipulated thing, which aims to insults and damaged JUDr. Broqi Feti , or maybe it's totally misunderstanding.
JUDr. Feti Broqi not tolerate blackmail. With it you can arrange anything, if you behave correctly.
I very responsibly say, with JUDr. Feti Broqi, Hoylande everyone can agree .
JUDr. Feti Broqi perform its obligations on time and generates large businesses.
JUDr. Feti Broqi a humane man and gives assistance in various aspects of humanitarian institutions.
JUUDr. Feti Broqi is a very professional and fair gentleman
Company Hoylande a.s. Prague is a very good company, the fair, which performs very serious scientific confidential transactions. It is a company in which you are entrusted.
JUDr. Feti Broqi is a very professional man and fair gentleman who has extensive experience in the international Square.
Hoylande a.s Reviews
Breach of Contract and Inability to Provide a Document on Fetti File and KYC/AML
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 10:40 AM
To: [email protected]
Cc: legal ottoman; [email protected]; [email protected]; Operations
Subject: Breach of Contract and Inability to Provide a Document on Fetti File and KYC/AML
Importance: High
Dear Mr. Broci:
Your file has now been closed. The breach of contract and inability to provide simpliest documents that would be required and have been requested from our banks, is the sole reason and inconceivable.
Banking Compliance and Anti money laundering laws and know your client laws preclude us from doing business with someone can not show by independent means how they came into possesion of an asset they want to pledge as collateral.
We or any bankers are not permitted to take a self serving letter attesting to your vast wealth and acquisition of a purported asset worth 1 billion dollars.
Moreover your repeated offensive and obnoxious behavior in our request for same and continued failure to provide a banks statement or financials. Has halted our ability to pass the file with our bank relations who have red flagged you.
On this issue if you and your accountant do not cease and desist from harrasment and contact with us or anyone we work with we will be forced to enforce the liquidated damages clause on the asset for 10 percent of the contracts you breached. Since January we have asked for and not gotten the documents we needed.
Thank you.
Dustin James Collins, J.D.
Managing Partner
The Ottoman Group
Auckland Chancery
Plaza Level-41-Short Hand Street
Auckland, 1010
212.521.4137 (U.S. Switch Board)
Email: [email protected]
**Registered Separately: in Switzerland, Hong Kong, Costa Rica, New Zealand & United States of America.
**Historical Trade Performance is not Indicative of Future Results.
FETI BROQI decided to accuse his own team as well, in order not to avoid paying and cheating his own team
From: Ulysses O. Prifti [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 06/10/2013 7:25 AM
To: 'Agim Molla'
Cc: 'Ulysses Prifti'; Subject: FW: correction date
Tani nuk po kuptoj aspak fare levizjet e Z. Feti dhe nuk po kuptoj pse na perfshin dhe ne ne nje grup me Ottoman.
Ai po flet ne njejes per veten e tij dhe ne shumes ne te tjeret.
A jemi pjese e grupit te tij apo kam enderuar une gjithe kohen?
Nqs Z. Feti ka ndonje prove ose ndonje gje kundra nesh le ta bej te ditur por emiali i dyte i njejte pasi une e ngrita shqetesimin tim po me ofendon drejt per se drejti.
Une besoj qe ka ardhe ora qe te gjithe, une ti dhe Z. Feti te bejme nje konference dhe te jemi ne nje faqe sepse ben gati dy muaj qe as marim vesh se cbehet ose i marim te rejat vesh pas disa diteve. Ne qofte se nuk vazhdohet me tej te ndahemi si miq.
Gjithashtu, me premptevo qe Z. Feti do te jete korekte me ty ne lidhje me parate e vendosura ne maredhenie te punes. Shpresoj premtimi te shkoj ne vend.
Do flasim me vone,
Te fala,
Odise Prifti
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 06/10/2013 2:58 AM
To: [email protected]
Cc: Iain Horsburgh; 'Ulysses O. Prifti'; 'SBanner'; Legal; Isaac Ofori
Subject: Re: correction date
Dne 08.06.2013 13:34, [email protected] napsal:
To : Mr. Dustin James Collins,
Mr. Banner
Mr. Purin
Mr. Prifti (Translator of Feti Broqi and loaned $ 10,000.00 to Feti Broqi on Dec 5, 2012 for contract
N/A001/29012FB , N/A002/29012FB and N/A001/29012FB between Feti Broqi/Hoylande and Dustin Collins/Ottoman Group )
Mr. Agim (Agim Molla - agent and power of attorney of FETI BROQI Hoylande)
Gentlemen, your process is not fair to me.
I have signed with you three contracts; you have not respected or fulfilled any.
In the beginning, you have promised that you want only to use our collateral for the realization of PPP, while you will put funds of Ottoman group.
You promised us a profit after two months.
I gave you the authorization only to use the collateral for realization of PPP.
You have not respected any date deadline from our contract.
Gentlemen, you've used my collateral for MTN documents, you have not paid me a profit.
You've fooled me.
This is not fair.
With your no correct actions you have terminated all our contracts and agreements.
You have no right to use my SKR documents and collateral anymore.
You do not respect my property and my rights.
Therefore, I'll ask for help from the U.S. authority to exercise my rights.
Date, 08.06.2013
With greetings,
JUDr. Feti Broqi
From: Ulysses O. Prifti [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 06/09/2013 7:16 AM
To: [email protected]
Cc: 'Agim Molla'
Subject: Emaili
Z. Fetti,
Uroj te jesh mire dhe tja kesh kaluar mire.
Ne emailin qe kishe derguar dje vendosa re dy gabime.
E para ishte data ne fund te emailit - 01.02.2013
E dyta ne email te pakten nga kendeveshtrimi im dhe shpresoj qe une te jem gabim, kishe perfshire Agimin dhe mua. Emaili te le te nenkuptosh qe ne jemi pjese grupit te Otomanit, kur as une as Agimi nuk i takojme grupit te tyre. Ne prezantojme ju dhe mbrojme interesat e tuaja/tona me plote dinjitet.
Megjithate sic thash, mundet qe une ta lexoj gabim ne anglisht dhe shpresoj qe gjykimi im te jete i gabuar.
Le te bejme nje konference ne skype kete jave ne lidhje me proceduren e vazhdimit te komumikimit me Ottoman me qellim qe te jemi dhe ne ne nje faqe me ju per interes te perfundimit me sukses.
Gjithashtu, une kam vendosur 10,000 dollar qe nuk di si te veproj per ti mare, dhe nuk di si ti kerkoj pasi mareveshjet me kontrata jane ne emrin tuaj dhe sic kemi diskutur keto raporte i kemi lene per tu manaxhuar prej jush.
Te uroj nje te diel te kendshme dhe na keshillo se cfare duhet te bejme.
Te fala,
Odise Prifti
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 06/08/2013 6:34 AM
To: [email protected]
Cc: Iain Horsburgh; 'Ulysses O. Prifti'; 'SBanner'; Legal; Isaac Ofori
Subject: Re: Missed Call-Voicemail. Broci legal final request?
To : Mr. Dustin James Collins,
Mr. Banner
Mr. Purin
Mr. Prifti
Mr. Agim
Gentlemen, your process is not fair to me.
I have signed with you three contracts; you have not respected or fulfilled any.
In the beginning, you have promised that you want only to use our collateral for the realization of PPP, while you will put funds of Ottoman group.
You promised us a profit after two months.
I gave you the authorization only to use the collateral for realization of PPP.
You have not respected any date deadline from our contract.
Gentlemen, you've used my collateral for MTN documents, you have not paid me a profit.
You've fooled me.
This is not fair.
With your no correct actions you have terminated all our contracts and agreements.
You have no right to use my SKR documents and collateral anymore.
You do not respect my property and my rights.
Therefore, I'll ask for help from the U.S. authority to exercise my rights.
Date, 01.02.2013
With greetings,
JUDr. Feti Broqi
Victim is JUDr. Feti Broqi .
The goal of anonymous letters and Falsehoods is to cover the traces.
Those who have evidence clearly say that evidence is.
With JUDr. Feti Broqi has signed a contract, one entity implementer.
After appearing four new implementers?
JUDr. Feti Broqi not knows any of them.
This is intentionally done to cover the tracks.
Fraud was organized by professionals.
The aim was not bank fraud.
The aim of deception was to steal the documents, the authorization of the owners of the SKR JUDr. Feti Broqi.
Victim is JUDr. Feti Broqi .
I say to you, if you have evidence, send us what we need, If the bank had given the money, please say clearly the name of the bank.
If you no have evidence, then please feel. And be patient.
To Mr Feti Broqi. The SCAM monetising the SKR. No intention of Trading just scamming the Bank..
To Mr Feti Broqi. The SCAM monetising the SKR. No intention of Trading just scamming the Bank..
Dear Sir.
Re SKR BBK1057018-2-1
feti Broqi
I refer to a telephone conversation with Hendrik Rutz and the scanned original SKR forwarded to me from Hendrik by way of confirmation.
We are presently in possession of court orders in the UK against some of the following defendants and are presently to issue Legal Proceedings in the U.S.A against Profusion Holdings Group and its ancillary Companies.
Court orders have been issued against Mr George Drysdale, Mr William David Moore, Further orders are being sought against Mr Wilson Baez , Mr Carlos Zarur . Miss Gisela Castro and a Mr Ronald L Spratt as to the veracity of the SKR and criminal misrepresentations made to myself and my business Partner. Referrals to the Securities Exchange Commission and INTERPOL, is also being prepared by our Lawyers in Houston , Texas , U.S.A .and the United Kingdom.
Further claims/court orders against your client Mr Feti Broqi are being prepared as per our contract/PSA we have in place.
We are instructed to write to you and your legal department to ask for some relevant information regarding this SKR to be included in our documents being prepared for SEC and INTERPOL .
It is clear, JUDr. Feti Broqi is humane man and gentlemen.
It is clear, JUDr. Feti Broqi is humane man and gentlemen.
Mr. Feti Broqi, is the victim, and his property is abused.
Company Hoylande is a very serious company that works successfully with its capital, and is active in five countries.
In big fraud usually involved more of the subject, but all will answer before the court.
It is clear, JUDr. Feti Broqi is humane man and gentlemen.
It is clear, JUDr. Feti Broqi is humane man and gentlemen.
Mr. Feti Broqi, is the victim, and his property is abused.
Company Hoylande is a very serious company that works successfully with its capital, and is active in five countries.
In big fraud usually involved more of the subject, but all will answer before the court.
Scam Artist Dustin Collins
I have had the liberty to read the reports on Dustin Collins. I've had a client of mines ready to place a 1Billion Euro BG into trade. Of course Mr Collins couldn't perform period and did require upfront fees. My client made a swift MT799 in favor of the OTTOMAN Group. We found out after making the swift , that Dustin Collins and OGI did not have the capabilities to monetize the instrument period. My client requested his 120 thousand dollars back and to no avail did he receive any money. Everything from Dustin Collins is a lie and my client will be filing charges in N.Y this week.
Mr. Feti Broqi is the pure professional, which kept trade secrets and nobody insultsn, and held his word.
Mr. Feti Broqi is the pure professional, which kept trade secrets and nobody insults.
With responsibility, I Eva Pro. , say clearly to everyone:
I have all the information about SKR document.
I have on keeping all the letters, documents and information about SKR .
I know the truth; I know that you all join, with one aim, to steal property of JUDr. Feti Broqi.
In this fraud were involved four people, you have stolen original documents and SKR , made the expenses 200,000 EURO , you have damage over 2.000,000 SD.
You are conceited abused, property of JUDr. Feti Broqi.
JUDr. Feti Broqi was a big sacrifice.
You are all abused it, because you know that he does not know English well.
JUDr. Feti Broqi was a big sacrifice.
You all have made a lot of damage to Mr. Feti Broqi.
I have a moral obligation to help the gentleman Feti Broqi.
Please have a little patience; you will quickly see that justice in the end wins.
I told you, I've made a criminal complaint against the person who had abused their original documents who fraudulently took SKR documents and keep them unauthorized and systematically abused.
It's known that anonymous letters, write mentally ill person or a criminal
It's known that anonymous letters, write mentally ill person or a criminal.
And we know who that is......
All email, which are published, they are recorded.
And is knows the address of where they came ....
Interpol and other police no are naive ..... Not to fall for provocations from persons of unsound mind, who write anonymous letters in internet every days.
Eva ,
Mr. Feti Broqi is the pure professional, which kept trade secrets and nobody insults.
Mr. Feti Broqi is the pure professional, which kept trade secrets and nobody insults.
With responsibility, I Eva Pro. , say clearly to everyone:
I have all the information about SKR document.
I have on keeping all the letters, documents and information about SKR .
I know the truth; I know that you all join, with one aim, to steal property of JUDr. Feti Broqi.
In this fraud were involved four people, you have stolen original documents, made the expenses 200,000 EURO , you have damage over 2.000,000 SD.
You are conceited abused , property of JUDr. Feti Broqi.
You are all abused it , because you know that he does not know English well.
JUDr. Feti Broqi was a big sacrifice.
I have written all the letters and answers on the Internet to my name Eva P.
Also I say clearly: JUDr. Feti Broqi is a great gentleman.
Mr. Feti Broqi is the pure professional, which kept trade secrets and nobody insults.
Mr. Feti Broqi never not discussed with anyone.
I have a moral obligation to help the gentleman Feti Broqi.
I have prayed before, I pray and NOW JUDr. Feti Broqi to write the truth over the internet around situation of SKR documents, and that all of us clearly shows who are the people who are doing his fortune, documents and money.
You all have made a lot of damage to Mr. Feti Broqi.
I solemnly declare that I have launched legal proceedings against the four persons US citizens which are misused the documents SKR , authorization, have abuse and fraud.
I have information that two people (Americans), stole + 120 million of US dollars, this money were intended for JUDr. Feti Broqi.
These two people (Americans) have stolen property, and money intended for JUDr. Feti Broqi.
JUDr. Feti Broqi was a big sacrifice.
I have been SCAMMED BY Feti Broqi I have the copy of SKR Copper
I have all files emails and a copy of original SKR for 2.86 Billion fro Prosafe-online in germany. This SKR was used to obtain money from the Bank with no intention of going to trade..Anyone that would like further information. including copy of broqi passport and SKR place your contact details here and i will contact you. we have 4 lever arch files concerning Dr/Mr Broqi and his partners in crime.
Mr Broqi and his friends submitted false filllings / offering to SEC Form D using a collection of 8 different companies
We are presently preparing our files for IINTERPOL and have already submitted them to SEC & Action Fraud in the UK.
Mr. Feti Broqi is the pure professional, which kept trade secrets and nobody insults.
With responsibility, I Eva Pro. , say clearly to everyone:
I have all the information about SKR document.
I have on keeping all the letters, documents and information about SKR .
I know the truth; I know that you all join, with one aim, to steal property of JUDr. Feti Broqi.
In this fraud were involved four people, you have stolen original documents, made the expenses 200,000 EURO , you have damage over 2.000,000 SD.
You are conceited abused , property of JUDr. Feti Broqi.
You are all abused it , because you know that he does not know English well.
JUDr. Feti Broqi was a big sacrifice.
I have written all the letters and answers on the Internet to my name Eva P.
Also I say clearly: JUDr. Feti Broqi is a great gentleman.
Mr. Feti Broqi is the pure professional, which kept trade secrets and nobody insults.
Mr. Feti Broqi never not discussed with anyone.
I have a moral obligation to help the gentleman Feti Broqi.
I have prayed before, I pray and NOW JUDr. Feti Broqi to write the truth over the internet around situation of SKR documents, and that all of us clearly shows who are the people who are doing his fortune, documents and money.
You all have made a lot of damage to Mr. Feti Broqi.
I solemnly declare that I have launched legal proceedings against the four persons US citizens which are misused the documents SKR , authorization, have abuse and fraud.
I have information that two people (Americans), stole + 120 million of US dollars, this money were intended for JUDr. Feti Broqi.
These two people (Americans) have stolen property, and money intended for JUDr. Feti Broqi.
JUDr. Feti Broqi was a big sacrifice.
Eva Proch.
Mr. Feti Broqi is the pure professional, which kept trade secrets and nobody insults.
With responsibility, I Eva Pro. , say clearly to everyone:
I have all the information about SKR document.
I have on keeping all the letters, documents and information about SKR .
I know the truth; I know that you all have joined, in order to fraudulently steal property JUDr. Feti Broqi.
In this fraud were involved four people, you stole original documents stolen money over 200,000 EURO and you have created a cost over 2.000,000 SD.
You are conceited stolen property of JUDr. Feti Broqi.
You are all abused it , because you know that he does not know English well.
JUDr. Feti Broqi was a big sacrifice.
I have written all the letters and answers on the Internet to my name Eva P.
Also I say clearly: JUDr. Feti Broqi is a great gentleman.
Mr. Feti Broqi is the pure professional, which kept trade secrets and nobody insults.
Mr. Feti Broqi never not discussed with anyone.
I have a moral obligation to help the gentleman Feti Broqi.
I have prayed before, I pray and NOW JUDr. Feti Broqi to write the truth over the internet around situation of SKR documents, and that all of us clearly shows who are the people who are doing his fortune, documents and money.
You all have made a lot of damage to Mr. Feti Broqi.
I solemnly declare that I have launched legal proceedings against the four persons US citizens have misused documents, authorization, have abuse and fraud.
I have information that two people (Americans), stole 120 million of US dollars, this money were intended for JUDr. Feti Broqi.
These two people (Americans) have stolen property, and money intended for JUDr. Feti Broqi.
JUDr. Feti Broqi was a big sacrifice.
Eva Proh.
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 06/26/2013 12:40 PM
To: Ulysses O. Prifti; [email protected]; 'Sid Banner'
Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: RE: REFUND FEES-Final Request -Fetti File
Importance: High
Dear Mr. Fetti:
Recall you were served with notice already from The Firm, Inc Merchant bank.
Demand was made for documents never produced.
Please take notice Ottoman does not charge fees and solely handles lines and management of the proceeds. Your failure to provide The Firm, Inc Merchant Bank the documents they needed and we evidenced multiple times as such They will seek 10 percent of liquidated damages against the asset.
Moreover if you file false claims and tarnish our name you will be subjected to a slander lawsuit for same.
We have sent Mr. Fetti the demand and notice of breach. If you want we can ensure he is red-flagged at all our banks in the future for the Anti Money Laundering and KYC compliance as well.
We can forward your email but your client failed to provide evidence of how he came into and afforded a billion dollar asset. Our banks repeatedly requested and never were provided the documents which all of or emails and letters show same.
You filing false charges or slandering our firm Ottoman any further will result in the above and you will be subjected to damages that far exceed the costs associated with same which we have expended out of pocket over $500,000.00 in dd and legal fees only to be derailed by Mr. Fetti failure to provide one document which the banks required.
You filing same will also result in 20 affidavits from our banks who reviewed and approved the files but for a
Thank you.
James Collins, J.D.
Managing Partner
Auckland Chancery
Plaza Level-41-Short Hand Street
Auckland, 1010
212.521.4137 (U.S. Switch Board)
Email: [email protected]
**Registered Separately: in Switzerland, Hong Kong, Costa Rica, New Zealand & United States of America.
**Historical Trade Performance is not Indicative of Future Results.
LIE # 2 as per Broci's words "Company JSC Hoylande / Feti Broqi never contacted Deutsche Bank"
(Authorization for BROCI'S SKR to Ottoman Group, and not other parties. All other parties were intermediaries )
TO: JM Deutsche Bank New York
27.06.2013 00:51
Dear Sir John,
Wish you once again to tell you,
As a licensed professional financial expert Mr. James Dustin Collins , from Ottoman Group have given my on offer to participate I in finance program with my collateral SKR Copper Powder.
I'm signed three documents for participation PPP with the Ottoman Group .I .
Mr. James Dustin , sought to SKR documents enjoy as collateral. I gave him the authority to participate on the PPP.
I've asked you twice for whom saving line of credit. You have not answered.
I never asked for a credit line.
I never gave authorization Mr. James Collins to take me for a line of credit.
I do not need any credit line.
What it is , I do not understand.
But I say once more responsibly, the James Dustin has no right to me asking for a credit line, because it is a fraud.Please watch the internet, writes that Mr Dustin James, is known fraudster.
With regards,
JUDr. Feti Broqi
LIE # 2 (Here is proof of Broci's releasinng the information to Deuchte Bank. )
The workds of Broci ---"''Mr. Terry Moye is lying, manipulating the facts because the company JSC Hoylande has never had contact with him.
Company JSC Hoylande never contacted Deutsche Bank.""""
Read the email that Broqi was part of Communication with Deutsche Bank and services were provided only with his own request..
From: Terry M. Moye CPA [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 04/09/2013 8:37 AM
To: John M Deutsche Bank
Cc: Fetti Broqi [[email protected]]
Subject: Re: SKR for Client Dr. Broci [I]
Dear John.
As per your request , attached you will find a copy of the SKR.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself or my client Dr. Broci directly.
Terry M. Moye CPA
Terry Moye & Associates
Certified Public Accountants
800 Roosevelt Road Bldg. C Suite 100
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Tel: 630-366-2080
Fax: 630-366-2081
On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 6:15 AM, John M wrote:
Email confirmed. Did you send the fax?
Deutsche Bank
Mr. Ulyses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye, are liars, forgers, manipulators and extortionists.
Mr. Ulyses Prifti, is a liar, forger, manipulator and extortionists.
Mr. Ulysses Prifti all lying unstable, the whole day through the Internet sends viruses, insulting people, stealing documents False, lying, deceiving clients and blackmail.
Quickly if you see what is the law.
Mr. Ulyses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye, are liars, forgers, manipulators and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye and Mr. Ulysses Prifti
You are lying, you are manipulator..... You are scams,
You are lying to have of yours funds.
You lied to have a license for PPP
You are promised profits to 100 million essences to owner of funds JUDr. Feti Broqi.
You promised that you cover all the costs.
You've used all the frauds and lies of the world, with only one aim, to take on the
Management the wealth of Dr. Feti Broqi in billion values.
JUDr. FetiBroqi, are entrusted you and gave management in value of billion dollars.
You have misused the authorization of JUDr. Feti Broqi .
Mr. Ulysses Prifti stole documents and SCR, not authorized parts of documents to others.
You have manipulated..... You have abused documents.
You have done nothing....
You are scams, wanted to secretly take a line of credit from bank.
With your lies and deceit and non professional work, you have damaged 2 million
USD Mr. Feti Broqi.
Instead of paying compensation for the damage, you have caused tactically, you are trying to manipulate the facts by lying, cheating and blackmailin to threaten, JUDr. FetiBroqi and open campaign via phone, internet against him.
In these matters you are experienced people. Because the whole business is managed by experienced con artist and double agent Ulysses Prifti, who appeared in several rolls: sometime as Mr.Moye sometime as anattorney Hernandez.
You have sent your people to blackmail and to seek money from JUDr. Feti Broqi.
Your people promised that for a certain sum of money, you will to delete your lies from the internet..... This is blackmail.
Your criminal actions have no end.
Lies, deception, black mail is punishable everywhere in the world.
But do not forget you need to pay debt of two million, to pay invoice.
And do not forget, I will hunt you through the legal bodies of the American judicial
for your criminal activity, that you have made in the USA.
With your primitive threats, you can not scare me.
You'll quickly see what it means to law
Mr. Terry Moye is lying, manipulating facts , JSC Hoylande never had contact with him.
Mr. Terry Moye is lying, manipulating facts , JSC Hoylande never had contact with him.
Mr. Terry Moye is lying, manipulating facts , JSC Hoylande never had contact with him.
With responsibility we claim:
Mr. Terry Moye is lying, manipulating the facts because the company JSC Hoylande has never had contact with him.
Company JSC Hoylande never contacted Deutsche Bank.
The company Hoylande never took the loan, and never asked for credit line.
The company Hoylande, operates with its financial resources.
The company Hoylande was never the owner of the SKR document.
The truth is this:
Mr. Ulysses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye, were presented as a single firm, which is licensed to deal with finance transactions. They have contacted Mr. Feti Broqi.
Mr. Ulysses Prifti has sent the copy of license number No. IL / 065.016336 and introduced himself as a company with ability to monetize SKR documents and accomplish PPP transactions.
Mr. Moye and Mr. Prifti have lured JUDr. Feti Broqi, have promised a big profit.
Mr.Prifti - Mr.Molla , have promised to cover all the costs together for realization of transaction, proof letter of 4 December 2012.
After this, Mr Prifti have presented his partner Ottoman Group as the implementer.
For realization of the transaction, you (Prifti-Moye) asked 10% of the profits, and also a 40% of profit for partner Ottoman Group.
Mr. Feti Broqi a private owner of SKR agreed with your bid.
He believed you, and gave the authorization in name of your partner Mr. Ulysses Prifti.
Everything you promised was a deception, just to get from JUDr. Feti Broqi his SKR document valued in billions.
After it was discovered, that you Mr. Moye and Mr.Prifti are not licensed for implementation of PPP transactions, and also your partner Ottoman Group has no license.
You are all a complete lie and fraudulent.
Later it was also discovered, that Mr. Ulysses Prifti as authorized representative of JUDr. Feti Broqi, has signed a separate secret agreement with the Ottoman Group, with double-sided commission.
Mr. Prifti lied, said the implementer has the funds, and SKR will be used only as collateral.
The entire time you have promised the realization of PPP transactions. But essentially you tried to use SKR document for obtaining a credit line without the permission of Mr. Feti Broqi.
Mr. Feti Broqi discovered the truth and sent a letter to the bank, and cancelled your line of credit. Letter sent on May .09.2013, you have the copy.
You said that you did not accomplish the job. I simply doubt this.....
You have made a great harm to JUDr. Feti Broqi, about 2 million USD .
He asked you that you participate in the payment of damages.
Mr. Moye and Mr. My Ullysses Prifti, as old experienced fraudsters, react after one year by sending fictitious invoice of $ 4,900.
And over the Internet spread their lies to the public that JUDr. Feti Broqi has not paid the invoice.
Mr. Moye and Mr. Ullyses Prifti are doing it intentionally in order to discredit and blackmail JUDr. Feti Broqi.
The question is, if Mr. Feti Broqi has owed you something, why did you not take legal actions against him.
The answer is simple, Mr. Moye and Mr. Prifti, you've had one goal you wanted to compromise and damaged JUDr. Feti Broqi, and Hoylande.
You have fabricated all this in order to pressure JUDr. Feti Broqi not to demand compensation from you. Mr. Moye and Mr. Prifti, you owe 2 million USD. You have to pay Mr. Feti Broqi, you have to pay for the damages you have caused.
Mr. Terry Moye, what you are doing with JUDr. Feti Broqi is blackmail, crime.
This should solve the American authorities.
Mr. Feti Broqi, is a decent man, he will not engage in debate with you.
But I'll file a lawsuit against you because of your lies, manipulations, because you
Mr. Moye, have damaged the good name of the company Hoylande and JUDr. Feti Broqi.
Mr. Ulysses Prifti - lying
Mr. Ulysses Prifti - lying
Below, i will be clarifying a few facts that I am aware regarding the situation.
Mr. Ulysses Prifti - lying has been presented to us, as a financial specialist and has a vast network of friends from which he can bring the proper collaborators going forward.
He has expressed that is an expert in this field and has proposed to include collateral in the PPP program. Ulysses Prifti has presented Ottoman Group and Mr.D. Collins as partners and has close family ties with them.
From the beginning the Ottoman Group and Mr.D. Collins have behaved in a nonprofessional manner. They presented shady documents regarding our collaboration and the entire process. Mr. Broqi pointed this out several times to both parties. Since Mr. Broqi was not well versed in the English language he authorized Mr.Ulysses Prifti to manage this program and work directly with his partners.
Mr. Ulysses Prifti , very often did not consult me and avoided my direct communication with his partners. Afterwards, Mr. Broqi stopped the process and took away the rights granted to Mr. Ulysses Prifti since he behaved in a nonprofessional throughout. Ulysses Prifti has leaded each procedure throughout the entire collaborative agreement taking for granted and believing everything that was being presented by the Ottoman Group. He even mentioned that "I earn my dollars from The Ottoman Group since they are my contacts". Based on all these events I have stopped collaboration and communication completely with him for quite a long time now.
Thank you for your understanding!
Agim Molla
Mr. Ulyses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye, are liars, forgers, manipulators and extortionists.
Mr. Ulyses Prifti, is a liar, forger, manipulator and extortionists.
Mr. Ulysses Prifti all lying unstable, the whole day through the Internet sends viruses, insulting people, stealing documents False, lying, deceiving clients and blackmail.
Quickly if you see what is the law.
Mr. Ulyses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye, are liars, forgers, manipulators and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye and Mr. Ulysses Prifti
You are lying, you are manipulator..... You are scams,
You are lying to have of yours funds.
You lied to have a license for PPP
You are promised profits to 100 million essences to owner of funds JUDr. Feti Broqi.
You promised that you cover all the costs.
You've used all the frauds and lies of the world, with only one aim, to take on the
Management the wealth of Dr. Feti Broqi in billion values.
JUDr. FetiBroqi, are entrusted you and gave management in value of billion dollars.
You have misused the authorization of JUDr. Feti Broqi .
Mr. Ulysses Prifti stole documents and SCR, not authorized parts of documents to others.
You have manipulated..... You have abused documents.
You have done nothing....
You are scams, wanted to secretly take a line of credit from bank.
With your lies and deceit and non professional work, you have damaged 2 million
USD Mr. Feti Broqi.
Instead of paying compensation for the damage, you have caused tactically, you are trying to manipulate the facts by lying, cheating and blackmailin to threaten, JUDr. FetiBroqi and open campaign via phone, internet against him.
In these matters you are experienced people. Because the whole business is managed by experienced con artist and double agent Ulysses Prifti, who appeared in several rolls: sometime as Mr.Moye sometime as anattorney Hernandez.
You have sent your people to blackmail and to seek money from JUDr. Feti Broqi.
Your people promised that for a certain sum of money, you will to delete your lies from the internet..... This is blackmail.
Your criminal actions have no end.
Lies, deception, black mail is punishable everywhere in the world.
But do not forget you need to pay debt of two million, to pay invoice.
And do not forget, I will hunt you through the legal bodies of the American judicial
for your criminal activity, that you have made in the USA.
With your primitive threats, you can not scare me.
You'll quickly see what it means to law
Mr. Ulysses Prifti - lying
Below, i will be clarifying a few facts that I am aware regarding the situation.
Mr. Ulysses Prifti - lying has been presented to us, as a financial specialist and has a vast network of friends from which he can bring the proper collaborators going forward.
He has expressed that is an expert in this field and has proposed to include collateral in the PPP program. Ulysses Prifti has presented Ottoman Group and Mr.D. Collins as partners and has close family ties with them.
From the beginning the Ottoman Group and Mr.D. Collins have behaved in a nonprofessional manner. They presented shady documents regarding our collaboration and the entire process. Mr. Broqi pointed this out several times to both parties. Since Mr. Broqi was not well versed in the English language he authorized Mr.Ulysses Prifti to manage this program and work directly with his partners.
Mr. Ulysses Prifti , very often did not consult me and avoided my direct communication with his partners. Afterwards, Mr. Broqi stopped the process and took away the rights granted to Mr. Ulysses Prifti since he behaved in a nonprofessional throughout. Ulysses Prifti has leaded each procedure throughout the entire collaborative agreement taking for granted and believing everything that was being presented by the Ottoman Group. He even mentioned that "I earn my dollars from The Ottoman Group since they are my contacts". Based on all these events I have stopped collaboration and communication completely with him for quite a long time now.
Thank you for your understanding!
Agim Molla
In April 2013, I, Terry Moye CPA, was hired by JUDr Feti Broci to provide an Audited Financial Report for Deutsche Bank/Ottoman Group LLC in New York.
I provided an audited report in compliance with GAAP of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants as per JUDr Feti Broci request. I spend many hours to complete the due diligence on all documents and contracts of JUDr Feti Broci.
In addition to the audited statement, I was interviewed by the private banker of Deutsche Bank regarding the report.
Not only JUDr Feti Broci has decided cheat me for my services but none the less JUDr Feti Broci has decided to ignore all my continues requests once he received the audit report.
I was also surprised to find out that JUDr Feti Broci cheated the referral contact that introduced Mr. Broci to me.
Mr. Broci cheated also Ulysses Prifti with $ 10,000.00 that was deposited to Ottoman Group LLC and JUDr Feti Broqi being the beneficiary of the agreement.
I have tried to resolve the issue with JUDr Feti Broci in a professional manner , however JUDr Feti Broci he is very irresponsible individual.
We even had our attorney Mr. Hernandez talking with his attorney however , however we did not agree the way he laid the agreement. Fetti Broci wanted us to sign a letter that we made everything up. This is one of his intrigues techniques that he has used many times in the past.
He made sure that he used Skype most of the times to transfer documents, however his emails proof the opposite of his accusations.
In conclusion Feti Broci is simply a rip-off, a professional crook that uses others people's services or money for his own gain.
Broci uses SKR as tactic to SCAM people.
Market Group
PROOF OF Feti Broqi getting caught in his OWN continues LlES
On Sep. 21, 2014 - Feti Broqi / Hoylande AS. EVA wrote the following:
"''Mr. Terry Moye is lying, manipulating the facts because the company JSC Hoylande has never had contact with him.
Company JSC Hoylande never contacted Deutsche Bank.""""
Read the email that Broqi was part of Communication with Deutsche Bank and services were provided only with his own request..
From: Terry M. Moye CPA [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 04/09/2013 8:37 AM
To: John M Deutsche Bank
Cc: Fetti Broqi [[email protected]]
Subject: Re: SKR for Client Dr. Broci [I]
Dear John.
As per your request , attached you will find a copy of the SKR.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself or my client Dr. Broci directly.
Terry M. Moye CPA
Terry Moye & Associates
Certified Public Accountants
800 Roosevelt Road Bldg. C Suite 100
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Tel: 630-366-2080
Fax: 630-366-2081
On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 6:15 AM, John M wrote:
Email confirmed. Did you send the fax?
Deutsche Bank
Mr. Ulyses Prifti, is a liar, forger, manipulator and extortionists.
Mr. Ulysses Prifti all lying unstable, the whole day through the Internet sends viruses, insulting people, stealing documents False, lying, deceiving clients and blackmail.
Quickly if you see what is the law.
Mr. Ulyses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye, are liars, forgers, manipulators and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye and Mr. Ulysses Prifti
You are lying, you are manipulator..... You are scams,
You are lying to have of yours funds.
You lied to have a license for PPP
You are promised profits to 100 million essences to owner of funds JUDr. Feti Broqi.
You promised that you cover all the costs.
You've used all the frauds and lies of the world, with only one aim, to take on the
Management the wealth of Dr. Feti Broqi in billion values.
JUDr. FetiBroqi, are entrusted you and gave management in value of billion dollars.
You have misused the authorization of JUDr. Feti Broqi .
Mr. Ulysses Prifti stole documents and SCR, not authorized parts of documents to others.
You have manipulated..... You have abused documents.
You have done nothing....
You are scams, wanted to secretly take a line of credit from bank.
With your lies and deceit and non professional work, you have damaged 2 million
USD Mr. Feti Broqi.
Instead of paying compensation for the damage, you have caused tactically, you are trying to manipulate the facts by lying, cheating and blackmailin to threaten, JUDr. FetiBroqi and open campaign via phone, internet against him.
In these matters you are experienced people. Because the whole business is managed by experienced con artist and double agent Ulysses Prifti, who appeared in several rolls: sometime as Mr.Moye sometime as anattorney Hernandez.
You have sent your people to blackmail and to seek money from JUDr. Feti Broqi.
Your people promised that for a certain sum of money, you will to delete your lies from the internet..... This is blackmail.
Your criminal actions have no end.
Lies, deception, black mail is punishable everywhere in the world.
But do not forget you need to pay debt of two million, to pay invoice.
And do not forget, I will hunt you through the legal bodies of the American judicial
for your criminal activity, that you have made in the USA.
With your primitive threats, you can not scare me.
You'll quickly see what it means to law.
PROOF OF Feti Broqi getting caught in his OWN continues LlES
On Sep. 21, 2014 - Feti Broqi / Hoylande AS. EVA wrote the following:
"''Mr. Terry Moye is lying, manipulating the facts because the company JSC Hoylande has never had contact with him.
Company JSC Hoylande never contacted Deutsche Bank.""""
Read the email that Broqi was part of Communication with Deutsche Bank and services were provided only with his own request..
From: Terry M. Moye CPA [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 04/09/2013 8:37 AM
To: John M Deutsche Bank
Cc: Fetti Broqi [[email protected]]
Subject: Re: SKR for Client Dr. Broci [I]
Dear John.
As per your request , attached you will find a copy of the SKR.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself or my client Dr. Broci directly.
Terry M. Moye CPA
Terry Moye & Associates
Certified Public Accountants
800 Roosevelt Road Bldg. C Suite 100
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Tel: 630-366-2080
Fax: 630-366-2081
On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 6:15 AM, John M wrote:
Email confirmed. Did you send the fax?
Deutsche Bank
I have been SCAMMED BY Feti Broqi I have the copy of SKR Coppe
I have been SCAMMED BY Feti Broqi I have the copy of SKR Copper
I have all files emails and a copy of original SKR for 2.86 Billion fro Prosafe-online in germany. This SKR was used to obtain money from the Bank with no intention of going to trade..Anyone that would like further information. including copy of broqi passport and SKR place your contact details here and i will contact you. we have 4 lever arch files concerning Dr/Mr Broqi and his partners in crime.
Mr Broqi and his friends submitted false filllings / offering to SEC Form D using a collection of 8 different companies
We are presently preparing our files for IINTERPOL and have already submitted them to SEC & Action Fraud in the UK.
Feti Broqi keeps creating new Characters ( This time the New Name if FETI Broqi is "ROMAN"
"ROMAN" - who are you?... We do not know any ROMAN
Obviously "ROMAN" is Feti Broqi
Broqi being fair main is not TRUE STATEMENT. M-
Feti Broqi, Hoylande Representative in US Agim Molla, Sid Banner & Dustin James Collins of Ottoman cheated Mr. Prifti for $ 10,000.
Mr. Feti Broqi never paid Mr. Terry Moye for his authorized accounting services.
Not at least Broqi;s internet attacks makes our case stronger because the Truth delays but always prevails.
The loan Request from FETI BROQI on December 5, 2012.
[6:52 AM] Feti Broqi from Hoylande A.S.
Mister PRIFTI , Good day, I am traveling for Germany-Austria. For me the payment of $ 10,000.00, is a bit complicated for few reasons. Since this job is secret and I am managing outside the firm it might damage me from financial viewpoint. Bank traces remain when I will send the money, then even if Ottoman Group returns this money back to me. Feti Broqi
we will only provide facts and not accusations like HOYLANDE / Feti Broqi & the power of Attorney Agim Molla for Broqi have chosen too..
JUDr. Feti Broqi is a very professional and fair gentleman
JUDr. Feti Broqi is a very professional and fair gentleman
Company Hoylande a.s. Prague is a very good company, the fair, which performs very serious scientific confidential transactions. It is a company in which you are entrusted.
JUDr. Feti Broqi is a very professional man and fair gentleman who have extensive experience in the international Square.
With Mr Feti you can arrange anything, if you behave correctly.
All you have tricked Mr. Feti, you have made his charges, stealing documents and steal his time.
With Mr. Feti you can arrange everything, if you behave correctly, he did not interfere in your dirty game ...
Mr. Tery Moye and Mr. Prifti Ulyses you are chosen dirty method.
You'll injuries to yourself, your clients when they read what you enjoy dirty methods, lies, manipulation, everyone will flee from you .... Roman
Feti Broqi - Agim Molla
Facts no defraud of truth ..both of you read your emails. ...more to come
Mr. Ulyses Prifti, is a liar, forger, manipulator and extortionists.
Mr. Ulyses Prifti, is a liar, forger, manipulator and extortionists.
Mr. Ulysses Prifti all lying and each document is False.
Mr. Ulyses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye, are liars, forgers, manipulators and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye, is a liar, forger, manipulator and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye and Ulysses Prifti are liars, fraudsters, manipulators and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye and Mr. Ulysses Prifti
You are lying, you are manipulator..... You are scams,
You are lying to have of yours funds.
You lied to have a license for PPP
You are promised profits to 100 million essences to owner of funds JUDr. Feti Broqi.
You promised that you cover all the costs.
You've used all the frauds and lies of the world, with only one aim, to take on the
Management the wealth of Dr. Feti Broqi in billion values.
JUDr. FetiBroqi, are entrusted you and gave management in value of billion dollars.
You have misused the authorization of JUDr. Feti Broqi .
Mr. Ulysses Prifti stole documents and SCR, not authorized parts of documents to others.
You have manipulated..... You have abused documents.
You have done nothing....
You are scams, wanted to secretly take a line of credit from bank.
With your lies and deceit and non professional work, you have damaged 2 million
USD Mr. Feti Broqi.
Instead of paying compensation for the damage, you have caused tactically, you are trying to manipulate the facts by lying, cheating and blackmailin to threaten, JUDr. FetiBroqi and open campaign via phone, internet against him.
In these matters you are experienced people. Because the whole business is managed by experienced con artist and double agent Ulysses Prifti, who appeared in several rolls: sometime as Mr.Moye sometime as anattorney Hernandez.
You have sent your people to blackmail and to seek money from JUDr. Feti Broqi.
Your people promised that for a certain sum of money, you will to delete your lies from the internet..... This is blackmail.
Your criminal actions have no end.
Lies, deception, black mail is punishable everywhere in the world.
But do not forget you need to pay debt of two million, to pay invoice.
And do not forget, I will hunt you through the legal bodies of the American judicial
for your criminal activity, that you have made in the USA.
With your primitive threats, you can not scare me.
FETI BROQI - AGIM MOLLA if you want the whole story and communications on cyber feel free and I will be your guest....
We have nothing to fear .... You Are under the watch list, because the same SCAM you are trying to pull with other INDVIDUALS here in US...
AGIM MOLLA PROMISE TO PAY- as per today Nov 6, 2014 he has found every excuse not to pay. As result they keep fabricating the events. Molla & Broqi obviously are BROKE.
From: Agim Molla
To: [email protected]
Jan 16, 2013
I have guilt that I walked in this position.
It is true that I promised to pay the amount of 10,000 USD for Ottoman group.
I will look to borrow money . I do not know time frame. Interest rates are high.
From: Agim Molla
To: [email protected]
Jan 16, 2013
Odise une kam faje qe u futa ne kete pozicion.
Per Z.Broqi une gjithnje te kame dhene garanci maksimale qe eshte zotrues I mallit dhe serioz ne kete oprtunitet.
Eshte e vertete qe une te premtova ti paguajme bashke 10 000 usd per ottoman grup.
Por duke te konsideruar confident te prezantova pa asnje hezitim e korekte pozicionin tim familjare duke te derguar sakte veprimet bankare dhe depoziten ne favor te motres sime per nje problem qe ajo kishte.Nuk dija dhe te parashikoja kaq sakte se do te me duheshin 5 000 usd per aktivitetin tim me vone ne nje situate te tille.Ta dija nuk I dergoja por I mbaja kaq.
Nesje situate erdhi e paparshikuar nga une.Kam biseduar me motren dhe te kam thene para disa ditesh qe ajo ne emergjence ka aplikuar per nje kredi . Jemi ne pritje.Aktualishte ne Shqiperi ka problem likuiditeti ne strukturen bankare.Une dhe sote bisedova me te.
Nuk mund te ve moralin tim une per kaq para,por kam menduar se jemi kuptuar ta dija keshtu nuk futesha ne te tilla mardhenie sido qe te ishte puna , te besova tek miqte e tu dhe tek procedura verberishte sepse ishje ti. Qe te jem korekte te thashe te dergoje nje cek ta kesh per tu siguruar por mu pergjigje keq.
Nejse kam nevoje per experience akoma ne jete.
Une te kam qendruar korekte dhe te kam hapur rrugen ne kofidence.
Megjitheate si ta kuptosh.
Une po kekoje per ti mare ato para dhe me fajde.Nuk di kohen.Megjithese jane te larta fajdet.
Une mendoje paralelishte qe kjo pune nuk zgjat me shume se ne fund te janarit dhe ata sipas fjales duhet ta bejne bakrin.
Si ta gjykosh.
Te fala.
October 10, 2012- FETI BROQI - the facts based on facts.. Market Group never solicited Mr. Broqi or Mr. Molla
We are not left with many choises after all fraud and manipulated attaches to publish everything and you choose to do business with FETI BROQI / Hoylande or His Representative Mr. Agim Molla.
From: Feti BROQI [mailto: [email protected]]
Sent: 10/08/2012 12:27 AM
To: Ulysses O. Prifit
Subject: RE: Thank you
Mr. Prifti ,
America is very big and powerful market. I have interest to do business with powerful connection in America.
First I offered Mr. Agim to sell expensive Copper Powder:
Goods: Ultrafine Copper Powder
Quantity: 2040 kg / Net.
Delivery: Each month 2,000 kg, or more, based on Need.
Purity: 99.999% and Higher.
Quality: Stable isotopic Powder Enriched fractions 69.1%,
Isotpic composition: Cu (63) = 69.1%, Cu (65) = 30.9%
This assets is mine and I have interest to sell, or with the use it as collateral for
getting a loan, together with any American entity.
Agim know that this has great value. .................
With the hope that they will cooperate in the near future, I would like to take the opportunity and greet you.
ORIGINAL MASSAGE- FROMR FETI BROQI ON OCTOBER 8, 2012. This is Broqi's Request for connecting him with parties.. (
From: FETI BROQI [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 10/08/2012 12:27 PM
To: Ulysses O. Prifti
Subject: RE: Thank you
Zoti Odise,
Amerika eshte nji treg shume i madh dhe i fuqishem. Une kam interes per lidhje afariste ne Amerike.
Se pari une i ofrova Zotit Agim me e shiture nji madhe te shtrenjt BAKER PLUHUR :
Goods: Ultrafine Copper Powder
Quantity: 2.040 kg /Net.
Delivery: Each month 2.000 kg, or more, based on need.
Purity : 99.999% and higher.
Quality: Enriched Stable Isotopic Powder fractions 69.1%,
Isotpic composition : Cu (63)=69,1% , Cu (65)=30,9%
ky madh eshte i imi dhe une kam interes me e shiture, apo me e shfrytzue si kolateral per
marejen e kredise, bashkarisht me ndonji subjekt Amerikan.
Z.Agim e dine se ky madh e ka vleren e madhe. Njikohosisht sme intereson hitja e Bakrit katodike e metaleve tjere.
Sidoqoft ne sebashku do te perpiqem me realizue biznise , normal e legale ne Amerike .
Per ju mendoj se eshte me rendesi qe e keni mesuar gjuhen mire,
nese ponohet mire dhe nese beni kontakte te mira , sukesesi
vetvetiu vjene.
Neve nga njhere puna na ece mire , por nga njhere edhe deshtojme ,
edhe sukesesi eshe deshtimi jane pjese te afarizmit.
Me shpres se do te bashkepunojme ne te ardhmen e afert, shfrytzoj rastin te ju pershendes sinqerisht.
TO BE CONTINUED with FACTS and not EMPTY WORDS like MOLLA and BROQI are trying to defraud the truth.
AGIM MOLLA THE REPRESENTATIVE FOR FETI BROQI IS GETTING also desperate because the truth about those crooks is getting out...
Mr. Molla guaranted that $ 10,000 was going to be returned by FETI BROQI and in the worst case scenario he was going to cover the $ 5000.00 . As per today, Not Mr. AGIM MOLLA, nor FETI Broqi have ruturned the funds back...
Thief's are yelling "Catch the thief"
This is proof of Broqi's LOW Character that only documents obtained by our firm will allow to shed light on the truth and show the true colors of Feti Broqi and the companies that he represents, HOYLANDE A.S. and FMV GROUP s.r.o
THis massage has been approved by Market Group / Ulysses Prifti & Terry Moye
Mr. Ulysses Prifti - lying
Of date july 03 /2014
Below, i will be clarifying a few facts that I am aware regarding the situation.
Mr. Ulysses Prifti - lying has been presented to us, as a financial specialist and has a vast network of friends from which he can bring the proper collaborators going forward.
He has expressed that is an expert in this field and has proposed to include collateral in the PPP program. Ulysses Prifti has presented Ottoman Group and Mr.D. Collins as partners and has close family ties with them.
From the beginning the Ottoman Group and Mr.D. Collins have behaved in a nonprofessional manner. They presented shady documents regarding our collaboration and the entire process. Mr. Broqi pointed this out several times to both parties. Since Mr. Broqi was not well versed in the English language he authorized Mr.Ulysses Prifti to manage this program and work directly with his partners.
Mr. Ulysses Prifti , very often did not consult me and avoided my direct communication with his partners. Afterwards, Mr. Broqi stopped the process and took away the rights granted to Mr. Ulysses Prifti since he behaved in a nonprofessional throughout. Ulysses Prifti has leaded each procedure throughout the entire collaborative agreement taking for granted and believing everything that was being presented by the Ottoman Group. He even mentioned that "I earn my dollars from The Ottoman Group since they are my contacts". Based on all these events I have stopped collaboration and communication completely with him for quite a long time now.
Thank you for your understanding!
Agim Molla
Mr. Ulyses Prifti, is a liar, forger, manipulator and extortionists.
Mr. Ulyses Prifti, is a liar, forger, manipulator and extortionists.
Mr. Ulyses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye, are liars, forgers, manipulators and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye, is a liar, forger, manipulator and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye and Ulysses Prifti are liars, fraudsters, manipulators and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye and Mr. Ulysses Prifti
You are lying, you are manipulator..... You are scams,
You are lying to have of yours funds.
You lied to have a license for PPP
You are promised profits to 100 million essences to owner of funds JUDr. Feti Broqi.
You promised that you cover all the costs.
You've used all the frauds and lies of the world, with only one aim, to take on the
management the wealth of Dr. Feti Broqi in billion values.
JUDr. FetiBroqi, are entrusted you and gave management in value of billion dollars.
You have misused the authorization of JUDr. Feti Broqi .
You have manipulated..... You have abused documents.
You have done nothing....
You are scams, wanted to secretly take a line of credit from bank.
With your lies and deceit and non professional work, you have damaged 2 million
USD Mr. Feti Broqi.
Instead of paying compensation for the damage, you have caused tactically, you are trying to manipulate the facts by lying, cheating and blackmailin to threaten, JUDr. FetiBroqi and open campaign via phone, internet against him.
In these matters you are experienced people. Because the whole business is managed by experienced con artist and double agent Ulysses Prifti, who appeared in several rolls: sometime as Mr.Moye sometime as anattorney Hernandez.
You have sent your people to blackmail and to seek money from JUDr. Feti Broqi.
Your people promised that for a certain sum of money, you will to delete your lies from the internet..... This is blackmail.
Your criminal actions have no end.
Lies, deception, black mail is punishable everywhere in the world.
But do not forget you need to pay debt of two million, to pay invoice.
And do not forget, I will hunt you through the legal bodies of the American judicial
for your criminal activity, that you have made in the USA.
With your primitive threats, you can not scare me.
FETI BROQI first signs of desperation
WHO ARE YOU, Eva Procházková that supposedly know Ulysses Prifti & Terry Moye ?
WHO ARE YOU,Roman Svoboda that supposedly know Ulysses Prifti & Terry Moye?
WHO ARE YOU, John that supposedly know Terry Moye in person?
Obviously, our client FETI BROQI has decided to convert his name to Eva Procházková, Roman Svoboda , John,
Mr. Broqi, the more you LIE the more you make make fool of yourself
Accusing someone publicly and defrauding the truth is a criminal activity. FETI BROQI has proven himself to be an immoral individual architecting false and immoral business conducts. He has created fake identities and people who don't exist in reality and through these " characters" he is cyber bulling honest business individuals as well as prestigious US firms.
This is proof of Broqi's LOW Character that only documents obtained by our firm will allow to shed light on the truth and show the true colors of Feti Broqi and the companies that he represents, HOYLANDE A.S. and FMV GROUP s.r.o
THis massage has been approved by Market Group / Ulysses Prifti & Terry Moye
Mr. Ulyses Prifti , is a liar, forger, manipulator and extortionists.
Mr. Ulyses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye, are liars, forgers, manipulators and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye, is a liar, forger, manipulator and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye and Ulysses Prifti are liars, fraudsters, manipulators and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye and Mr. Ulysses Prifti
You are lying, you are manipulator..... You are scams,
You are lying to have of yours funds.
You lied to have a license for PPP
You are promised profits to 100 million essences to owner of funds JUDr. Feti Broqi.
You promised that you cover all the costs.
You've used all the frauds and lies of the world, with only one aim, to take on the management the wealth of Dr. Feti Broqi in billion values.
JUDr. FetiBroqi, are entrusted you and gave management in value of billion dollars.
You have misused the authorization of JUDr. Feti Broqi .
You have manipulated..... You have abused documents.
You have done nothing....
You are scams, wanted to secretly take a line of credit from bank.
With your lies and deceit and non professional work, you have damaged 2 million USD Mr. Feti Broqi.
Instead of paying compensation for the damage, you have caused tactically, you are trying to manipulate the facts by lying, cheating and blackmailin to threaten, JUDr. FetiBroqi and open campaign via phone , internet against him.
In these matters you are experienced people. Because the whole business is managed by experienced con artist and double agent Ulysses Prifti, who appeared in several rolls: sometime as Mr.Moye sometime as anattorney Hernandez.
You have sent your people to blackmail and to seek money from JUDr. Feti Broqi.
Your people promised that for a certain sum of money, you will to delete your lies from the internet..... This is blackmail.
Your criminal actions have no end.
Lies, deception, black mail is punishable everywhere in the world.
But do not forget you need to pay debt of two million, to pay invoice.
And do not forget, I will hunt you through the legal bodies of the American judicial system,
for your criminal activity, that you have made in the USA.
With your primitive threats, you can not scare me.
GEORGE DRYSDALE SCAMMER AND FATHER OF AMY DRYSDALE FLYBE EXETER, Everyone please read the letter of entrapment from George Drysdale into FETI BROQI'S SKR scam on the BANK...
From: David Moore <[email protected]>
Date: 17 October 2013 08:01:17 pm BST
To: Martin Mallon <[email protected]>
Subject: Fwd: C.U.
Hi Martin
If we could find an investor to put US$ 43,000 into GCRS now we could provide the investor with security to his investment and a substantial return plus fully fund GCRS. Any thoughts?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Geo Drysdale <[email protected]>
Date: 17 October 2013 20:21
Subject: C.U.
To: David Moore <[email protected]>
Hi David,
I have just been informed that our funder can no longer suport the C.U. business as he has had to use available funds for medical fees for his family.
The Hedge Fund still needs just a touchover the $43,000 to complete the monetization requirements. Ron has put $20,000 into the fee pot. I would have matched him but with my office and daughters moving "Daddy's Bank" has been cleaned out for the moment... At least the H.F. has commited to refunding all charges if the deal does not complete so there is no risk!!!
We have agreed that the funder who assists will share 0.25% of the trade profits....quite an amazing potential return for a $43,000 loan"...
This should have been a move for GCRS to entertain as it would more than cover our set up costs and all four of us a bit of financial "relief". I am disappointed we do not have some workable funds. That said obviously we need to get the bank account set up - hopefully Keith will assist with that tomorrow......
The C.U. deal could be worth several M to GCRS if we can do something.
I am still on standby for the gates to open on the Heritage Bonds...various sources are suggesting "go" from next Monday to the end of the year...I hope to God it is sooner than later...
Kindest regards,
To Mr Feti Broqi. The SCAM monetising the SKR. No intention of Trading just scamming the Bank..
To Mr Feti Broqi. The SCAM monetising the SKR. No intention of Trading just scamming the Bank..
Dear Sir.
Re SKR BBK1057018-2-1
feti Broqi
I refer to a telephone conversation with Hendrik Rutz and the scanned original SKR forwarded to me from Hendrik by way of confirmation.
We are presently in possession of court orders in the UK against some of the following defendants and are presently to issue Legal Proceedings in the U.S.A against Profusion Holdings Group and its ancillary Companies.
Court orders have been issued against Mr George Drysdale, Mr William David Moore, Further orders are being sought against Mr Wilson Baez , Mr Carlos Zarur . Miss Gisela Castro and a Mr Ronald L Spratt as to the veracity of the SKR and criminal misrepresentations made to myself and my business Partner. Referrals to the Securities Exchange Commission and INTERPOL, is also being prepared by our Lawyers in Houston , Texas , U.S.A .and the United Kingdom.
Further claims/court orders against your client Mr Feti Broqi are being prepared as per our contract/PSA we have in place.
We are instructed to write to you and your legal department to ask for some relevant information regarding this SKR to be included in our documents being prepared for SEC and INTERPOL .
Obviously MR. Feti Broqi tried to pull the same SCAM with Deutsche Bank in New York via Ottoman Group. Feti Broqi failed to comply with Anti Money Laundering. Not only Feti Broqi failed, however he started to accuse all the Intermediaries that they had stolen his SKR and all of them had taken line of credits for their own interest. Feti Broqi is an architect of FRAUD.
We have reported Mr. Broqi's fraud activities and false accusations to authorities by backing up the truth with all documents, agreements.
Hopefully justice will play it's role for the pain that Feti Broqi has caused to honest business people.
As wrap up, we only have these words to say: - Be careful because Feti Broqi is a snake that he will try to poison in every opportunity he will get.
To Mr Feti Broqi. The SCAM monetising the SKR. No intention of Trading just scamming the Bank..
Dear Sir.
Re SKR BBK1057018-2-1
feti Broqi
I refer to a telephone conversation with Hendrik Rutz and the scanned original SKR forwarded to me from Hendrik by way of confirmation.
We are presently in possession of court orders in the UK against some of the following defendants and are presently to issue Legal Proceedings in the U.S.A against Profusion Holdings Group and its ancillary Companies.
Court orders have been issued against Mr George Drysdale, Mr William David Moore, Further orders are being sought against Mr Wilson Baez , Mr Carlos Zarur . Miss Gisela Castro and a Mr Ronald L Spratt as to the veracity of the SKR and criminal misrepresentations made to myself and my business Partner. Referrals to the Securities Exchange Commission and INTERPOL, is also being prepared by our Lawyers in Houston , Texas , U.S.A .and the United Kingdom.
Further claims/court orders against your client Mr Feti Broqi are being prepared as per our contract/PSA we have in place.
We are instructed to write to you and your legal department to ask for some relevant information regarding this SKR to be included in our documents being prepared for SEC and INTERPOL .
I have been SCAMMED BY Feti Broqi I have the copy of SKR Copper
I have all files emails and a copy of original SKR for 2.86 Billion fro Prosafe-online in germany. This SKR was used to obtain money from the Bank with no intention of going to trade..Anyone that would like further information. including copy of broqi passport and SKR place your contact details here and i will contact you. we have 4 lever arch files concerning Dr/Mr Broqi and his partners in crime.
Mr Broqi and his friends submitted false filllings / offering to SEC Form D using a collection of 8 different companies
We are presently preparing our files for IINTERPOL and have already submitted them to SEC & Action Fraud in the UK.
HOYLANDE AS. / FETI BROQI : A Thief yelling "Catch the thief" PART 2
A Thief yelling "Catch the thief" PART 2
Hoylande / Feti Broqi have decided to fool themselves so much that obviously this is their way of making a living:
Hoylande/Feti Broqi had a mutual agreement with Dustin Collins / Ottoman Group LLC / The Firm and not Market Group, Terry Moye or Ulysses Prifti.
Neither Terry Moye nor Ulysses Prifti have any secret agreement with Ottoman Group LLC as Hoylande/ Feti Broqi has made public statements. We were supposed to get paid by profits of Hoylande / Feti Broqi.
FYI Mr. Feti Broqi, Market Group/ Terry Moye or Ulysses Prifti do not double- deep for their services; however you / our client Hoylande have used every CHEAP excuse in the books in order to AVOID paying for the accounting services of Mr. Moye.
In addition as per today Nov 4, 2014 Hoylande / Feti Broqi / Agim Molla / Sid Banner / Ottoman Group / Dustin Collins have failed to return back the $ 10,000.00 security deposit that Feti Broqi borrowed from Ulysses Prifti.
Ottoman Group / Sid Banner have accused you for refusing to provide financial proofs capabilities of purchasing the assets that claimed to be yours. Not the least Ottoman Group accuses you, Feti Broqi for not willing to comply with Anti Money Laundering banking compliance. As result they withdraw your file even after the attempt that Sir. Collins came to meet with you in person in Europe. Pointing the fingers on each other it helped only your cause. The truth is that instead of returning the $ 10,000 back to Mr. Prifti, you, Mr. Feti Broqi/ Hoylande decided to sent us a fraud invoice for 2.17 million after you failed to collect from Ottoman Group.
LIE #2 from Hoylande A.S / Feti Broqi (Czech Republic)
Hoylande Inc
Mediation of finance, money conversion, export – import
Prague, Plaska 622/3
Email: [email protected]
Tel. 00420 608 020 999
December 10, 2012
Dear Sir. Collins:
After our pleasant conversation via Skype, We have made our commitments around the realization finance transactions.
As per our agreement all the documents (CIS, fees & Contract) have been submitted to your company since last Wednesday.
Kindly provide us with an update and let me know on what is the next step.
I hope that our cooperation will be successful.
Warm Regards,
JUDr. Feti Broqi
LIE # 1 from Hoylande A.S / Feti Broqi (Czech Republic)
• Request from FETI BROQI of HOYLANDE a.s for a loan of $ 10,000.00 from Ulysses Prifti on December 5, 2012 at 6:52 AM Central time.
Mister Odise , Good day, I am traveling for Germany-Austria. For me the payment of $ 10,000.00, is a bit complicated for few reasons. Since this job is secret and I am managing outside the firm it might damage me from financial viewpoint. Bank traces remain when I will send the money, then even if Ottoman Group returns this money back to me. Feti Broqi
Kerkesea e Feti Broqi per $10,000.00 ne 5 Dhjetor 2012:
[6:52 AM] Feti Broqi nga Hoylande A.S.
" Zoti Odise , miredita jame ne rruge per Gjermani –Austri ,Per mue pagesa e 10.000 USD , eshte nji qike e komplikuar per disa arsye , me qe kjo pune eshte sekrete e une po e realizoj privatisht jashte firmes, mundet kjo me me damtue shume ne pikepamje financiare , ngelin gjurmet ne banke kur i dergoj leket, pastaj edhe nese mi kethen leket Otomangroupi , Feti Broqi…."
• Feti Broqi has made few different claims and even him himself does not know which one is the trueth becuase of Inconsistencies with his statement.
• Feti Broqi claimed the $ 10, 000 to be a gift to him
• Feti Broqi claimed he never asked for $ 10,000
• Feti Broqi claimed that it was his power of attorney Mr. Molla made that promised not him (FYI, Mr. Broqi the power of attorney is the same as being present yourself)
• Feti Broqi claimed that $ 10,000 was in exchange for knowlege
In order to give light to the truth we might publish a lot of offical documents that will show the continues LIES of HOYLANDE and Mr. FETI BROQI.
We accept to loose money in business however we do not accept FRAUD.
All our statements can be supported by collected documents and electronic communications.
Chronology and Work History with Hoylande AS./Feti Broqi
• September 2012 - Feti Broqi / Hoylande A.S was introduced to us by Agim Molla ( Hoylande A.S / Feti Broqi's Power of Attorney and Representative in USA) via a mutual acquaintance, Koci Kocibeli. Hoylande was interested on exporting raw commodities such as Oil Products/ D2/JP54, Copper, Zink, Gold, etc., and expanding in the US market.
Opportunity #1
• October 2012 - Hoylande AS./ Feti Broqi was introduced by Ulysses Prifti to two US prestigious companies (USPH LLC & JAGT LLC) with whom Ulysses had prior business relationship. These companies agreed to buy oil products and also to introduce Hoylande AS. to other potential buyers for other raw commodities, such gold and copper.
On October 23, 2012 a Joint Venture was signed between the parties above. Three deals were introduced by Hoylande. On the first deal (Copper powder) Hoylande miss-represented the price of the assets from Billions of dollars to Millions of dollars. Hoylande’s CEO, Feti Broqi justified this as “lost in translation" . The other two oil offers that Hoylande / Feti Broqi had initiated, were never delivered by Hoylande. On December 7, 2017 USPH LLC & JAGT LLC terminated the Joint Venture agreement due to failure of non-performance from Hoylande and Feti Broqi. As a result, Market Group / Ulysses Prifti and Koci Kocibeli lost millions of dollars on commissions.
Opportunity #2
November 2012- Mr. Broqi requested us to find a potential buyer for a new oil offer which was going to be made available beginning of December 2012. On December 4th, 2012 , FETI BROQI brought an offer claiming that it was coming from Rosneft and he claimed to be a mandate for ROSNEFT. Within 2 days, on December 6, 2012 , Market Group, via their associates Savenok Group, delivered to Mr. Feti Broqi an Irrevocable Corporate Purchase Order from a prestigious US company, Eastern Energy & Mines Limited to buy the products that Hoylande / Feti Broqi offered for sale. Not only Hoylande / Feti Broqi failed to perform again, but Hoylande/Feti Broqi did not have the corporate ethics to follow up with the client that we introduced to him. Again, as result Market Group / Ulysses Prifti and Associates lost millions of dollars on commission.
Opportunity #3
• On November 2012 Market Group / Ulysses Prifti introduced Hoylande AS / Feti Broqi to Ottoman Group LLC/Dustin Collins / Brent Purin & Sid Banner via an acquaintance/friend Paul Majeski. After several communication and exchange of information between Ottoman Group and Feti Broqi, Mr. Broqi gained confidence with Ottoman Group and decided to proceed in a business transaction with Ottoman Group. On November 29, 2012, both parties signed three mutual agreements for completion of private transaction .(Agreements code: N/A001/29012FB ; N/A002/29012FB and N/A003/29012FB)
Neither Terry Moye nor Ulysses Prifti had any power or say on those three agreements. Ulysses Prifti as well as Hoylande's representative Agim Molla were promised to get paid 10% of the profit, each once the deal would close.
The agreements between two parties (Ottoman Group and Hoylande / Feti Broqi) had a rough start, due to Ottoman Group not performing on a timely manner as well as accusations raised by Mr. Feti Broqi that Ottoman Group had benefited financially from his documents.
Feti Broqi failed to provide any proof of those accusations. Ottoman Group in the other side claims that Feti Broqi / Hoylande A.S did not comply with ANTI MONEY LAUNDERING international banking laws and caused Ottoman Group to lose confidence in collaborating further with Hoylande. Due to Hoylande's continuous failure complying with bank requirements Ottoman Group decided on June 19, 2013 to close the file and not work with Hoylande any longer.
At first, Market Group believed HOYLANDE/Feti Broqi's claim to be true. However Hoylande / Feti Broqi failed to provide to anyone any type of proof that would support his claim and accusations towards Ottoman Group despite multiple request on our end.
Our Client, Hoylande / Feti Broqi's poor business conduct has created doubts on us to mistrust our client HOYLANDE AS and FETTI BROCI. Furthermore, HOYLANDE / FETI BROQI has defrauded the truth and failed to pay Mr. Terry Moye for his accounting services. Nonetheless the fact that FETI BROQI never returned the $ 10,000.00 loan back to Ulysses Prifti as agreed, leaves a lot to be questioned about his morals !!!
Not the least after Hoylande accusations Feti Broqi sent us a false invoice for 2.17 Million dollars containing fraudulent accusations attempting to ruin our individual names and our Firm. It seems that after HOYLANDE AS/ FETTI BROCI. failed to collect from Ottoman Group, HOYLANDE AS/ FETTI BROCI decided to collect from Market Group.
As of today November 4th, 2014 neither, HOYLANDE , JUDr Feti Broqi Broci (Czech Republic), Agim Molla ( Michigan USA), Sid Banner (Florida, USA) and Dustin James Collins of Ottoman Group LLC / The Firm (New York, USA) have returned the secure deposit of $ 10,000.00 to Ulysses Prifti.
Neither Terry Moye nor Ulysses Prifti have any "secret" agreement with Ottoman Group LLC as Hoylande/ Feti Broqi has made in public statements. We, Market Group, do not double- dip for our services. Our client HOYLANDE AS/ FETTI BROCI has used every CHEAP excuse in order to AVOID paying the invoice for the accounting services of Mr. Moye and return back the $ 10,000.00 that HOYLANDE AS/ FETTI BROCI borrowed from Mr. Prifti.
Again a as result, Market Group / Ulysses Prifti / Terry Moye not only have lost for services , but they lost millions of dollars due to HOYLANDE AS / FETTI BROCI non-compliance.
The above opportunities were not the only referrals to Hoylande. Various offers were presented by Hoylande but were never carried through.
Conclusion - In reply to Mr. Broqi's accusation, we are not left with too many choices but only to publish all the official documents of Mr. Broqi since we see it as the only way of getting the truth out.
Mr. Broqi continuously harasses us and our firm with lawsuits . We would welcome any lawsuit from Hoylande / Feti Broqi because this would allow us to file our countersuit in order for us to collect our service fees, loan and possibly all our unpaid commissions.
Our patience in this matter is proving that Hoylande / Fetti Broqi is not capable to pay for our accounting services and it allows one to assume that Hoylande is not a reputable company. Feti Broqi faked the documents of World Wide Income that they provided to us, allowing HOYLANDE AS / FETTI BROCI to financially gain in an unethical and despicable manner.
Accusing someone publicly and defrauding the truth is a criminal activity. FETI BROQI has proven himself to be an immoral individual architecting false and immoral business conducts. He has created fake identities and people who don't exist in reality and through these " characters" he is cyber bulling honest business individuals as well as prestigious US firms.
This is proof of Broqi's LOW Character that only documents obtained by our firm will allow to shed light on the truth and show the true colors of Feti Broqi and the companies that he represents, HOYLANDE A.S. and FMV GROUP s.r.o
Again, all above statements can be supported by documents. We will continue to publish supportive documents in order to bring light to the truth if/ when necessary.
Mr. Terry Moye, is a liar, forger, manipulator and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye, is a liar, forger, manipulator and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye and Ulysses Prifti are liars, fraudsters, manipulators and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye and Mr. Ulysses Prifti
You are lying, you are manipulator..... You are scams,
You are lying to have of yours funds.
You lied to have a license for PPP
You are promised profits to 100 million essences to owner of funds JUDr. Feti Broqi.
You promised that you cover all the costs.
You've used all the frauds and lies of the world, with only one aim, to take on the management the wealth of Dr. Feti Broqi in billion values.
JUDr. FetiBroqi, are entrusted you and gave management in value of billion dollars.
You have misused the authorization of JUDr. Feti Broqi .
You have manipulated..... You have abused documents.
You have done nothing....
You are scams, wanted to secretly take a line of credit from bank.
With your lies and deceit and non professional work, you have damaged 2 million USD Mr. Feti Broqi.
Instead of paying compensation for the damage, you have caused tactically, you are trying to manipulate the facts by lying, cheating and blackmailin to threaten, JUDr. FetiBroqi and open campaign via phone , internet against him.
In these matters you are experienced people. Because the whole business is managed by experienced con artist and double agent Ulysses Prifti, who appeared in several rolls: sometime as Mr.Moye sometime as anattorney Hernandez.
You have sent your people to blackmail and to seek money from JUDr. Feti Broqi.
Your people promised that for a certain sum of money, you will to delete your lies from the internet..... This is blackmail.
Your criminal actions have no end.
Lies, deception, black mail is punishable everywhere in the world.
But do not forget you need to pay debt of two million, to pay invoice.
And do not forget, I will hunt you through the legal bodies of the American judicial system,
for your criminal activity, that you have made in the USA.
With your primitive threats, you can not scare me.
Mr. Terry Moye and Ulysses Prifti are liars, fraudsters, manipulators and extortionists.
Mr. Terry Moye and Ulysses Prifti are liars, fraudsters, manipulators and extortionists.
Mr. Terry and Mr. My Ulysses Prifti
You are lying, you are manipulator..... You are scams,
You are lied to have funds.
You lied to have a license for PPP
You are promised profits to 100 million essences to owner of fund JUDr. Feti Broqi.
You've enjoyed all the fraud and lies of the world, with only one aim, to take on the management the wealth of Dr. Feti Broqi in billion values.
JUDr. Feti Broqi, are entrusted you and gave management in value of billion dollars.
You have misused the authorization of JUDr. Feti Broqi .
You are manipulated..... You are abusing documents.
You have done nothing.
You are scams, wanted to secretly take a line of credit from bank.
With your lies and deceit and not professional work, you have damaged 2 million USD Mr. Feti Broqi.
Instead of paying compensation to which you are provoked, tactically you enjoy your most beautiful weapon: Lie, cheat, manipulation, threats and blackmail, and open campaign against JUDr. Feti Broqi.
In these matters you are experienced people. Because the whole business is managed by experienced con artist and double agent Ulysses Prifti, who appeared in several rolls: some time as Mr. Moya some time as an attorney Hernandez .
You have sent your people to blackmail and to seek money from JUDr. Feti Broqi.
Your people promise that for a certain sum of money, you will to delete your lies from the internet..... This is blackmail.
Your criminal actions have no end.
Lies, deception, blackmail is punishable everywhere in the world.
But do not forget you need to pay debt of two million, to pay invoice.
And do not forget, I will hunt you through the legal bodies of the American judicial system,
for your criminal activity, that you have made in the USA .
Eva P.
Mr. Terry Moye is lying, manipulating facts , JSC Hoylande never had contact with him.
Mr. Terry Moye is lying, manipulating facts , JSC Hoylande never had contact with him.
With responsibility we claim:
Mr. Terry Moye is lying, manipulating the facts because the company JSC Hoylande has never had contact with him.
Company JSC Hoylande never contacted Deutsche Bank.
The company Hoylande never took the loan, and never asked for credit line.
The company Hoylande, operates with its financial resources.
The company Hoylande was never the owner of the SKR document.
The truth is this:
Mr. Ulysses Prifti and Mr. Terry Moye, were presented as a single firm, which is licensed to deal with finance transactions. They have contacted Mr. Feti Broqi.
Mr. Ulysses Prifti has sent the copy of license number No. IL / 065.016336 and introduced himself as a company with ability to monetize SKR documents and accomplish PPP transactions.
Mr. Moye and Mr. Prifti have lured JUDr. Feti Broqi, have promised a big profit.
Mr.Prifti - Mr.Molla , have promised to cover all the costs together for realization of transaction, proof letter of 4 December 2012.
After this, Mr Prifti have presented his partner Ottoman Group as the implementer.
For realization of the transaction, you (Prifti-Moye) asked 10% of the profits, and also a 40% of profit for partner Ottoman Group.
Mr. Feti Broqi a private owner of SKR agreed with your bid.
He believed you, and gave the authorization in name of your partner Mr. Ulysses Prifti.
Everything you promised was a deception, just to get from JUDr. Feti Broqi his SKR document valued in billions.
After it was discovered, that you Mr. Moye and Mr.Prifti are not licensed for implementation of PPP transactions, and also your partner Ottoman Group has no license.
You are all a complete lie and fraudulent.
Later it was also discovered, that Mr. Ulysses Prifti as authorized representative of JUDr. Feti Broqi, has signed a separate secret agreement with the Ottoman Group, with double-sided commission.
Mr. Prifti lied, said the implementer has the funds, and SKR will be used only as collateral.
The entire time you have promised the realization of PPP transactions. But essentially you tried to use SKR document for obtaining a credit line without the permission of Mr. Feti Broqi.
Mr. Feti Broqi discovered the truth and sent a letter to the bank, and cancelled your line of credit. Letter sent on May .09.2013, you have the copy.
You said that you did not accomplish the job. I simply doubt this.....
You have made a great harm to JUDr. Feti Broqi, about 2 million USD .
He asked you that you participate in the payment of damages.
Mr. Moye and Mr. My Ullysses Prifti, as old experienced fraudsters, react after one year by sending fictitious invoice of $ 4,900.
And over the Internet spread their lies to the public that JUDr. Feti Broqi has not paid the invoice.
Mr. Moye and Mr. Ullyses Prifti are doing it intentionally in order to discredit and blackmail JUDr. Feti Broqi.
The question is, if Mr. Feti Broqi has owed you something, why did you not take legal actions against him.
The answer is simple, Mr. Moye and Mr. Prifti, you've had one goal you wanted to compromise and damaged JUDr. Feti Broqi, and Hoylande.
You have fabricated all this in order to pressure JUDr. Feti Broqi not to demand compensation from you. Mr. Moye and Mr. Prifti, you owe 2 million USD. You have to pay Mr. Feti Broqi, you have to pay for the damages you have caused.
Mr. Terry Moye, what you are doing with JUDr. Feti Broqi is blackmail, crime.
This should solve the American authorities.
Mr. Feti Broqi, is a decent man, he will not engage in debate with you.
But I'll file a lawsuit against you because of your lies, manipulations, because you
Mr. Moye, have damaged the good name of the company Hoylande and JUDr. Feti Broqi.
Hoylande – Eva,
Mr.Terry Moya, not telling the truth,
Mr.Terry Moya, not telling the truth, he is an experienced
manipulator and extortionists .
I know Mr. Moye, I not trust him.
Hoylande a.s. Prague is a very good company, the fair,
I, very responsibly say, with JUDr. Feti Broqi, Hoylande everyone can agree .
Mr. Terry Moye, not telling the truth, it is manipulated thing, which aims to insults and damaged JUDr. Broqi Feti , or maybe it's totally misunderstanding.
JUDr. Feti Broqi not tolerate blackmail. With it you can arrange anything, if you behave correctly.
I very responsibly say, with JUDr. Feti Broqi, Hoylande everyone can agree .
JUDr. Feti Broqi perform its obligations on time and generates large businesses.
JUDr. Feti Broqi a humane man and gives assistance in various aspects of humanitarian institutions.
Eva P.
JUUDr. Feti Broqi is a very professional and fair gentleman
Company Hoylande a.s. Prague is a very good company, the fair, which performs very serious scientific confidential transactions. It is a company in which you are entrusted.
JUDr. Feti Broqi is a very professional man and fair gentleman who has extensive experience in the international Square.
Roman Svoboda